Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1399 A new legend is added

Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village, by the river.

The scene was full of people, and the seven sacred beasts that protected the village appeared at the same time, which brought a huge shocking effect, making every visitor at the scene excited and excited like never before.

They tried their best to express their feelings at this moment in words.

But they found that no matter how they organized their language and what words they used, they could not accurately express their true inner feelings.

At this moment, they only regret that their vocabulary is so lacking that they cannot accurately share their true feelings at this time with others.

Then I thought, maybe this is not because they lack vocabulary, but because all the vocabulary they have now cannot accurately describe their inner feelings at this time.

Maybe they need to reinvent some new words, or so they think.

Not long after, the news that the seven sacred beasts protecting the village of Sansheng Village appeared at the same time to pay New Year greetings spread to the Internet.

Then, it spread throughout the entire network at an extremely fast speed, and countless people screamed in surprise.

"Oh my God! This can't be true, right? The seven sacred beasts that protect the village appear at the same time. How is this possible?"

"Yes, it is indeed impossible. Seeing one sacred beast protecting the village appear requires a lot of luck and opportunity. What's more, it is absolutely impossible for seven sacred beasts to protect the village to appear at the same time."

"This statement is too exaggerated. You said that two sacred beasts protecting the village appeared at the same time. I would still believe that seven of them appeared at the same time. How is this possible?"


At the beginning, no one believed it. The appearance of the seven sacred beasts protecting the village at the same time was indeed unbelievable.

However, more and more voicing voices emerged later.

"Hey! You don't believe it? This is normal. If it were me, I wouldn't believe it either. But it's true. I'm at the scene right now. All the tourists there are so excited that they forget everything. The scene just now is the only one in my life. one sight."

"Shocked! It's so shocking. In fact, the word 'shocked' is not enough to express my inner feelings at this time. However, apart from these two words, I really can't find any other more accurate adjective." , it seems that our Chinese vocabulary needs to continue to increase.”

"The seven sacred beasts that protect the village are located in seven different directions.

That scene is really difficult to describe with adjectives. Among them, the four divine beasts, Dalong, Huben, Xiaotian and Xuanba, are located in the four directions of east, west, south and north respectively. They are simply the four legendary beasts. The four great beasts appear at the same time, and you stand in the middle of the four great beasts. How will you feel? You can never imagine it in your life. "

"Today's trip to Sansheng Village was too fantasy and ethereal, too unreal. But everything is real, hahaha! It's so magical."


There are more and more voices that are swearing and speaking in a decent way, causing countless people on the Internet who would never believe it to take a breath.

Is it true? The seven sacred beasts protecting the village really appeared at the same time?

How is this possible?

Some people still didn't believe it, but some people believed it a little, and then they felt a burst of regret and regret. Why didn't they choose to visit Sansheng Village today?

Regardless of whether everyone believes it or not, from now on, there is another legend about Sansheng Village and Xianyuan Farm, the legend that the seven sacred beasts that protect the farm appear at the same time to pay New Year greetings.

Two days later.

The incident of the simultaneous appearance of the seven sacred beasts protecting the village has passed, but related legends have been circulating in the village and on the Internet.

Moreover, it is destined to continue to be passed down.

Alves, Jared, Ryan, Cleo, and Edward were still guests in the village. They came from such a far away place, so naturally they had to stay for a while.

However, Li Fan did not accompany a few people these two days, but concentrated on preparing the work at home.

Now that all preparations have been completed, Li Fan sent the manuscript to Ye Honghui of Chongwen Publishing House via email.

After Ye Honghui received Li Fan's email, he was pleasantly surprised. He did not expect that Li Fan would send the manuscript so quickly.

This time, Li Fan still plans to cooperate with Chongwen Publishing House.

Li Fan was very satisfied with the two previous cooperations with Chongwen Publishing House. If so, he would continue to cooperate this time.

Chongwen Publishing House was even more surprised when they heard that Li Fan was willing to cooperate with them again, because Li Fan's works have the word "best-selling", and their publishing house can make a lot of money this time.

Although everyone's expectations for Li Fan's children's popular science enlightenment book have been lowered due to the influence of the last Weibo revelations by children's education experts, Li Honghu still firmly believes that this will definitely be another popular science book. Extremely best-selling work.

According to Li Fan's request, Chongwen Publishing House needs to publish a trial volume first, and then submit it to the Ministry of Education for review. After passing the review, it can be printed in large quantities and officially launched on the market.

In this regard, Ye Honghui did not dare to neglect, and personally supervised and printed a trial copy as quickly as possible.

On February 10, the trial copy was in the hands of Wang Xuejun, the Ministry of Education.

Wang Xuejun looked at the book in his hand, his eyes getting brighter and brighter. There were all kinds of interesting and vivid cartoon patterns in the book, coupled with the simple, clear and neat questions and answers. The combination of the two seemed to be able to produce a special attraction. force.

Didn't see the test copy

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Before, Wang Xuejun simply trusted Li Fan. He didn't think that the simple form of question and answer would be very attractive.

But now, Wang Xuejun can clearly feel that simple questions and answers seem to be the most perfect way of expression. If you express too much, you will fall behind.

Moreover, the situation that Liang Guozhong, Chi Yang and others were worried about would put the cart before the horse will definitely not happen.

Because, Wang Xuejun found that the popular science knowledge with questions and answers is the main body in the book. Those interesting and vivid cartoon images, although very eye-catching, are serving the popular science question and answer knowledge and are secondary. , and will not overwhelm the guest.

Moreover, you have to combine the popular science knowledge with the cartoon patterns to see the cartoon patterns even more interesting.

If you just look at cartoon patterns, the fun will be much reduced.

This is obviously the reason why popular science knowledge is the main body and cartoon patterns are the secondary body.

This point was originally very difficult to control, and might put the cart before the horse, but Li Fan controlled it perfectly.

The more Wang Xuejun watched, the more he felt, and the more he watched, the more excited he became, and even he became quite interested.

Moreover, he really didn't know much about some of the scientific knowledge. After reading it, he felt like he suddenly realized it.

After roughly flipping through the test book in his hand, Wang Xuejun laughed. His choice to absolutely believe in Li Fan was indeed a very correct decision.

Li Fan really wouldn't let him down.

After that, Wang Xuejun found experts in related fields and carefully reviewed all the scientific knowledge in it.

No problem.

Later, Wang Xuejun informed Li Fan and Ye Honghui of Chongwen Publishing House of the review results, and determined the official release time with them.

Officially released on February 14th.

I recommend a book by a friend. The writing style and rhythm are excellent, and the story is fresh. The author is an old author. The updates are stable and never censorship. Friends who like it can collect it.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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