Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1412 Finally chose to return

Remember in one second【】

I thought that those guys who said they would never come back would miss such a classic work, and all the martial arts fans felt very sorry for them.

Then I thought about the last time they were ungrateful, and I groaned in my heart. I thought it would be best for them not to come back, and I became angry when I thought about them.

Then, I stopped caring about them.

The content of this serial is so important and exciting. Martial arts fans have so many feelings and thoughts that they want to share with others, so how can they care about those guys?

On the Internet, countless martial arts fans were excited and shared their mood and feelings at this moment.

"Today's serialization of these chapters is really exciting. It can be said that it is the most exciting time I have ever read a martial arts novel."

"Yeah, I was so excited, or moved, that I got wet several times. Through these chapters, Gu Yongda has brought martial arts novels to a new level. It's really exciting to see Gu Yongda's martial arts novels. It’s our greatest luck.”

"Not only is it our greatest luck? It should be said to be the greatest luck in the entire martial arts novel world."

"Those who serve the country and the people are great heroes. When I think of these eight words, I feel that my blood is boiling and my whole body is full of strength. This is the true hero, a hero who stands upright and is worthy of heaven and earth."

"After seeing these eight words, I finally realized what it means to be like thunder piercing the ears, well, it should be called like thunder piercing the eyes."

"Guo Jing's martial arts should be considered the best in the world now. I wonder if he will be better than Zhou Botong?"

"It should be stronger. After all, Guo Jing can also fight with each other, and he is in his prime. Now let's see how far Yang Guo's martial arts can grow in the future."

"Under the influence of Guo Jing, Yang Guo finally gained a new life. From then on, Yang Guo is more anticipated than before. I believe that Yang Guo will definitely become a great chivalrous man like Guo Jing."

"We used to just hope that Yang Guo and Xiao Longnv would live together and make their way in the world, but now we know that Yang Guo has a more important and sacred mission. Yang Guo has grown, and we have grown together."

"From now on, I don't think anyone will look down on martial arts novels? Feel proud, truly proud."


Countless martial arts fans are excited and excited,

The atmosphere on the Internet has remained high.

But at this time, those readers who said they would never come back last time are now suffering a lot.

They know that today is the time for the new issue to be released, but since they have decided never to return, they naturally will not buy it.

They also warned themselves to be calm and not think about it. If it is released today, what does it have to do with me?

Throughout the whole morning, they were indeed relatively calm, with almost nothing to think about. Even if they occasionally thought about it, they would quickly suppress it, and they did not go online to check what was going on on the Internet.

However, as soon as noon passed, they gradually lost their composure and had more and more thoughts in their minds.

This whole morning has passed, and many people must have read this series. I wonder if it is exciting or not?

According to Gu Yong's last reply to those guys, there seems to be something very explosive in this issue. I don't know if it is true?

I wonder if anyone is discussing the content of this issue on the Internet now? Probably not. Just like the last issue, those guys still want to use this method to force us to return.

cut! The more you force us, the less we will return.

How about taking a look on the Internet? Anyway, those guys won’t discuss the content of this serial.

Well, let's go take a look and see if those guys are planning something wrong this time?

Yes, we are not going to see if there is any discussion on the content of this issue, but to see if those guys have made any mistakes again?

A lot of guys have found a reason to take a look on the Internet.

As for whether they really think so? Only they themselves know.

So, they came to the Internet.

Um? The discussion about the content of this issue seems to be very popular?

snort! Has the approach changed this time? Do you want to create the content of this serial, a very exciting phenomenon, to tempt us to return?

cut! Low-level, how could we be fooled?

This is what they think now.

However, as soon as this thought came to an end, their heads buzzed and exploded.

They saw eight words: Serve the country and the people, be a great hero!

"For...the country...and...the people, a chivalrous...great...?" I have no novel background, I have not seen the scene where Guo Jing dedicated himself to Xiangyang City and died, and I have not seen these eight Before the words, what Guo Jing said to Yang Guo, just these eight words alone, already made their heads explode.

They looked at these eight words blankly and murmured in their mouths. After a while, they finally came back to their senses.

Afterwards, there was a strange color in their eyes, their hearts were pounding, and they couldn't wait to read the discussion among martial arts fans about today's serialized content.

As for what they thought before, they came to the Internet definitely not to watch today's serialized content, and they have long since stopped caring about it.

It doesn't matter if you take a look. Those guys don't know anyway. As long as you don't buy it, it doesn't count as a return.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

This is what they think now.

However, the more they watched, the faster their hearts beat, and the more they watched, the more excited they became. There were too many things discussed by martial arts fans that made them unable to calm down.

At this time, many celebrities expressed their inner feelings after reading this serial on their personal Weibo.

Liang Sheng, a famous martial arts writer in Xiangjiang, who rarely speaks out on Weibo, wrote: "The great chivalrous man who served the country and the people, I still feel my heart surge when I think about it now. I would like to thank Mr. Gu Yong for once again providing the height of martial arts novels to the world." . It’s a great blessing to have Mr. Gu Yong in martial arts novels.”

Yang Qiming of the Times Literature Award Office wrote: "I was worried that Mr. Gu Yong would make a wrong decision if he chose to continue writing. Now, Mr. Gu Yong tells us that it is a sublimation and a perfection of Guo Jing's image as a great hero. Everything is so perfect and natural.”

Li Bo from the Times Literature Award Office wrote: "Guo Jing is a great chivalrous man, and Guo Jing is Yang Guo's life mentor. There is no doubt that Yang Guo will eventually become a great chivalrous man. Now, let us look forward to it together!"

In addition, famous martial arts masters such as Luoye Silent, Dali Bisha, Wolong, Sima, Jian Yishen, and Dawuxia editor-in-chief Wang Yang and others expressed their opinions on Weibo.

After that, relevant reports from major media outlets kept popping up like mushrooms after a rain.

"'For the country and the people, the greatest chivalrous person', Gu Yong used Guo Jing's words to shout the strongest voice in martial arts novels!"

"Martial arts novels have reached a new level. Looking at the family, country and the world, and caring about the people, only the real heroes are great!"


For those who say they will never return, look at the discussions among martial arts fans on the Internet, look at the Weibo posts of many celebrities, and look at the reports in major media.

I feel that the blood in my body is getting more and more boiling, and my desire to see what is serialized today is getting stronger and stronger.

Their minds are filled with all the fragments of content that were serialized today, and their desire to connect those fragments into one piece is becoming more and more urgent.

More and more urgent...

Finally, they ran to a nearby bookstore or newsstand.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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