Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1419 Still unfinished

Remember in one second【】

The story continues, and all the book fans are completely immersed in it.

King Zhou finally canceled his intention to recruit beauties from all over the world under the hard persuasion of many important ministers.

Then, in the fourth month of the eighth year of King Zhou.

The four major princes in the world, Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu, Nanbohou E Chongyu, Xibohou Jichang, and Beibohou Chonghou Hu, led the rest of the princes to the court to pay homage to King Zhou.

At that time, Wen Zhong Taishi was not in the court during the Northern Expedition, and Fei Zhong and You Hun, two favorite ministers of King Zhou, were in charge of the government.

The princes from all walks of life knew that Fei Zhong and Youhun were deeply favored by the emperor, so they all sent gifts and bribes to them.

Only the Hou Suhu of Jizhou, who was born with a nature like blazing fire, was upright and upright, did not give gifts to the two of them.

When the two of them saw that Jizhou Hou Suhu was not the only one in the gift list, they couldn't help but feel angry and resentful.

After the princes from all walks of life had finished their interviews, Fei Zhong made a speech to King Zhou, saying that Jizhou Hou Suhu had a daughter named Su Daji.

King Zhou was overjoyed when he heard this. He immediately proclaimed Jizhou Hou Suhu to the palace and said that he wanted to elect his daughter Su Daji to the palace. He asked Su Hu what his wishes were.

Su Hu heard this and advised King Zhou that if you cultivate virtue and work diligently, all the people will be happy, the scenery of the world will follow, and the heaven will last forever. He was unwilling to send his daughter to the palace.

King Zhou insisted on recruiting Su Daji into the palace, but Su Hu repeatedly advised her. Finally, King Zhou became furious and ordered Su Hu to send his daughter to Chaoge.

After Su Hu left the palace, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Finally, he left a poem that read, "The king breaks the rules of his ministers and defeats the five permanent members. Su Hu of Jizhou will never go to the Shang Dynasty." After that, he wrote a song of court and returned to Jizhou.

After King Zhou heard that Su Hu had rebelled against Chaoge, he couldn't help but became furious and ordered Xibohou Jichang and Beibohou Chonghou Hu to send troops to attack Jizhou.

Beibei Hou Chonghou Hu led his troops to camp outside Jizhou City, preparing to attack Jizhou City.

Seeing that the war is about to begin, regardless of the victory or defeat of both sides, the people of Jizhou City will suffer misfortune.

Xibo Hou Jichang couldn't bear the suffering of the people, so he went to Jizhou City to persuade Su Hu, saying that if Su Hu did not send his children to Chaoge, not only would his family's lives be in danger, but the people of the entire Jizhou City would be brought to ruin, and Su Da had already entered the palace. After that, he can assist and advise King Zhou to be diligent in government affairs and so on.


Under Ji Chang's persuasion, Su Hu finally agreed to send his daughter Su Daji to Chaoge.

As for the fact that Su Hu was about to send his daughter to Chaoge, the three demons who were ordered by Nuwa learned that one of them, the thousand-year-old vixen, had a change of heart and already had an idea.

While Su was escorting her daughter to Chaoge, the fox spirit possessed Su Daji unknowingly.

In this way, the knowledgeable, beautiful and skilled Su Daji turned into a thousand-year-old vixen who has charmed all living beings.

After King Zhou entered Daji's palace, he had banquets in the court and had fun every night. The government affairs fell into disarray, and the chapters and memorials were mixed up. The ministers issued admonishments, which King Zhou regarded as child's play.

King Zhou was in desolation day and night, unaware that time was fleeting and the years were passing by. He had not held a court for two years, and only had fun with Daji in the Shouxian Palace.

The memorials from the eight hundred princes in the world were sent to Chaoge, but King Zhou did not review them, so the memorials piled up like a mountain.

The princes from all walks of life wanted to see King Zhou but were unable to do so, and the world was showing signs of imminent chaos.

At this time, the Chanjiao Yuanshi Tianzun, the Jiejiao Tongtian leader, and the disciples of the two sects were holding a centenary conference of immortals.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master talked about the appearance of demons in Chaoge City, and decided to send a capable disciple to Chaoge to subdue the demons.

Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to send Jiang Ziya there, but Jiang Ziya had a junior brother named Shen Gongbao who wanted to enjoy the glory and wealth in the world, so he tried his best to recommend himself to Chaoge.

But Yuanshi Tianzun knew that Shen Gongbao had evil intentions, and finally sent Jiang Ziya to Chaoge.

Jiang Ziya left Kunlun Mountain and came to Chaoge to ask for an audience with King Zhou.

After Jiang Ziya saw King Zhou, he only bowed his head and saluted, which made King Zhou feel unhappy. He thought to himself: "Is it the king's minister who is leading his troops? Although you are outside the country, you are also within my territory. Why are you so helpless?" present?"

So he asked Jiang Ziya: "Where does the Taoist come from?"

Jiang Ziya replied: "The poor way comes from the clouds and water."

King Zhou asked again: "What is Yunshui?"

Jiang Ziya replied: "The heart is like white clouds, always at ease, and the mind is like flowing water, letting things go."

King Zhou was actually very smart and asked again: "When the clouds disperse and the water dries up, where will you go?"

Jiang Ziya replied: "The bright moon is gone and the bright pearl appears in the sky."

When King Zhou heard this, he turned from anger to joy, and treated Jiang Ziya with courtesy.

Then, Jiang Ziya said that there was an evil spirit in the palace, and gave him a wooden sword as a gift, asking King Zhou to hang the wooden sword on the upper floor of the branch palace, and it would come true within three days.

Afterwards, Jiang Ziya left.

At this point, today’s serialization ends.

It is worth noting that in the original novel, it was not Jiang Ziya who went to Chaoge to present a sword to King Zhou, but Yun Zhongzi, the immortal from Mount Zhongnan.

Later, Daji was frightened by the sword given by Yun Zhongzi. King Zhou saw that the wooden sword had frightened Daji, so he panicked and ordered people to burn the wooden sword.

When Yun Zhongzi saw that his wooden sword was burned, he sighed: "I just want to use this sword to suppress the demonic atmosphere and extend the Tang Dynasty a little. Who knows that most of them are gone and my sword is burned. One is Cheng Tang." Tanghe is destroyed, the second is the rise of the Zhou Dynasty, the third is that the immortals suffer a great disaster, the fourth is that Jiang Zijia is receiving wealth and honor in the world, and the fifth is that the gods want to seek titles. Twenty-four words to test future generations."

Therefore, Yun Zhongzi stayed, "The demonic atmosphere confuses the palace, and the holy virtues are spread in the Western Land. You must know that blood stains the court song, and the Wuwu year is the year of Jiazi."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After these twenty-four words, I returned to Zhongnan Mountain.

Here, Li Fan changes his role to Jiang Ziya to present the sword to King Zhou, which is a reference to the relevant plot of Fu Yiwei's TV series in his previous life.

The reason for this change is that Jiang Ziya did exist in real history and was quite famous. This way, he can be brought into the attention of readers as early as possible.

Moreover, Jiang Ziya is undoubtedly a very important role in this work. Giving him the scene of presenting the sword even more shows the importance of Jiang Ziya.

Today is the first day of serialization. Li Fan has updated a total of six chapters, with a lot of content, and the book fans are very happy to read it.

However, no matter how much content there is, there is still a time to finish it. Even if you feel it is enjoyable while watching it, you will still be quite unsatisfied after watching it. Why is it suddenly gone?

Now, this is how all book fans feel. Just when they are enjoying reading, they suddenly disappear.

After Jiang Ziya left, did the wooden sword restrain Daji? In other words, have you restrained the thousand-year-old vixen?

Don’t finish the plot before ending it. Isn’t this exciting?

A lot of book fans want to complain about it.

However, thinking that there is enough content in today's serialization, and it is very exciting, many book fans really can't complain.

That’s all, it’s a Weibo serial anyway, and you’ll know the rest of the plot tomorrow, so there’s no rush now.

Now, let’s digest it carefully. The content updated today is the most important.

After thinking about it, many book fans realized that the content was really rich.

On the Internet, discussions have already started.

"Empress Nuwa appeared at the beginning of the chapter, which really opened my eyes!"

"King Zhou actually had unreasonable thoughts about Empress Nuwa. This is really inappropriate. It's no wonder that the Yin Shang Dynasty was at the end of its tether when it fell into his hands."

"As the saying goes, everything that flourishes must eventually decline. The Yin Shang Dynasty has been prosperous for more than six hundred years, and it has indeed reached its decline. "

"Hehe! Empress Nuwa ordered three demons to enter the palace to confuse King Zhou. Although she did it according to the will of God, it seems to have become the driving force behind the demise of the Yin and Shang Dynasties."

"I don't think we should say this. Empress Nuwa calculated that the Yin Shang Dynasty was about to be exhausted, and the new Holy Lord was born in Zhou Dynasty. This is the number of days and cannot be changed. In this case, Nuwa ordered the three demons to help King Wu defeat Zhou. It is also a good thing to let King Wu establish the Zhou Dynasty as soon as possible to shorten the period of war and make the people of the world less suffer from war. "

"Okay, that's right."

"By the way, then Xibo Hou Jichang should be King Wen of Zhou in history, that is, King Wu Jifa and his father."

"Well, yes, it is King Wen of Zhou, but his title of 'King Wen' was given to him by King Wu Jifa after he destroyed the Shang Dynasty and established the Zhou Dynasty."

"Ji Chang is the founder of the Zhou Dynasty and a wise king in the history of China."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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