Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1421 Lei Zhenzi saves his father

Remember in one second【】

For a few days, at least six chapters will be updated at 10 a.m. every day.

A large number of updates make all book fans extremely surprised and excited.

What excites them even more is that the content is really too exciting.

Especially the story about Lei Zhenzi and Nezha is extremely exciting.

However, while it is exciting, some plots can't help but make people sigh.

For example, after Daji came back from the dead with the wooden sword given by Jiang Ziya, he invented a vicious torture instrument called "Paolao".

King Zhou ignored the requests of his ministers and insisted on punishing Mei Bo, who was outspoken and accepting remonstrances, to death by cannon.

The reason why Daji came back from the dead was because Shen Gongbao suddenly appeared, destroyed the wooden sword and saved Daji.

For another example, the dignified and virtuous Queen Jiang was framed by Daji and Fei Zhong. First, she had an eyeball gouged out, and finally she was tortured and died tragically.

These plots made many book fans sigh.

They did not blame Li Fan for being cruel, because they knew that King Zhou was known for his cruelty in history, and the tragic deaths of Uncle Mei and Queen Jiang were actually in line with history.

Although this is a mythical novel, since it is based on the historical background of the Shang-Zhou conflict, such historical reality issues cannot be circumvented after all.

Real historical events are sometimes so cruel that there is no other way but to accept them.

Fortunately, this is a mythical novel after all. In addition to the reenactments of these cruel historical events, there are also more wonderful stories that make people excited and exciting.

For example, the story about Lei Zhenzi.

Queen Jiang was the daughter of Dong Bohou Jiang Huanchu. King Zhou was afraid that Jiang Huanchu would contact various princes to rebel after learning about the tragic death of Queen Jiang.

So, listening to Daji's words, he ordered the two most powerful princes, Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu and Xibohou Jichang, to be recruited into Chaoge, preparing to strike first and find a way to kill Jiang Huanchu and Ji Chang.

On the way to Chaoge, when Ji Chang arrived at a place, the originally sunny and clear sky was suddenly filled with thunder and heavy rain.

Wait for the thunder to stop and the rain to stop,

After the sky cleared, Ji Chang, who was good at astrology and divination, told Fuxi: "When thunder passes, a general star will appear. Go and help me find the general star."

Everyone under my command is confused and don’t know where to look?

At this time, a child's cry was heard. The men looked for the cry and found a baby boy next to an ancient tomb.

Everyone under his command was thinking, "Could this baby boy be the general the Marquis mentioned?"

So, everyone under his command took the baby boy to Ji Chang. Ji Chang took the baby boy and saw that his face was like peach pistils and his eyes were radiant.

Ji Chang couldn't help being overjoyed and thought to himself: "I am destined to have a hundred sons. Now I have ninety-nine sons, one more to go. Now that I have this baby boy, it is a sign of a hundred sons. God's will, God's will!"

And just after Ji Chang recognized the baby boy, a person came in the clouds.

The Taoist said that he was Yun Zhongzi, a qigong master from Yuzhu Cave in Zhongnan Mountain. Just now after the rain and thunder, the general star appeared. He was looking for the general star.

Now, Jiang Xing has been adopted by Ji Chang as his adopted son. He is willing to accept him as his disciple and let him follow Ji Chang when the time is right.

When Ji Chang saw that Yun Zhongzi was interested, he said, "It's okay for the Taoist to take him with me, but we will meet again after a long time. How can we prove it?"

Yun Zhongzi said that this son had appeared in Lei Guo, so he named him "Lei Zhenzi", and the name would be used as a certificate in the future.

In this way, Lei Zhenzi, who was still a baby, was taken to Zhongnan Mountain by Yun Zhongzi to learn skills.

After that, Ji Chang arrived at Chaoge. King Zhou wanted to kill Ji Chang, but due to some changes, he was unable to kill Ji Chang.

Finally, he found a reason to imprison Ji Chang in Chaoge so that he could not return to Xiqi.

Just after Ji Chang was imprisoned in Chaoge for seven years, his eldest son Ji Kao missed his father and decided to entrust all the affairs of Xiqi to his younger brother Ji Fa. He took several precious treasures to Chaoge, hoping to The treasure is exchanged for the safe return of his father.

Ji Kao is the eldest son of Ji Chang, and is also called Boyikao. "Bo" is his ranking. "Yi" is said to indicate his identity as the heir apparent, and to hold the official position of "Yi".

Boyikao went to Chaoge, originally hoping to exchange the treasure for the freedom of his father Ji Chang, but he was attracted by Daji and wanted to have sex with him.

Boyikao was unmoved, and Daji became angry and complained to King Zhou that Boyikao wanted to do something inappropriate to her.

King Zhou was furious and ordered Boyikao to be killed and minced into minced meat.

Then, Daji came up with another idea, saying that Ji Chang claimed to be a Fuxi Bagua master and was good at astrology and divination. Why not make meat cakes from Boyikao and give them to him?

See if he can figure out that it is the meat of his son Boyikao?

If Ji Chang eats it, it proves that he has a false reputation. If he doesn't eat it, it will be an excuse to kill him.

King Zhou was overjoyed and ordered him to go down and do it.

When the meat patties made from Boyikao's meat were delivered to Ji Chang, poor Ji Chang knew clearly that it was his son's meat, but he had to pretend to be indifferent and eat it with joy. After eating it, I felt grateful to King Zhou in the end.

Seeing such a plot, all the book fans couldn't help but tremble slightly and felt very nauseated.

Nimei! This plot is not a re-enactment of historical events, right? Fortunately, Li Fan could figure it out.

Everyone finally complained about Li Fan.

Fortunately, everyone knows that this is a work of myth. Thinking that Boyikao may have another fate, I feel a little better.

^0^ Remember in one second【】


Then, Ji Chang found an opportunity to escape from Chaoge.

King Zhou learned that Ji Chang had escaped and sent troops to pursue him.

At this time, Lei Zhenzi, Ji Chang's 100th adopted son, was seven years old and was studying with his master Yun Zhongzi in Zhongnan Mountain thousands of miles away.

Yun Zhongzi figured out that Jichang was in trouble, so he told Lei Zhenzi that his father, Xibohou Jichang, was in trouble at Lintong Pass today, and asked Lei Zhenzi to go find a weapon at the foot of Huer Cliff. After he taught him the art of war, he could go to the rescue. Ji Chang.

While looking for weapons, Lei Zhenzi found two fragrant red apricots and ate one.

After Lei Zhenzi ate red apricots, his body suddenly changed. His nose became taller, his face was like indigo, his hair was like cinnabar, his eyes were bulging, his teeth were protruding from his lips, and his body suddenly grew to more than two feet tall.

What's even more weird is that there are two wings growing out from its back, trailing on the ground.

Lei Zhenzi panicked and hurriedly went to find his master. Yun Zhongzi laughed when he saw it. He turned Lei Zhenzi's left wing into a "wind wing" and his right wing into a "thunder wing", so that he could help Lei Zhenzi to be free. Take off.

Later, Yun Zhongzi passed a golden stick to Lei Zhenzi as a weapon, and asked him to go to Lintong Pass to rescue Ji Chang immediately.

With the help of his wind and thunder wings, Lei Zhenzi flew to Lintong Pass thousands of miles away in an instant, and he saw Ji Chang being chased by soldiers sent by King Zhou.

Lei Zhenzi first recognized Ji Chang and his son, and then showed some magical powers, frightening the pursuers into fleeing without a fight.

After that, Lei Zhenzi escorted his father Ji Chang out of the five passes. After arriving at the boundary of Xiqi, he said goodbye to his father and returned to Zhongnan Mountain.

...small farmer big star

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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