Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1425 So good

Nezha's character paintings were circulated on the Internet, and fans of Fengshen Yanyi were surprised and excited.

But the people who saw Nezha's character paintings on the Internet were far more than fans of Fengshen Romance.

There are many more people who have not watched The Romance of the Gods and have also seen this painting.

After all, a painting that is so cool, handsome, and heroic can spread very quickly on the Internet.

And those who have not watched Fengshen Yanyi, after seeing this figure painting, all clicked their tongues.

"Oh no! Who is this painting? He looks very cool and handsome!"

"It does feel very cool, and the imagination is very bold. Look, your feet are on two wheels, and you seem to be able to fly with the help of these two wheels. The red damask wrapped around your waist looks very elegant. , and this gun and this collar, they all look very interesting, who painted this?"

"Two questions, who painted this? Who painted it?"

"It's terrible to be uneducated. The names of Wheels and Red Ribbons are really tacky. Let me tell you, these are called Hot Wheels, Huntian Ling, Qiankun Circle and Fire Pointed Spear. You should read more books."

"Hot Fire Wheel, Hun Tian Ling, Qian Kun Circle, Fire Spear? Oh my! This name is also very cool and handsome!"

"I admit that I don't know much about reading, so tell me who this is?"

"Haha! Let me tell you, this is called Nezha. He is a character in Mr. Li Fan's Romance of the Gods. His story is absolutely bizarre and full of twists and turns. You can go and see it for yourselves. This cannot be explained in a few words. It’s clear. By the way, this painting was painted by Mr. Li Fan himself.”

"I know Mr. Li Fan's latest mythological work Fengshen Yanyi, but I haven't read it. I didn't expect there to be such cool and handsome characters in it. It seems I have to go and take a look."


Although many people have not watched Fengshen Yanyi, they definitely know this work.

The influence of Li Fan's new book is definitely extraordinary. Even people who don't like to read it definitely know the name of Li Fan's new book.

Now that they heard that such a handsome and handsome character was from Li Fan's new book Fengshen Yanyi, they were immediately relieved.

Let's just say, only Li Fan can create such cool and handsome characters and outline such cool and handsome equipment.

Then, some people who didn’t originally plan to watch Fengshen Yanyi clicked on this one.

Of course, most people are still not ready to watch it. They don't like to watch it. Obviously, they won't change their interests and hobbies just because of a character.

However, they firmly remembered Nezha's name and Nezha's character, and were looking forward to the film and television version.

By then, they can see the cool and handsome Nezha on the screen.

They are very much looking forward to it, and at the same time they are very sure that The Romance of the Gods will definitely be made into a film and TV show.

How could such an influential work by Mr. Li Fan not be adapted into a film and TV show?

Of course, fans of Fengshen Yanyi are also looking forward to the movie version of Fengshen Yanyi.

Although the original work is very exciting, the visual sense after being adapted into a film will undoubtedly be even more intense.

They enjoyed both these feelings very much.


Shen Cong and Cen Geng were equally delighted to see Nezha's popularity.

In this way, the role played by Fengshenyanyi in promoting the culture of myths and legends will be much better than they previously expected.

They had never thought that Li Fan would create such a successful and classic character like Nezha.

The character of Nezha is undoubtedly accompanied by many mythological attributes. In a sense, Nezha is the spokesperson of mythological and legendary culture.

The greater his influence, the wider and deeper the spread of myths, legends and culture will be.

This is exactly what Shen Cong and Cen Geng desperately want to see.

Moreover, Nezha is not the only popular character. Lei Zhenzi was also very popular before. As the series of Fengshen Romance continues, Shen Cong and Cen Geng believe that,

There will definitely be more popular characters appearing.

It can be said that Fengshen Yanyi brings more and more surprises to the two of them.

In addition, in addition to its role in promoting the culture of myths and legends, its role in popularizing historical knowledge also delighted Shen Cong, Cen Geng, and other related celebrities.

For example, Jiang Ziya "fished" for Ji Chang on the banks of the Weishui River.

Jiang Ziya came to Xiqi, ready to assist Ji Chang in completing his great cause, but instead of recommending himself to Ji Chang, he came to the Weishui River to fish.

Moreover, he fished in a very strange way, using a straight hook and no bait.

A woodcutter named Wuji came to the river and saw Jiang Ziya fishing like this. He laughed at Jiang Ziya and said that Jiang Ziya didn't even know how to catch fish. If he fished like this, he would not be able to catch a single fish even if he fished for a hundred years.

Jiang Ziya said with a smile: "It is not a man's business to catch fish from the song. I would rather take it from the straight line than to ask for it from the song. I don't fish in the water, but only the king and the prince."

Later, Jiang Ziya really "caught" Jichang, King Wen of Zhou Dynasty. Jichang fasted for three days, bathed and dressed, carried the betrothal gift, and went to the Wei River in person to recruit Jiang Ziya and make him prime minister.

Regarding this story, many book fans thought it was Li Fan's fiction. However, after being reminded by others, they learned that it turned out that this story was not Li Fan's fiction, but was recorded in historical books.

In real history, there is indeed such a story. The so-called "Jiang Taigong fishes, and those who wish to take the bait" come from this.

However, Jiang Ziya in history was not the disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun.

There are many stories similar to this in the works.

These stories can undoubtedly help those who do not know the relevant history to understand the relevant historical knowledge.

Shen Cong, Cen Geng, and other related celebrities had already expected this, and now it turns out that it is indeed the case.

For them, the impact of Fengshen Yanyi can be described as constant surprises.

Sansheng Village.

After posting the portrait of Nezha on Weibo, Li Fan left the room with Qin Yulin and Tang Ying.

When he walked into the courtyard, he was stopped by Qin Lie.

Qin Lie said: "Characters like Lei Zhenzi and Nezha are very good. Especially Nezha, it is indeed very successful. Will there be such characters in the future?"

Li Fan smiled and said: "Yes, for example, there are Yang Jian, Tu Xingsun, etc., who will be very brilliant. Grandpa can look forward to it."

Qin Lie gave a rare nod and smiled: "That's great!"

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