Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1426 Yang Jian

Remember in one second【】

The daily update volume of "Feng Shen Yan Yi" is still very large, and all the book fans are hooked.

What makes them even more excited is that after Lei Zhenzi and Nezha, new characters continue to appear.

Such as Yang Jian.

When Yang Jian appeared on the scene, King Wu's army led by Jiang Ziya was fighting with the Yin and Shang army of Wen Taishuai.

After hearing that the Grand Master invited four generals from the Demon Family to help, Jiang Ziya's King Wu's army suffered a major defeat.

After that, Jiang Ziya stuck to Xiqi City and did not dare to move without permission, so he put up the "war-free card".

One day, Jiang Ziya was in the Prime Minister's Mansion, discussing military affairs with the generals. Suddenly someone came to tell him that a Taoist wanted to see him.

Jiang Ziya asked someone to invite the Taoist in.

After the Taoist came in, he was seen wearing a cloud crown on his head, water-resistant clothes, a silk ribbon around his waist, and hemp shoes on his feet.

The Taoist worshiped Jiang Ziya and called him "Uncle Master".

Jiang Ziya asked his name, and the Taoist replied: "The disciple is a disciple of the real person Yuding of Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain. His surname is Yang and his given name is Jian. He is ordered by his master and has come here to listen to his uncle."

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed. Later, after Yang Jian and the people present greeted each other separately, he asked why he hung up the "war-free card"?

Jiang Ziya explained the situation of the enemy being assisted by four generals from the Demon Family.

After that, Yang Jian said very confidently: "Now that the disciple is here, uncle can go and say 'free of war'. The disciple will go and meet the four generals of the Demon Family for a while, and then he will know the depth. If you don't see the battle, how can you adapt to changes?"

Then, Jiang Ziya actually ordered someone to take the "war-free card".

This was the first appearance of Yang Jian. This appearance also left a very deep impression on book fans.

Jun thought in his heart that Yang Jian was so confident that he dared to let Jiang Ziya take the "war-free card" as soon as he arrived. He was going to meet the four generals of the Demon Family for a while.

You know, many of Jiang Ziya's previous generals, including Nezha, had suffered heavy losses at the hands of the four generals of the Mo family.

The four generals of the Demon family are not simple, but Yang Jian is still extremely confident.

Moreover, while being extremely confident,

But it doesn't show any arrogance, it is extremely extraordinary.

All book fans have a very deep and good impression of Yang Jian who just appeared.

Then, as the story developed, Yang Jian's character became more and more fleshed-out, and book fans became more and more fond of it.

In the first battle, Yang Jian relied on the art of transformation to kill the flower fox and marten, which was a great achievement.

Yang Jian, who has made great achievements, does not take credit, is not proud, and does not brag in the slightest. He is extremely humble.

In addition to being humble, Yang Jian is also very kind.

When Yang Jian was fighting Zhou Xin, he was very worried that the people in the city would be slaughtered unnecessarily, so he decided to fight quickly and killed Zhou Xin in a short time.

In addition, Yang Jian went to Huoyun Cave to seek medicine from Fuxi and Shennong due to the accident in Xiqicheng.

After Shennong presented the medicine, he took Yang Jian to Ziyun Cliff, pulled out a herb and handed it to Yang Jian, asking Yang Jian to take the medicine back to the world, which can cure infectious diseases. He said that if all living beings in the world suffer this kind of disaster, they should take this herb first. Then, the disease will heal itself.

After Yang Jian took the herbal medicine, he knelt down and asked Shennong the name of the herbal medicine, so that he could spread this medicine to the world and alleviate the suffering of the people.

Yang Jian always cared about the people and was kind and righteous.

Also, Yang Jian treats his friends as warm as the spring breeze, and treats his enemies as ruthlessly as the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves.

For example, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi and others were all injured by the blood-transforming magic knife. In order to save others, Yang Jian did not hesitate to test the poison knife on himself, and then changed into Yu Hua's appearance and went to his teacher Yu Yuan to trick him into getting the antidote.

When dealing with enemies, Yang Jian was ruthless and decisive in killing.

For example, in the battle with Zhang Kui's Mianchi, Yang Jian deliberately let Zhang Kui catch him, and then used the technique of transformation to kill the one-horned black smoke beast and Zhang Kui's mother, causing Zhang Kui's mental disorder.

Finally, he teamed up with Yang Ren and Wei Hu to besiege Zhang Kui, and Zhang Kui was finally killed by Wei Hu with a demon-conquering jade pestle.

Yang Jian is very kind, always caring about the people, and righteous, but in order to defeat the enemy, he can kill the enemy's mother without hesitation, which is "cruel and ruthless".

This is Yang Jian, and his character image is also extremely successful, and book fans are greatly surprised and excited.

Also, Yang Jian's own abilities are also extremely extraordinary.

From the fact that it was hit hard by the dragon's double whip and Deng Chanyu's stone, it can be seen that it is almost immune to physical attacks. You can hit it as you like, but it will not reduce its health.

In addition, Yang Jian is also partially immune to spell attacks.

For example, when being struck by a magic weapon like the Heaven-turning Seal, Yang Jian changes in the wind and never falls off his horse.

In addition, Yang Jian can also borrow the power of objects to become immune to restraint magic weapons.

He also seemed to be immune to virus spells. Others were poisoned, but he was completely fine.

Yang Jian has appeared frequently since his first appearance, and it is almost impossible to lose.

Only once was he captured by Empress Qiongxiao using the Hunyuan Golden Dou and thrown into the Yellow River Formation.

And this is just because Hunyuan Golden Dou is so powerful. It is one of the most powerful magic weapons in the entire work.

You must know that this magic weapon also captured all twelve real people in the formation, including Manjushri, Samantabhadra, Cihang, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, Daoxingtianzun, and Yudingzhenren.

Taoist Ran Deng was also present at that time, and Empress Qiongxiao sacrificed the Hunyuan Golden Dou, hoping to capture Taoist Ran Deng into the formation.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Taoist Ran Deng quickly took advantage of the earth to escape into the breeze and left.

It is perfectly normal for Yang Jian to catch someone with a treasure that even Ran Deng Taoist would run away from after seeing it.

Also, Yang

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Jian often plays the role of turning the tide, and often supports the overall situation in times of crisis.

For example, one day, in order to break through Xiqi City, the plague god Lu Yue mixed the plague pill he refined with his own method into the drinking water of Xiqi City.

Regardless of whether mortals or immortals, once they drink water mixed with plague pills, they will become dizzy, suffer from vomiting and diarrhea, and will die completely in five or seven days.

Everyone in Xiqi City, from King Wu Jifa to ordinary people, drank the poisonous water.

In one day, all the people in Xiqi City were lying on their beds, dying. Even Jiang Ziya, Tu Xingsun and others were also poisoned.

The entire Xiqi City was wailing, almost like a hell on earth.

Among all the immortals in Xiqi City, only two people were not poisoned, Yang Jian and Nezha.

Nezha is the incarnation of a lotus. He has long since stopped smoking fireworks in the world. If he doesn't drink poisonous water, he will naturally not be poisoned.

And Yang Jian is naturally due to his super immunity to toxin attacks.

What about the poisonous water from the plague god Lu Yue? Yang Jian is still immune.

Of course, if Yang Jian took the poison pill directly without diluting it with water, he probably would not be immune.

After all, Lu Yue is too powerful. His strength is only inferior to that of a few people in the entire "Feng Shen Yan Yi" work, and his secret poison-making skills make all the gods change their expressions.

After all the people in Xiqi City were poisoned, Zheng Lun, a general of the enemy, said: "Since the people of Xiqi City are all in trouble, why not send a force of troops into the city to eliminate the roots?"

So Zheng Lun led an army to attack.

Yang Jian and Nezha were on the tower of Xiqi. When they saw Zheng Lun dispatching troops from the camp, Nezha asked Yang Jian in a panic: "The enemy is about to attack. How can you and I resist the masses?"

Yang Jian said calmly: "Don't panic, I have a plan to defeat the enemy."

After saying that, Yang Jian quickly grabbed two handfuls of soil and grass on the ground, threw it into the air, and shouted: "Quick!"

After that, I saw Xiqi City full of sturdy men, going back and forth to show off their skills.

When Zheng Lun led his army to the front of Xiqi City, he looked up and saw that Xiqi City was full of people and horses. He was shocked and thought that the military situation was wrong. He did not dare to attack the city rashly and led his army to slowly retreat.

Yang Jian was not afraid in the face of danger, sowing soil and grass into an army. Although he only temporarily frightened away Zheng Lun's army, he still managed to save the people of Xiqi, and also saved King Wu's great cause of conquering Zhou.

Otherwise, if Zheng Lun's army invades the city this time, King Wu Jifa, Jiang Ziya and others have been poisoned and have no ability to resist. King Wu's great cause of defeating King Zhou will probably come to an abrupt end.

In addition, Yang Jian temporarily drove back Zheng Lun's army, which also bought valuable time to save Xiqi City.

Then, Yang Jian went to Huoyun Cave to ask for medicine. As mentioned above, Yang Jian went to Huoyun Cave and asked Fuxi and Shennong for medicine.

Yang Jian brought back the antidote, saved all the immortals in Xiqi City, and also saved King Wu's great cause of conquering Zhou, which can be said to be a great contribution.

Yang Jian's character image is also extremely successful. Although he doesn't have Nezha's cool and handsome equipment, he does have the magic weapon Roaring Sky Dog, which is equally handsome when used.

That's right, in "The Romance of the Gods", Yang Jian's roaring dog is not a mythical beast, but a magic weapon.

The Roaring Sky Dog is usually held in Yang Jian's arms like a piece of paper. When sacrificed in a battle, it can turn into a fierce dog as big as a giant elephant and bite people's necks.

However, Yang Jian did not often use Roaring Sky Dog to fight the enemy. He mostly used it when he wanted to sneak attack or delay the enemy. Although it was not very powerful and difficult to kill, Daluo Immortal could not escape having a large piece of flesh and blood torn off.

Moreover, Roaring Sky Dog is white, "a dog with white hair and a thin waist" and "shaped like a white elephant", not black.

Finally, it is worth noting that in "Journey to the West", although the "dog" beside Erlang Shen is a real dog, it is not called "Howling Sky Dog", but has no name. When mentioned in the book, it is Called "thin dog".

"The Romance of the Gods" is the first time to name it "Howling Sky Dog".

Of course, the three words "roaring dog" appear in the corrected "Sou Shen Ji", but they have nothing to do with the "dog" next to Yang Jian (Er Lang Shen).

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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