Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1434 The Monkey King is born

Remember in one second【】

With greater expectations than before, everyone continued to look behind.

It is said that since Pangu created the world, three emperors ruled the world, and five emperors fixed the wheel, the world was divided into four major continents.

They are Dongshengshenzhou, Xiniuhezhou, Nanfanbuzhou and Beijuluzhou.

There is a country overseas in Dongsheng Shenzhou called Aolai Country.

Aolai country is close to the sea. There is a mountain in the sea called Huaguo Mountain.

On the top of Huaguo Mountain, there is a fairy stone, which is three feet, six feet and five inches high, with a circle of two feet and four feet. It has nine orifices and eight holes, which are arranged according to the Nine Palaces and Bagua.

This fairy stone has been existing since the beginning of the world. It is blessed by the innocent beauty of the earth every day, and the beauty of the sun and the moon. After a long time, it has the meaning of psychic power, and an immortal cell has been conceived in it.

One day, the immortal stone suddenly burst open and produced a stone egg. The stone egg grew long in the wind and turned into a stone monkey.

The stone monkey has all five senses and four limbs. It is learning to crawl and walk. It bows in all directions, and its eyes emit two golden lights, which shoot towards Dou Mansion.

These two golden lights shot straight through the sky, disturbing the Jade Emperor's Lingxiao Palace in the sky.

All the immortals in the Lingxiao Palace saw only two golden flames. The Jade Emperor sent two people with clairvoyance and shunfeng ears to the Nantian Gate to inspect.

The two came back and reported that there was a fairy stone on the Huaguo Mountain in Dongsheng Shenzhou. A stone monkey jumped out of the fairy stone and was worshiping the four directions there.

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor said: "The things below are born from the essence of heaven and earth, so there is no difference."

When they saw this, all the book fans couldn't help but feel a little confused. Could it be that the protagonist of this book is this stone monkey?

This is indeed surprising and unique.

However, since it is a mythological work, it is not impossible for the protagonist to be a stone monkey. The key lies in what kind of stone monkey it is?

Since it was born from the essence of heaven and earth and is the protagonist, this stone monkey will definitely be extremely extraordinary.

With such expectations in their hearts, the book fans continued to read below.

Later, the stone monkey joined the group of monkeys, and because he successfully broke into the Water Curtain Cave, he was crowned the Monkey King by the group of monkeys.

He is also known as the "Thousand-year-old King".

Now that he has ascended the throne as king, the stone monkey removed the word "stone" and called himself the "Monkey King".

"The Monkey King?" All the book fans nodded inwardly, thinking that this title was quite good.

The Monkey King leads a group of monkeys, playing in the mountains all day long, and their days are really leisurely.

But one day, the Monkey King suddenly became worried. It turned out that the Monkey King was worried that one day his life would be near and he would no longer be able to be so carefree.

The one-year-old ape among the group of monkeys said that there are three beings in the world: Buddha, Immortal, and Divine. They can escape reincarnation, live forever and live as long as the mountains and rivers of heaven and earth.

After hearing this, the Monkey King decided to visit these three people and learn a method of immortality.

So, the Monkey King got on a small raft, drifted across two seas, crossed Nanzhanbu Continent, and spent more than ten years arriving at the distant Xiniuhe Continent.

After arriving at Xiniuhezhou, under the guidance of a woodcutter, he came to the Xianyue Sanxing Cave on Lingtai Fangcun Mountain and became a disciple of Patriarch Subhuti.

Patriarch Bodhi gave the Monkey King a name, Sun Wukong.

After Wukong stayed in the Three-Star Cave of the Setting Moon for several times, Patriarch Bodhi taught Wukong the seventy-two changes of the earthly evil technique, as well as a somersault cloud.

Somersaulting is the art of soaring into the clouds and riding on the mist. One somersault can cover a thousand miles.

After Wukong learned these two things, Patriarch Bodhi asked Wukong to leave and go back wherever he came from.

Wukong was reluctant to leave, saying that he did not dare to leave without repaying his teacher's kindness.

But Patriarch Bodhi said, where is the kindness? As long as Wukong causes trouble in the future, it doesn't involve him.

Then he said: "If you go away, you will be destined to be bad. No matter how much you cause trouble and commit crimes, you are not allowed to say that you are my disciple. If you say even half a word, I will know it. I will peel off the skin and file the bones of you hozen, and remove the soul from your body." I will banish you to the deepest place and teach you that you will never be able to stand up again in any calamity!"

Seeing that his master insisted on doing this, Wukong had no choice but to bid farewell to his master with tears in his eyes, left Xianyue Sanxing Cave, and returned to Huaguo Mountain.

It took Wukong more than ten hours to arrive. When he returned, he made a somersault and reached Huaguo Mountain in less than an hour.

Wukong's reluctance and true feelings to bid farewell to his master made many book fans secretly blush, and some even had faint red eyes.

Although Sun Wukong is a stone monkey, the emotions he shows now are the same as those of humans.

In the eyes of all book fans, Sun Wukong is already a human being.

Sun Wukong has returned and has learned a lot of skills. Naturally, the monkeys are extremely happy.

During the more than ten years when Wukong went out to study, there was a demon king who often came to bully the monkeys, and the monkeys complained to Wukong one after another.

After hearing this, Wukong was very angry, found the Demon King, and defeated the Demon King easily.

Then, Wukong showed his power again, regained the seventy-two cave demon kings, and became sworn brothers with the six demon kings.

When the monkeys saw that the king was so powerful, they were all very happy and said that the king should look for a weapon that he could find.

After hearing this, Wukong was very moved and asked where he should look for it.

One day, the ape said that the waters of Huaguo Mountain lead directly to the East China Sea. There are many treasures in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, and there must be weapons that can be used.

After hearing this, Wukong was overjoyed and went to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. He said that he was the neighbor of the Dragon King and came to borrow a useful weapon.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea heard Wukong say that he was his neighbor.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

He was also happy and expressed his willingness to give Wukong a weapon.

However, the Dragon King brought multiple weapons to Wukong to choose from, but Wukong felt uncomfortable and thought the weapons were too light.

Wukong failed to find the weapon he had, and kept making trouble. The Dragon King had a headache. The Dragon Girl made a suggestion, saying that there was a sacred iron in their sea collection, which was used by Dayu to measure the depth of the river and sea when he was controlling the water. The stator weighs 13,500 kilograms.

Since the monkey thinks the weapon is too light, let him use the sacred iron as a weapon. If he can't lift it, it means he doesn't have the ability, and he will be embarrassed to make trouble again.

The Dragon King was very happy after hearing this and adopted the Dragon Girl's opinion.

Wukong came to the sacred iron and said that this weapon was good, but it was too big to hold. It would be better if it could be smaller.

But he never thought that the sacred iron had really become smaller.

Wukong was overjoyed, and even if he made it smaller, the sacred iron would indeed change like this. When Wukong felt that it was enough to hold it in his hand, he picked up the sacred iron and took a look. There were two golden hoops at both ends, and a piece of black in the middle. It has an iron shape, and there is a line of words engraved next to the hoop, which is called "Ruyi Golden Cudgel".

This Ruyi Golden Cudgel weighs 13,500 kilograms, but Wukong can easily hold it in his hand and play with it at will.

Wukong was very satisfied with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. When the Dragon King saw that Wukong really picked up the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, he couldn't help but regret and be reluctant to part with it.

But he had spoken before and was afraid of Wukong's ability, so he had to let Wukong take away the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Then, Wukong said that although the weapon was good, he had no clothes to wear with it, and asked the Dragon King to give him another robe.

In this way, Wukong blackmailed another robe, a pair of golden armor with chains, a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, and a pair of lotus root silk walking shoes from the Dragon King. After putting on the robe, golden crown, gold armor, and cloud shoes, he He left the Dragon Palace with satisfaction.

Although the Dragon King was very reluctant to give up, he did not dare to force Wukong to stay.

Wukong got satisfactory weapons and majestic equipment. After returning to Huaguo Mountain, he naturally became majestic again.

Then, he went to the underworld, made a big fuss, and checked off his name and the names of all monkeys from the book of life and death.

Afterwards, the Dragon King and King Qin Guang of the underworld went to the Lingxiao Palace in the sky to sue Wukong to the Jade Emperor.

After the Jade Emperor learned of the situation, he decided to send troops to the mortal world to capture Wukong.

And when we get here, today’s serialization ends.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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