Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1436 Turned into recruitment

Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village.

Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng also finished reading today's update.

After reading it, Qin Lie nodded with great satisfaction and said, "Well, yes, this is the story. After waiting for a year, I finally saw it."

Su Yilin said: "This is the first day of serialization. How is this work? It's hard to evaluate now, but the story is indeed very strong."

Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng later gave their own evaluations, saying that in terms of storytelling alone, this work should be higher than "The Romance of the Gods".

Regarding this statement, Li Fan agreed and disagreed, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zheng and Mr. Liang are right, but what makes "Journey to the West" better than "The Romance of the Gods" is not just the story. . In other aspects, "Journey to the West" will also be better."

Li Fan's words made Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng shake their heads at the same time, saying that this kid is fat and this kid is out of breath again. It's really not polite at all.

Qin Lie smiled and scolded: "Don't worry, you kid, write it well. Now the outside world has such high expectations for this work. If the final quality is not as good as "The Romance of the Gods", where will you put your face?"

Li Fan chuckled and said, "Grandpa, don't worry. I'm not acting bad, but I have this confidence. "Journey to the West" will definitely be better than "The Romance of the Gods"."

Qin Lie nodded and said, "I hope so."

At this time, Qin Yulin suddenly said: "Brother-in-law, there is a very popular topic on the Internet now. Tell me, will Nezha, Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi and other characters appear in "Journey to the West"? I am very worried. Somewhat curious."

Hearing Qin Yulin's question, Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng also showed expressions of interest on their faces.

Obviously, they also know about the hot topic on the Internet.

Li Fan chuckled and said: "Since you are so interested, I will tell you that the answer will appear. As for which characters will appear? And which ones will go down to earth to fight against Sun Wukong? After you watch it tomorrow Just know it.”

After hearing what Li Fan said, Qin Lie, Zheng Jie and others shook their heads helplessly and did not continue to ask.

In fact, they don't want to know the answer so quickly. It is obviously a good choice to leave a sense of curiosity and expectation in their hearts and wait for tomorrow's update.

Qin Yulin curled his lips and muttered a few times.

He didn't continue to ask.

Li Fan smiled lightly and said to Qin Yulin and Tang Ying: "You two girls are leaving tomorrow. Is there anything in particular you want to eat today? I'll cook it for you tonight."

Qin Yulin tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Crab!"

Li Fan was speechless for a while. This girl was addicted to eating crabs in the past two days. Then he looked at Tang Ying and asked, "What about you?"

Tang Ying also thought about it, shook her head, and said, "No, I think everything here is delicious."

Li Fan laughed and said, "Girl Ying is better than girl Qin."

Qin Yulin glared after hearing this and said, "Brother-in-law, you mean I'm not good?"

"You heard it right, um, crabs, right? I'm going to get crabs, you can just play here." As if he could feel a hint of murderous intent, Li Fan very wisely chose to run away immediately.

Seeing Li Fan running away, Qin Yulin snorted proudly, while Tang Ying smiled.

That night, Qin Yulin naturally got his wish and ate delicious big crabs again.

The two girls are leaving tomorrow, so Li Fan also prepared a very rich meal for this meal. He also invited Zheng Jie and his wife, Liang Sheng and his wife, as well as the third uncle, Sanniang, and the little girl to eat together.

The whole night was silent until the next morning.

After breakfast, Li Fan sent Qin Yulin and Tang Ying away.

Qin Yulin naturally went to report on the set of the TV series "The Legend of White Snake", while Tang Ying returned to the record company.

This girl's time at the record company is really limited. If other artists were so willful, they would have been dealt with by the record company long ago.

But because of the relationship between Tang Ying and Li Fan, Tang Ying's record company not only did not deal with Tang Ying, but also worshiped Tang Ying like a bodhisattva all the time, for fear that Tang Ying would suddenly terminate the contract with them.

Not only would they not blame Tang Ying if she didn't return to the company, but they would also call her from time to time to express her condolences.

Li Fan sent the two girls to Longshan Township Market Station, waited for the bus bound for the provincial capital, and then left the station.

Then he went to the school to see Su Qing, and then walked slowly and leisurely to the village.

At this time, it was already close to 10 a.m., and countless book fans were already waiting on Li Fan's Weibo.

And that topic has reached this point, because today's update is approaching, it has completely reached Gao Chao.

Judging from the voting results of major media websites, Nezha and Yang Jian are still the most popular. The two are almost equally matched, with Yang Jian slightly higher.

So, will Yang Jian, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, Li Jing and other characters appear in "Journey to the West"?

The answer lies in today's update. All book fans are looking forward to today's update.

Of course, celebrities, major media websites, etc. are also looking forward to it!

And the time finally reached 10 am again.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

It was finally about to be revealed, and all the book fans suppressed their excitement and clicked on today's update.

The story naturally follows yesterday.

However, just when the book fans were expecting that an old acquaintance would suddenly appear in front of them and take orders to capture Sun Wukong.

However, it was discovered that the writing took a direct turn. The Jade Emperor did not send any general to the lower world.

It turned out that after the Jade Emperor finished asking about the god general willing to go down to the lower world to subdue the demon monkey, a god named Taibai Jinxing suddenly jumped out.

He suggested to the Jade Emperor that since the monster monkey was born from heaven and earth, the Jade Emperor could use the method of inspiring kindness and send an imperial edict to summon the monster monkey to the upper world, grant it an official position, and restrain it here. If it is destined by heaven, , and the reward will be increased later. If it violates the destiny, he will be captured. One is not to move and the troops are working hard, the other is to capture in a good way.

The Jade Emperor agreed to Taibaijinxing's suggestion and asked Taibaijinxing to go down to the next world to recruit people.

When all the book fans saw this, they all complained.

Nimei! We agreed to send generals down to the lower realms to capture him, but why did it turn into recruiting people?

Since we are going to recruit people, the fight that everyone has been looking forward to for a long time will naturally be gone, and the old acquaintances from "The Romance of the Gods" may not have a chance to appear.

To be honest, all the book fans are really depressed.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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