Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1438: Revealing the Holy Lord Erlang

Remember in one second【】

Nezha fought with Sun Wukong, but in the end he was defeated by one move.

Li Jing and Nezha led the troops back to the Lingxiao Palace in Heaven to resume their duties.

So, what happens next?

Does the Jade Emperor plan to continue sending other soldiers to capture the lower world, or will other things happen?

With such questions in their hearts, the book fans continued to look below.

Li Jing and Nezha returned to the Lingxiao Palace and reported to the Jade Emperor, saying that the demon monkey had great magical powers and even Nezha was defeated, and asked the Jade Emperor to send more people.

He also said that the demon monkey proclaimed himself the "Monkey King" and asked the Jade Emperor to grant him this official position, otherwise he would be sent to the Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor was greatly surprised when he heard this, and planned to send his generals to the lower realms to capture him.

At this time, Taibai Jinxing came out again and said that the demon monkey is quite capable. If more troops are added to fight him, it may be difficult to subdue him for a while and it will be a waste of troops and troops. It would be better to show kindness again, issue an edict to appease him, and then make him a Monkey King, with an official position but no salary, and have nothing to do with him, and do not give him a salary, but keep him between heaven and earth, and absorb his evil intentions.

The Jade Emperor once again adopted Taibai Jinxing's suggestion and asked Taibai Jinxing to go down to the next world to recruit people.

Taibai Jinxing came to Huaguo Mountain again and told Sun Wukong that the Jade Emperor was willing to grant him the official position of "Monkey King". After hearing this, Sun Wukong was overjoyed and followed Taibai Jinxing to the Lingxiao Palace again.

In the Lingxiao Palace, the Jade Emperor indeed named Sun Wukong the "Monkey King", and also said that this official position was of the highest rank, and told Sun Wukong not to do anything wrong again.

Sun Wukong was happy to thank him.

Then, because Sun Wukong had no specific errands, he wandered around the heaven all day long, making friends with the stars in the sky.

After a period of time, a minister suggested to the Jade Emperor that Sun Wukong was wandering around all day long and might cause trouble, so it was better to give him an errand to prevent him from causing trouble in his spare time.

The Jade Emperor listened to the suggestion and asked Sun Wukong to manage the Queen Mother's peach garden. Sun Wukong was overjoyed when he learned about it and took office happily.

When they saw this, all the book fans always felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, they finally discovered it.

Sister Ni, who came up with the idea to let the monkeys take care of the peach garden? Didn’t you know that monkeys are naturally fond of eating peaches?

Coupled with Sun Wukong's high self-esteem,

It would be strange not to cause trouble.

Many book fans have clearly had a premonition that something will happen if Sun Wukong is asked to take care of Pan Taoyuan.

And the fact is, it is indeed the case.

A few days after Sun Wukong arrived at the peach garden, he began to secretly eat the ripe peaches every two or three days.

One day, because the Queen Mother was holding a peach banquet to entertain all the immortals, she ordered seven fairies to come to the peach garden to pick peaches.

When the Seven Fairies arrived at the peach orchard, they found that the whole peach orchard was full of unripe peaches, but there were no overripe peaches at all.

Later, Sun Wukong learned that the Queen Mother was holding a peach banquet to entertain the immortals, so he asked the Seven Immortals if the Queen Mother had invited him?

The Seven Fairies replied that they had never invited her before, so they didn't know this time.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong cast a Immobilization Technique to freeze the Seven Fairies in place, saying that he was going to inquire to see if the Queen Mother had invited him.

On the way, Sun Wukong met the Barefoot Immortal who was rushing to attend the banquet. He had an idea and used the name of the Jade Emperor to coax the Barefoot Immortal to go elsewhere. Then he transformed into the Barefoot Immortal and swaggered to the Peach Banquet.

After Sun Wukong arrived at the scene, he saw that the peach banquet had not yet begun, but jade liquid, fine wine, and fragrant mash had already been placed on the table.

Unable to resist the temptation, Sun Wukong drank all the jade liquid and fine wine at the banquet, and also drank all the other immortal products. Then he walked out of the banquet somewhat drunkenly, and went to the Tushita Palace of Taishang Laojun. Jun ate up all the five-gourd elixir again.

After eating the elixir, Sun Wukong sobered up and secretly said something bad. He had disturbed the Queen Mother's peach banquet, and then secretly ate the elixir of the Supreme Laojun. In addition, he had eaten the peach before. If he had disturbed the Jade Emperor, he would be afraid. Life is hard to save, so it is better to secretly go down to the lower world and return to Huaguo Mountain to become the king.

In this way, Sun Wukong stole the lower world and returned to Huaguo Mountain, and brought back some jade liquid and nectar from the sky for the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain.

When they saw this, all the book fans smiled bitterly and shook their heads. They were not too surprised that such a thing happened.

According to Sun Wukong's temperament, it is strange that he can stay in the heavenly palace without causing trouble or getting into trouble.

Moreover, the Jade Emperor also asked Sun Wukong to guard the Peach Garden, which would speed up his pace of getting into trouble.

However, it is very rare that Sun Wukong is so self-aware this time, knowing that he has caused a huge disaster and sneaking into the world secretly.

However, things will definitely not end like this, and Heaven will never let it go.

In fact, speaking of it, the heaven treats Sun Wukong well, and even granted him the title "Monkey King". It's just that Sun Wukong is born to be a troublemaker, and he can't settle down at all.

Heaven sends troops to capture Sun Wukong again. No one can blame him. It depends on whether Sun Wukong can show off his power like last time and defeat all the generals in Heaven one by one.

So, who will Heaven send to the lower world this time?

It was Li Jing and Nezha before, will it be Yang Jian this time?

Yang Jian or Sun Wukong, who will be more powerful?

When all the book fans thought of this, their eyes lit up with anticipation.

After the Jade Emperor heard about the disaster caused by Sun Wukong, he was furious and immediately sent the four heavenly kings, Li Jing, Nezha, Erbasu and Jiuyaoxing.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Officials, Twelve Yuanchen, Wufang Jiedi and other generals, plus one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, set up a trap in the lower world to capture Sun Wukong.

Although Yang Jian did not appear, the book fans were not disappointed, because this time there are so many soldiers and generals going down to the world together, and the process will naturally be quite exciting.

And this is indeed the case. These many soldiers and generals went down to the world and laid a dragnet. Sun Wukong led a group of monkeys and the seventy-two cave demon kings, and they were all together with the soldiers and generals in the sky.

The process is quite exciting, and it is very enjoyable to see all the book fans dazzled.

The final result was that Sun Wukong's side won again.

"Awesome, my great sage!" All the book fans were very surprised and praised it.

The soldiers were about to be defeated again and asked the Jade Emperor for help again. The Jade Emperor was thinking about who should be sent to support him. At this time, Guanyin Bodhisattva of the South China Sea, who came to the peach banquet, recommended to the Jade Emperor that the Xian Sheng Erlang Zhenjun had great supernatural powers. Tune him in to capture Sun Wukong, and you will definitely succeed.

The Jade Emperor listened to Guanyin's recommendation, and because the Xiansheng Erlang did not listen to the announcement, he issued a decree to mobilize his troops and let him go out to capture the monster monkey.

"Zhensheng Erlang Zhenjun? Who is this?" All book fans have such doubts in their hearts.

They were all looking forward to Yang Jian's appearance, but they never thought of the real Lord Xian Sheng Erlang.

Who is this? All the book fans were confused.

And if they want to solve the doubts in their hearts, they can only wait until tomorrow.

Because, today’s serialization has ended here.

This fragment of chapter was also very crude, and many book fans couldn't help but complain in their hearts.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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