Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1443 3 Tibetan Scriptures

Remember in one second【】


After the debate about whether Erlang Shen and Yang Jian were the same person lasted for a period of time, a group of book fans gradually realized that it was almost impossible for them to argue about this issue and come to a conclusion.

Therefore, the voices of debate are gradually getting quieter, and book fans are all focusing on the Weibo posts of celebrities, hoping that celebrities will come out to analyze a more authoritative result.

What makes book fans a little regretful is that various celebrities either did not express their stance on this, or they expressed their stance and said, "Unfortunately, I can't give an answer to this question."

Two big bosses, including Shen Cong and Cen Geng, also said that they could not give an accurate answer to this question.

Even celebrities and experts cannot give accurate answers.

Then, there can only be one person who knows the answer, the author Li Fan.

A group of book fans have set their sights on Li Fan again, expecting Li Fan to express his stance on this matter. As long as Li Fan expresses his stance, this controversy will be settled immediately.

Under Li Fan's Weibo, countless book fans have left messages asking this question.

And Li Fan did express his stance on Weibo, but Li Fan's stance made many book fans dumbfounded.

Li Fan's statement was as follows, "I'm very sorry, dear book fans, I actually don't know the exact answer to this question. They may be the same person, or they may not be the same person."

A group of book fans were very confused about Li Fan's statement at first. These two characters were created by Li Fan. How could he not know the answer?

Then, some book fans began to taste it.

"Friends, I seem to be able to understand what Mr. Li Fan means. It's not that Mr. Li Fan doesn't know the answer, but that he is not prepared to tell us the answer. And the reason why he doesn't tell us the answer is not because he wants to watch us argue on purpose. It’s because if he told us the answer, the controversy and suspense would be gone, which would be bad.”

"Well, that seems to be the case. It seems good to keep the controversy and suspense on this issue alive. In the future, more people will come out to analyze and dispute, and this topic will continue. And we, at any time It should be very good to feel that this topic exists. ”

"It seems that Mr. Li Fan had good intentions and was very clever in setting up two such similar characters.


"Listening to what you said, I suddenly felt that there is no answer to this question, which seems to be better than having an answer."

"In that case, let's keep the controversy and suspense on this issue alive. It feels really good."


A group of book fans have gradually realized that there is no answer to this question, and perhaps it is better than having an answer.

Therefore, they no longer insist on the answer to the question. They will come out to argue when they have nothing to do, which will obviously be quite interesting.

However, at this time, there is almost no controversy on the Internet. In this serialization, there are so many focuses worthy of discussion that it is impossible for everyone to continue to argue about this issue.

Sun Wukong got a blessing in disguise in the Bagua Furnace and got the "Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes". This flaming eyes and golden eyes sounds very awesome, but what does it do? There is no introduction in this issue.

A lot of book fans are very confused and curious about this, and they are discussing it on the Internet.

Some people say that these fiery golden eyes should be used for fighting. The eyes can emit an aggressive golden light. Yes, it is equivalent to the current laser gun.

Some people also say that this blazing golden eye can allow Sun Wukong to see very far away things, just like the clairvoyance that appeared in the previous article.

Some people say that this piercing eye can enable Sun Wukong to see things clearly in the dark, just like in the daytime.

Book fans with open minds have developed many uses for "Fire Eyes", and each of them is very practical.

This made Li Fan, who was in Sansheng Village, quite dumbfounded when he saw it. He also found it quite interesting. Book fans have quite a lot of imagination.

In addition to the research on the effect of "Fire Eyes", Sun Wukong caused a big trouble in the Heavenly Palace. He couldn't turn over the palm of Tathagata Buddha with a somersault, and was pressed under the Five Elements Mountain. Who will come to rescue Sun Wukong? Issues such as who will also save Sun Wukong have also caused discussion among book fans. One after another.

"The part about causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace is really well written. After all, Sun Wukong is Sun Wukong, and he is not so courageous."

"The Havoc in Heaven is indeed exciting, but the gambling battle between Tathagata Buddha and Sun Wukong is even more imaginative. The only person who can write such a plot is Mr. Li Fan. No matter how great your Sun Wukong ability is, you can't uncover Tathagata." The palm of the Buddha, hahaha!”

"Yes, no matter how powerful Sun Wukong is, he can't turn over the palm of Tathagata Buddha. Damn it! I suddenly had a hunch that this sentence will definitely become popular. Moreover, the two words 'Sun Wukong' and 'Tathagata Buddha' are combined If the characters are changed, the sentence becomes interesting.”

"'No matter how powerful you are, you can't escape my grasp.' Is that true? Damn it! This is obviously a line from a sinister villain."

"It doesn't have to be a sinister villain, it can also mean other things, such as a friendly joke between two people, etc."

"No matter what, this sentence is definitely a hit. It is worthy of being the work of Mr. Li Fan."

"Sun Wukong was pressed under the Five Elements Mountain. I don't know how long he will be pressed for. Fortunately, his life is not in danger. Sun Wukong lives as long as heaven and earth. It doesn't matter if it lasts longer."

"Having said that, with Sun Wukong's restless temper, it is really pitiful to be pinned down at the foot of the mountain and unable to move. His days are like years, and even his seconds are like years!"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"That's true. I just hope that the person who comes to rescue him will show up soon. By the way, who will that person be? What is his identity? God, demon or mortal?"

"Then who knows, the big guys like to use mysteries in their explanations. The previous Patriarch Bodhi did the same, and so does the current Tathagata."

"Just wait for tomorrow's update. The answer should be available tomorrow."


All book fans can’t wait for tomorrow’s update.

And time did not pass very slowly. After one night, it was 1o o'clock the next morning.

Li Fan's Weibo once again updated the new chapter of "Journey to the West".

"It's so fun to read serialized novels on the Internet." A group of book fans thought to themselves happily before eagerly clicking on today's new chapter.

This time, the perspective comes to the Western Paradise. In the Great Thunder Sound Temple of Lingshan, believers such as three thousand Buddhas, five hundred Aluos, Eight Great Vajras, and Infinite Bodhisattvas are listening to the Tathagata Buddha's sermons.

Tathagata Buddha said: "I have appeared in the four major continents, and all living beings are good and evil. They are different from each other. Those in Shengsheng Shenzhou in the east, respect heaven and earth, and feel refreshed and calm. Although those in Juluzhou in the north like to have children, they only live on a hand-to-mouth basis. Clumsy feelings flow, and there is no need to practice them. I am a person in Xiniu Hezhou who is not greedy and does not kill, but nourishes his energy and potential. Although it is supremely true, everyone can live a long life. But those who are in Nanxiuhezhou are greedy and enjoy misfortunes, killing more and fighting more. As the saying goes, the place of evil is the ocean of right and wrong. Now I have the Tripitaka Sutra to persuade people to do good."

The Bodhisattvas asked the Tathagata which Tripitaka Sutra is it?

Tathagata Buddha replied: "One storehouse of Dharma, one storehouse of discourses on heaven, one storehouse of discussion, one storehouse of teachings on earth, one storehouse of sutras, to save ghosts."

Then he said that he wanted to send the Tripitaka Scripture to the Eastern Territory. He needed someone to go to the Eastern Territory to find a good believer and let him travel through thousands of mountains and thousands of rivers to come to the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Lingshan to obtain the Scripture. Eternally spread the message to the Eastern Land and encourage all sentient beings.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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