Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1444 The man who learned the scriptures

Remember in one second【】

I saw Tathagata Buddha saying that he wanted to spread the Tripitaka Sutra to the Eastern Land, and he wanted to go to the Eastern Land to find a good believer, so that he could travel through thousands of mountains and thousands of rivers to the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Lingshan Mountain in the west to obtain the true sutra. .

After traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers from the east, they arrived at the Great Leiyin Temple in the west to obtain the true scripture. At this time, a group of book fans already understood the meaning of the three words "Journey to the West".

Although the previous stories are very exciting, there is always a question in the minds of many book fans, that is, why is this work called "Journey to the West"?

Sun Wu's journey to heaven and earth to display his magical powers is certainly wonderful, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the words "Journey to the West".

But now, a lot of book fans have some understanding.

The so-called "Journey to the West" refers to the believers from the East who traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers to reach the Great Leiyin Temple in the West to obtain the true scriptures.

Then, some active book fans thought further, since this work is called "Journey to the West".

Then, the journey of a believer from the East to the Great Thunder Temple in the West should be the theme of this work, and Sun Wukong is undoubtedly the protagonist of this work.

In other words, Sun Wukong should also follow that believer and go to the West to obtain the true scriptures.

Further analysis shows that the person Tathagata said would come to rescue Sun Wukong was most likely that good believer.

The more active book fans think about it, the more they feel that this possibility is very high, so they continue to read below with excitement.

The Tathagata Buddha asked all the believers, who is willing to go to the Eastern Land to find a suitable Buddhist scripture collector?

Guanyin replied that she was willing to go to the Eastern Land to find a Buddhist scripture collector, and asked Tathagata what the Buddha's instructions were.

The Tathagata Buddha was also very happy to see Guanyin willing to go. He told Guanyin that when he went there, he had to walk and look at the road.

Then he gave Guanyin five treasures, a brocade cassock, a nine-ring tin staff, and three "tight hoops".

He told Avalokitesvara that the cassock and tin staff can be given to those who seek scriptures for personal use. If they are willing to come here with a firm mind, they will wear this cassock to avoid falling into reincarnation and hold the tin stick to avoid being poisoned.

The "tight hoop" contains three incantations of "gold, tightness, and forbidden". If you encounter a demon with great magical powers on the road, you can advise him to learn it well and become an apprentice with the Buddhist monk.

If the demon refuses to obey, you can put this hoop on his head. It will take root in the flesh and cannot be removed. You only need to recite the incantation used by each one. The demon will definitely have swollen eyes, headache, and cracked forehead. He will obey obediently. Discipline.

Then, Guanyin collected the five treasures and embarked on the road to the East with his disciple Hui'an Xingzhe.

This Hui'an practitioner is Li Jing's second son, Nezha's second brother Mu Zha, who now practices with Guanyin and is named "Hui'an".

Guanyin and Hui'an crossed thousands of mountains and rivers to the territory of Dongtu. When passing by the Five Elements Mountain, they stopped specifically to see the Monkey King, the Monkey King, who was trapped under the mountain.

Sun Wukong naturally recognized Guanyin, and when he saw Guanyin coming to see him, he said that Tathagata had deceived him and kept him here for 500 years, and begged Guanyin to save him.

Guanyin said that she was not the one to save him. She was going to the Eastern Land of the Tang Dynasty to find a Buddhist scripture seeker. When the Buddhist scripture seeker came to the Five Elements Mountain, if Sun Wukong was willing to be an apprentice to the Buddhist scripture seeker and uphold his teachings and blessings, he would enter the world. In Buddhism, the person who retrieves the scriptures is the one who saves him.

When they saw this, the eyes of all the book fans were bright. Their previous guesses were indeed correct, and the person who learned the scriptures was indeed the one who rescued Sun Wukong.

Then, I sighed again in my heart. It has been 500 years since Sun Wukong was pressed under the Five Elements Mountain.

For 500 years, my body has been unable to move, and I can only watch the outside world. Spring goes and autumn comes again, and the vast sea turns into mulberry fields. It is really pitiful and deplorable!

When Sun Wukong heard what Guanyin said, he naturally agreed and said that he was willing to be the disciple of the Buddhist monk.

Then, Guanyin and Hui'an left Wuxing Mountain and arrived in Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty.

"The Tang Dynasty? Chang'an?" The hearts of all the book fans jumped, wondering whether the Tang Dynasty was the historical Tang Dynasty. The capital of the Tang Dynasty was called Chang'an.

Soon, a group of book fans confirmed that the "Datang Kingdom" here was indeed the Tang Dynasty in history and Chang'an in history.

As the article will soon introduce, when Li Shimin ascended the throne, the year was changed to "Zhenguan", and now it is the thirteenth year of Zhenguan.

In other words, the current time is in history, the thirteenth year of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, and the emperor was Li Shiming.

After confirming this, the book fans were very surprised. They felt like they had returned from the mythical world to reality, which made them feel more intimate.

It seems that the person Guanyin is looking for is in Chang'an City, but he doesn't know who he is?

A lot of book fans are looking forward to it.

When I read further, I found that the pen turned and recounted a past event.

At that time, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty opened a subject to obtain scholars, and a candidate named Chen Guangrui from Haizhou won the first prize.

Yin Wenjiao, the daughter of Prime Minister Yin Kaishan, threw an hydrangea ball to choose a bride. Chen Guangrui was hit by an hydrangea ball and became Yin Kaishan's good son-in-law.

However, on his way to Jiangzhou to take office, Chen Guangrui was murdered by the thieves Liu Hong and Zhang Biao while taking a boat.

Yin Wenjiao gave birth to a son, put the baby in a bathtub and let it drift along the river. Later, he was rescued by monk Faming of Jinshan Temple and named him Jiang Liuer.

Jiang Liu'er has been kind-hearted since he was a child. When he was eighteen years old, he was ordained as a monk and his Buddhist name was Xuanzang.

Later, Xuanzang's mother and son met and avenged their father's murder.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

Here, many book fans can already clearly feel that this monk Xuanzang should be the Buddhist scripture learner that Guanyin is looking for in Chang'an City.

Then, he turned around again and said that there was a fortune teller on Ximen Street in Chang'an City, and his predictions were very accurate.

A fisherman gave the fortune teller a carp every day, and the fortune teller made a fortune for him, telling him where he should fish the next day.

According to the fortune teller's guidance, fishermen can get a big harvest every day.

After the Dragon King of Jinghe River learned about this, he was very worried that the fishermen in the river would one day kill them all, so he turned into a scribe and went to Ximen Street in Chang'an City to find the fortune teller.

It was discovered that the fortune teller turned out to be Yuan Tiangang's uncle, Yuan Shoucheng.

The Dragon King asked Yuan Shoucheng to calculate a hexagram to predict when it would rain tomorrow. How big is the rain?

Yuan Shoucheng told the Dragon King the results of the calculation, including when the clouds would cloud, when it would thunder, when it would rain, what the number of rain points would be, etc., in great detail.

After hearing this, the Dragon King was overjoyed and thought that the other party must have been talking nonsense, because he was in charge of making clouds and rain, and he didn't even know it. How could the other party know?

So he made a bet with Yuan Shoucheng, saying that if Yuan Shoucheng's calculation was accurate, he would be willing to give fifty taels of gold. If the calculation was not accurate, he would destroy Yuan Shoucheng's stall and he would not be able to continue to tell fortunes here.

Yuan Shoucheng accepted the Dragon King's bet.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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