Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1445 Goalkeeper Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong

Remember in one second【】

Yuan Shoucheng accepted the Dragon King's bet.

The Dragon King left Chang'an excitedly and returned to the Dragon Palace, but he never thought that as soon as he returned to the Dragon Palace, he received an order from the Jade Emperor, asking him to rain rain in Chang'an City tomorrow.

The time, points, etc. of applying rain are exactly the same as what Yuan Shoucheng said.

The Dragon King was shocked, and now he believed that Yuan Shoucheng was indeed very capable, but he was unwilling to lose the bet.

A military strategist suggested that when it rains tomorrow, the number of points can be deliberately reduced. In this way, Yuan Shoucheng loses.

The Dragon King listened to the military advisor's words, and when it rained the next day, he deliberately missed the points.

After the rain was finished, the Dragon King came to Yuan Shoucheng's stall again and said that Yuan Shoucheng's calculations were inaccurate and wanted to smash his stall.

Yuan Shoucheng said, it doesn't matter if you smashed my stall, but you are already in catastrophe. You deliberately missed the points and violated the rules of nature. You may inevitably be stabbed on the dragon cutting platform.

It turned out that Yuan Shoucheng knew that he was the Dragon King of Jinghe.

After hearing this, the Dragon King was immediately frightened and begged Yuan Shoucheng to save his life.

Yuan Shoucheng said that he could not be saved, and the person who killed him according to the Jade Emperor's golden decree was Wei Zheng, a minister of the King of Tang. At three quarters tomorrow at noon, Wei Zheng would kill him in his sleep. Let him ask Tang Wang Li Shimin, Li Shimin may be able to save him.

The Dragon King thanked him and left. That night, he met Li Shimin in the dream of Tang Wang Li Shimin, explained the cause of the matter, and asked Li Shimin to save him.

Li Shiming said that since the person responsible for killing you is Wei Zheng, then I can naturally save your life.

The Dragon King was happy, kowtowed his thanks and left.

The next day, King Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty went to court. Wei Zheng was not seen in the court hall, so he said: "I had a strange dream at night. I dreamed of a man coming to visit me. He claimed to be the Dragon King of Jinghe River. This is against the law of heaven. Today at three quarters noon, I will be executed." Wei Zheng was about to be executed and he came here to ask me to save him. I have promised him. Why didn’t I see Wei Zheng alone in front of the class today?”

One of His Majesty's ministers suggested that in this case, His Majesty can summon Wei Zheng to come to the court and not let him out of the palace today, so as to save the dragon in the dream.

Li Shimin was overjoyed after hearing this and quickly issued an order to recruit Wei Zheng into the palace.

After Wei Zheng entered the palace, Li Shimin asked Wei Zheng to play chess with him in order not to let Wei Zheng go back.

But I never thought,

At three quarters of noon in the afternoon, Wei Zheng suddenly fell asleep at his desk and beheaded the Dragon King of Jinghe River directly in his dream.

After Wei Zheng woke up, he told Li Shimin about the dragon slaying in his dream.

Li Shimin was shocked after hearing this, but now that the matter was over, there was no other way.

However, that night, when Li Shimin was sleepy, he saw the Jinghe Dragon King again. The Jinghe Dragon King held a bloody dragon head and shouted "Give me my life".

He also asked Li Shimin, "Why did Wei Zheng kill him even though he had promised to save him?" He also had to drag Li Shimin to the King of Hell to deal with it.

Li Shimin was shocked, but he couldn't speak. He could only sweat all over his body.

Later, Guanyin, who had already arrived in Chang'an, suddenly appeared, drove away the Dragon King of Jinghe, and rescued Li Shimin.

After Li Shimin woke up, he was still frightened and had a sleepless night.

When it was time to go to the morning court on the second day, all the ministers had arrived, but Li Shimin was too frightened last night and was ill, so he could not go to the morning court.

Two generals, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong, went to the branch palace building to meet Li Shimin.

Li Shimin told the two generals that ghosts appeared outside his palace door after dark, disturbing him and unable to sleep.

After hearing this, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong immediately expressed their willingness to guard the palace gate for Li Shimin at night to see what was going on. They have established empires and killed countless people, so how can they be afraid of ghosts?

That night, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong each took their robes, dressed themselves up neatly, and stood guard outside the palace gate holding golden melons, axes and axes.

It can be said that he wears a shining golden helmet, wears armor with dragon scales, a heart-protecting mirror with auspicious clouds, a lion buckle tightened, and an embroidered ribbon with colorful clouds.

One of them looks up to the sky in fear of the stars, and the other's ring eyes reflect the moonlight, just like two door gods, standing on the left and right of the palace gate.

After a night, as expected, there was no sneakiness again, and Li Shimin slept peacefully all night.

In the following nights, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong came to guard the palace gate every night, and Li Shimin never dreamed of being sneaky again.

Then, Li Shimin couldn't bear the hard work of Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong at night, so he recruited a skilled painter into the palace, painted their faces, and posted them on both sides of the palace gate.

After all this, the night was still peaceful.

When they saw this, the hearts of all the book fans jumped. Only then did they realize that Li Fan was using the work "Journey to the West" to explain why Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong were the door gods. Created such a ridiculous yet reasonable story.

It is absurd because these theories about gods and ghosts are not consistent with reality.

It is reasonable because "Journey to the West" is a mythological novel. Since it is a mythological novel, it is naturally reasonable.

The door god is a type of painting that is affixed to the door during the Lunar New Year. It is a god who guards the door as a folk belief.

People stick statues of door gods on their doors to ward off evil spirits and ghosts, protect their homes, keep them safe, help with utility, and bring good luck. They are popular patron saints among the people.

According to traditional customs, every household will post Spring Festival couplets and door gods on the eve of the Spring Festival. This traditional custom can be traced back to two thousand years ago.

The door gods are divided into exorcisms, blessings, generals, civil servants, etc.

Among the military generals, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong, the generals of the early Tang Dynasty, are the most famous door gods and one of people's favorite door gods.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

But why did these two generals become goalkeepers? But no one knows the reason.

We only know that after the Tang Dynasty, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong gradually became the most popular door gods.

Maybe there is a reason, or maybe there is no reason. Anyway, it is a custom that has been passed down to this day.

Because these folk customs are rarely recorded in historical books, even if there is any reason, it is impossible to know now.

However, now, Li Fan has created such a reason for everyone with the help of "Journey to the West".

Moreover, as the influence of "Journey to the West" continues to expand, this reason will surely spread among the people and become part of folk customs and culture.

This made a group of book fans very surprised and excited. They actually witnessed the birth of a new folk custom and cultural statement.

This is definitely an unexpected surprise!

As expected of Li Fan's work, surprises always appear so inadvertently.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan also knows that book fans will be pleasantly surprised by this story. He will be satisfied and recognized by using this story to explain why Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong are door gods.

Because the reason why these two people became door gods officially originated from the work "Journey to the West".

Later, the Qing Dynasty novelist Chu Renhuo also wrote a similar story in his vernacular novel "The Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties".

Although there is no "Journey to the West" and "Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" in this world, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong are still one of the most popular images in folk customs and culture.

As for the reason, it is no longer possible to verify, and no one knows.

Of course, this is nothing. Many folk customs and images cannot be verified.

But now, Li Fan has brought "Journey to the West" to this world, and Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong have their origins as door gods.

Although this origin is created by modern people, over time, it will naturally gradually become part of folk customs.

Li Fan was very sure of this.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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