Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1446 A journey of 108,000 miles

Remember in one second【】

After reading the story of Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong becoming door gods, the book fans were very surprised and continued to read below. Mobile terminal m.

Because Li Shimin, the king of Tang Dynasty, had it, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong guarded the "door" and slept very peacefully every night.

However, after a few nights, nothing happened at the front door, but the back door banged again.

On the second day, Li Shimin asked the ministers why?

Xu Maogong said that the front gate was uneasy and was guarded by Jingde and Shubao. Now that the back gate was uneasy, Wei Zheng should be the one to guard it.

So, that night, Wei Zheng was dressed neatly, carrying the dragon-slaying sword, and guarded Li Shimin's back door.

In this way, the back door is also stable.

However, even though both the front and back doors were secure, Li Shimin was getting seriously ill day by day. He was already terminally ill and was about to die.

At this time, Wei Zheng said that he had a way to make Li Shimin safe.

Wei Zheng said that Cui Jue was a former minister of Emperor Taixian. He first received the order of Zizhou and later was promoted to the Minister of Rites. He was a "friend" of eight worshippers.

Now that Cui Jue is dead, the Fengdu judge who is in charge of the book of life and death in the Yin Division is called the "urging judge".

He has already compiled a letter, which is addressed to Cui Jue, and asked Li Shimin to take it with him. If Li Shimin goes and sees Cui Jue in the underworld, he can give the letter to him. He thinks that Li Shimin will definitely let Li Shimin take it with him. Return Yang.

Li Shimin was overjoyed after hearing this, took Wei Zheng's letter to Cui Jue, closed his eyes and died.

After Li Shimin's soul came to the underworld, there was a black veil on his head and rhinoceros horns around his waist. The man with the soft black gauze on his head and the rhinoceros horn around his waist is calling him. It is Cui Jue, the judge of the underworld.

The urging judge told Li Shimin the reason why he died.

It turned out that half a month ago, the Jinghe Dragon King sued Li Shimin in the Senluo Palace, saying that Li Shimin had obviously promised to save his life, but then still let Wei Zheng kill him.

King Guang of Qin ordered an envoy to urge Li Shimin to come to the underworld to investigate the case.

This is why Li Shimin suddenly became seriously ill and died.

After Li Shimin heard this, he showed Cui Jue the letter written by Wei Zheng.

After Cui Jue saw it, he immediately expressed that to reassure Li Shimin, he would return him to the world.

Then, the King of Hell sent someone to invite Li Shimin, and Li Shimin went with the urging judge.

When Li Shimin came to the Senluo Hall, ten kings of the underworld, including King Qin Guang, King Yama, King Chu Jiang, King Song, and King Wuguan, came out of the Senluo Hall to greet him.

After Li Shimin made some concessions, he and the ten kings entered the Senluo Hall and sat down separately.

Then, King Guang of Qin asked Li Shimin about the fact that the Dragon King of Jinghe sued him for promising to rescue and then killed him. Li Shimin told the story of the incident.

This matter was naturally due to the fact that the Dragon King of Jinghe had violated the laws of heaven and should be executed, and had nothing to do with Li Shimin.

After King Qin Guang learned about the situation, he apologized to Li Shimin, and then asked the judge to take the book of life and death to see how long Li Shimin's life was.

The urging judge took out the life and death book and looked at it first. He was shocked when he saw it. It turned out that the life and death book said, "Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty in Nanfangbuzhou died in the thirteenth year of Zhenguan."

And this year is the thirteenth year of Zhenguan.

Judge Cui was so shocked that he quickly took out his ink pen and added one stroke under the word "one" to change it into the word "three", and then handed the book of life and death to King Qin Guang.

After seeing it, King Guang of Qin said that Li Shimin still had twenty years to live, and he would send Li Shimin back to Yang.

In this way, Judge Cui sent Li Shimin to return to Yang. Before returning to Yang, Judge Cui suggested to Li Shimin that after Li Shimin returned to Yang, he should hold a water and land meeting to redeem the wronged souls who had no owners and teach the world to do good.

Li Shimin naturally agreed.

After Li Shimin returned to the Yang Dynasty, he recruited monks, built water and land conferences, and saved the lonely souls in the underworld. He went around the world and asked officials everywhere to select eminent monks.

Later, some courtiers elected Master Xuanzang, the famous "Jiang Liu'er".

After Li Shimin learned about the story of "Jiang Liu'er", he specially invited Xuanzang. After some exchanges, he was very satisfied with Xuanzang and immediately gave Xuanzang the Zuo Seng Gang, You Seng Gang, and Tian Xia Da Shan Du Seng Gang. He asked him to prepare for the land and water conference.

Xuanzang should be grateful.

On an auspicious day, Xuanzang gathered 1,200 eminent monks to give lectures, and the Land and Water Conference officially opened.

At this time, Guanyin and two monks, Hui'an Hua, an old man and a young man, also arrived at the Water and Land Conference. After careful inspection, Guanyin determined that Master Xuanzang was the person he was looking for to learn from the scriptures.

So Guanyin took the Jinlan cassock and the nine-ring tin staff in her hand and walked straight towards Prime Minister Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu saw that Jinlan's cassock was shining brightly, so he asked Guanyin how to sell the cassock and tin staff. How much does it cost?

Guanyin replied that the cassock cost five thousand taels and the tin staff cost two thousand taels.

Xiao Yu asked again, what are the benefits of being so expensive?

Avalokitesvara said that if you wear my cassock, you will not fall into perdition, hell, evil, or encounter the trap of tigers and wolves.

Then he said, if a person does not follow the Buddha's teachings and does not respect the Three Jewels, he will be forced to buy a cassock and a tin staff, and he will definitely be sold for seven thousand taels. But if he respects the Three Jewels, rejoices when he sees good, takes refuge in my Buddha, and can afford it, then Give each other a cassock and a tin staff.

After Xiao Yu heard this, he knew that the other party was probably not an ordinary person, so he said that His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was very good-hearted and followed all the martial arts in the dynasty. The Water and Land Conference was being held now, and this cassock was suitable for Master Xuanzang to wear, so that Guanyin could follow him. He entered the court to see the driver.

Guanyin agreed and went to the court with Xiao Yu and met Li Shimin.

After some exchanges, Guanyin expressed that Li

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The people of the world are virtuous and do good, and respect our Buddha's "sect". There are also eminent monks who are virtuous and conduct themselves, preaching the truth, and are willing to give me their cassocks and tin staffs.

So Guanyin left behind her brocade cassock and nine-ring tin staff and left.

After Guanyin left, Li Shimin announced Xuanzang to the palace and presented him with a cassock and a tin staff.

Afterwards, the Land and Water Conference continued, and Xuanzang continued to lecture. On the seventh day of the main meeting, Li Shimin led hundreds of military officials to the scene.

Guanyin and Hui'an also arrived at the scene again. When they were almost finished listening to Xuanzang's sermon, Guanyin walked forward and asked Xuanzang: "Monk, you can only teach the Hinayana teachings, but can you teach the Mahayana?" Teaching? "

After Xuanzang heard this, he raised his hand to Guanyin and said: "Teacher, my disciple has lost his sight and committed many sins. All the monks in front of me are teaching Hinayana teachings, but they don't know what Mahayana teachings are?"

Avalokitesvara replied: "Your Hinayana teachings cannot save the dead, they can only be earthly and light. I have the Tripitaka of Mahayana Buddhism, which can transcend the dead and ascend to heaven, save people who are in trouble and escape suffering, cultivate an infinite lifespan, and achieve infinite life." Come and go.”

At this time, Li Shimin recognized Guanyin as the person who presented the cassock and tin staff the day before, and asked Guanyin where the Mahayana Buddhism was?

Avalokitesvara replied, "I, Buddha Tathagata, can resolve hundreds of grievances and eliminate all kinds of disasters at the Great Thunder Sound Temple in the Great Western Tianzhu Kingdom."

Then, Guanyin flew to the high platform with Hui'an, and then stepped on the auspicious clouds until it reached the sky. The original body of the Bodhisattva appeared, holding the pure vase and willow, and went straight away.

When Avalokitesvara disappeared, a piece of paper fell from the air, which read: "Greetings to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, there is something wonderful in the west. The journey is a hundred and eight thousand miles, and the Mahayana is diligent. When you return home with this sutra, you can surpass ghosts." Group. If anyone is willing to go, he will obtain a golden body."

Avalokitesvara appeared in her true form, Li Shimin bowed to the sky, and all the warriors knelt down to burn incense. The temple was full of monks, nuns, laymen, and scholars and craftsmen, all kneeling down to pray.

Then, Li Shimin asked the monks in the temple: "Who is willing to accept my decree and worship the Buddha in the West to seek scriptures?"

After Xuanzang heard this, he came forward and saluted and said: "I am a poor monk but I am not talented. I am willing to do the hard work of dogs and horses to obtain the true scriptures from your majesty and pray for the eternal stability of my king."

Here we go, today’s series ends.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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