Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1447 The wonderful case of the Jinghe Dragon King

Remember in one second【】

Today's serialization ends, and all the book fans feel the same as at the end of previous serializations, feeling reluctant but excited.

Although the protagonist in this serial is not Sun Wukong and there is almost no role of Sun Wukong, the book fans are still very excited and enjoy it.

Moreover, today's serialization will undoubtedly be very important to the entire novel.

Because it clarifies the theme of "Journey to the West" for the first time, allowing all readers to finally understand why this work is called?

Then, there was a much stronger sense of expectation than before, completely bursting out!

After this serialization, the sense of anticipation left by the book fans is so strong that all the book fans cannot restrain their excitement.

Master Xuanzang traveled all the way west, crossing thousands of mountains and crossing thousands of rivers. Obviously, this was only the most basic difficulty.

In addition, you will definitely encounter various dangers along the way, and perhaps all kinds of monsters and monsters, which are full of dangers.

Master Xuanzang, a mere mortal, may not be able to reach the Western Heaven.

Therefore, Tathagata Buddha asked Guanyin to enlighten some demons to be good, and asked those demons to become disciples of Master Xuanzang.

The apprentice's task is obviously to protect Master Xuanzang from reaching the West.

In this way, Sun Wukong will naturally be one of Master Xuanzang's disciples, and Master Xuanzang is also the one who rescued Sun Wukong from the Five Elements Mountain.

In addition to Sun Wukong, Guanyin also inspired three other people on the way to the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

They are Sha Wujing from Liusha River, Zhu Wuneng from Yunzhan Cave, and the son of Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, who will be punished soon for his crimes.

It is obvious that these three people will become Master Xuanzang's disciples one after another in the future.

So, what kind of story will happen when Master Xuanzang takes these demons as his disciples?

After accepting these apprentices, what kind of story will happen when the master and apprentice set off together to the west? Will you pass through some places? What kind of difficulties will you encounter?

The sense of anticipation in all of this is so strong that all book fans can hardly contain their inner joy and excitement.

And these expectations,

All brought about by today’s serialization.

It can be said that the content serialized today is the highlight of the entire work. Its importance and status can be imagined.

In addition to highlighting the theme and creating a strong sense of expectation, other plot contents are also surprising, exciting, and emotional.

Among them, the case of Jinghe Dragon King can be called a classic among classics.

A group of book fans absolutely believe that if the case of the Dragon King of Jinghe River is mentioned alone, if some additional content is added appropriately, and a dedicated work is written, it will be extremely popular.

Because its imagination and imagination are so strong, it also perfectly integrates the two folklore cultures of Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong, why they are door gods, and how Jue Jue added twenty years to Li Shimin's life. became a story.

It really makes people admire Li Fan's imagination and creativity.

But now, such a classic case of the Jinghe Dragon King has only been written about by Li Fan with a limited amount of pen and ink.

This made many writers in other fields shout that it was simply a waste of resources! What a waste.

If they had this case idea and wrote a work alone, it would definitely be a bestseller, and their fame would definitely rise sharply.

The writers' hearts were bleeding, but the readers were excitedly discussing the Jinghe Dragon King case.

In their opinion, this case is really imaginative and ghostly.

The Dragon King of the Jinghe River was worried that all the aquatic tribes in the river would be wiped out, so he went to Chang'an City and made a bet with the fortune teller Yuan Shoucheng.

Then, because he didn't want to lose, the Dragon King of Jinghe deliberately missed the rain points, thus violating the rules of heaven. Under the guidance of Yuan Shoucheng, he came to the dream of Tang Wang Li Shimin and begged Li Shimin to save his life.

Li Shimin promised the Jinghe Dragon King his life, but Wei Zheng still killed the Jinghe Dragon King in his dream.

After that, the Dragon King of Jinghe harassed Li Shimin every night because he did not keep his promise, crying for Li Shimin to return his life, and even took Li Shimin to the Senluo Hall of the underworld to reason with him.

This naturally leads to the story of Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong becoming door gods.

Later, because the Dragon King of Jinghe was in the Senluo Palace and sued Li Shimin for promising and then killing him, King Qin Guang sent a ghost messenger to "invite" Li Shimin to go to the underworld. As a result, Li Shimin fell seriously ill and died in a short period of time.

Then it naturally led to the folk legend that Judge Cui Jue added twenty years of longevity to Li Shimin.

The plot development of this series is simply perfect.

And more importantly, it was precisely because of his trip to the underworld that Li Shimin hired eminent monks to hold land and water conferences after he returned to the underworld, and Master Xuanzang gave lectures and was selected by Avalokitesvara as his sutra collector.

This is perfectly connected with this work, it is simply wonderful.

In addition to being surprised and excited, all the book fans just sighed, and their hearts were like gushing water, sighing out of control!

In this world, there is also a folk legend that Judge Cui added twenty years to Li Shimin's life.

But, when did this legend begin? Why did Judge Cui add twenty years to Li Shimin's life? What are the causes and consequences?

These are all unclear and cannot be verified, but there is such a legend that has been passed down.

Now, with the help of the case of Jinghe Dragon King, Li Fan continues to elaborate on the case of Yuchi Jingde and Qin Qiong.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After "Man, Why Is the Door God", he also elaborated on the legend of Judge Cui adding twenty years to Li Shimin's life, which was endlessly surprising.

In the near future, this statement will definitely be integrated into folklore culture. How can this make book fans not excited?

In Li Fan's previous life, the legend that Judge Cui added twenty years to Li Shimin's life did indeed originate.

However, did this legend already exist before? This is a question worth studying.

In other words, did Judge Cui first add twenty years to the legend of Li Shimin, and then Wu Chengen artistically processed it and included it in it?

Or was it Wu Cheng'en first, and then the folk legend of Judge Cui adding twenty years to Li Shimin's life?

There is an obvious difference between the two. The former was processed by Wu Chengen on the basis of folklore, while the latter was purely original by Wu Chengen and also formed folklore.

There is obviously a big difference in difficulty between the two.

However, it is now difficult to verify who came first and who came last. It is also difficult to say clearly.

Of course, no matter who comes first or who comes last, it is no longer important, and his influence is unshakable.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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