Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1449 White Dragon Transformation Mount

Remember in one second【】

When the sea has turned into mulberry fields, when the stubborn rocks are covered with moss, when the Five Elements Mountain was formed, it has become a legend. .: . !

The Monkey King who caused great trouble in the Heavenly Palace back then is still trapped under the Five Elements Mountain, day after day, year after year.

The Monkey King could not move.

There is only an undead heart that still yearns for freedom and freedom.

Whether it is burning wildfire or covered in ice and snow, our ambitions remain unchanged and our faith remains undiminished.

All the book fans were filled with sighs and sighs.

Fortunately, today the time has finally come, the disaster is over, and the Monkey King has finally come out of trouble, and will become free and at ease again.

After feeling sad for a while, the book fans continued reading.

After Liu Boqin finished telling Xuanzang about the legend of Five Elements Mountain and the divine monkey, he asked Xuanzang not to be afraid. They went to take a look together to see why the divine monkey shouted "Master is coming"?

Liu Boqin and Xuanzang went down to the mountain and saw a monkey among the stone boxes.

The monkey's hands and head are outside, its beak is pointed and its cheeks are retracted, its head is covered with moss, its ears are covered with daffodils, its temples have less hair and more grass, there is no need for green grass under its chin, there is dirt between its eyebrows, and there is mud in the hollow of its nose. He was embarrassed, his fingers were thick, his palms were thick, and there was a lot of dirt, but his eyes were very agile.

This monkey is naturally the Monkey King who caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace five hundred years ago.

When Sun Wukong saw Xuanzang, he shouted excitedly: "Master, why did you come just now? Well done! Well done! Save me and I will protect you from going to the West."

Liu Boqin and Xuanzang were very surprised when they heard Sun Wukong say this. Xuanzang asked Sun Wukong why he said this.

Sun Wukong then described how he made a big fuss in the sky and how he was pinned down by the Tathagata Buddha at the foot of this mountain. Later, he was enlightened by Guanyin Bodhisattva and converted to Buddhism. He should do his best to protect those who are seeking Buddhist scriptures in the West. He is willing to be a disciple of those who seek scriptures, etc. It's all said and done.

Xuanzang was very happy after hearing this. He said that Sun Wukong had such a kind heart and was taught by the Bodhisattva that he was willing to enter the Shamen. He was naturally willing to save him, but he didn't know how to save him?

Sun Wukong said that there is a gold-letter sign of Buddha Tathagata on this mountain. He only needs to take out the gold-letter sign and he can come out.

Xuanzang followed his words,

He walked to the gold-inscribed post, prayed to the west a few more times, and then gently took off the gold-inscribed post.

Then, the envoy who was ordered to imprison him took the gold-pressed note and left.

Afterwards, Sun Wukong asked Xuanzang and Liu Boqin to go further. After the sound of the earth cracking and landslides, Sun Wukong had already broken through the mountain and came out.

Five hundred years later, Sun Wukong was finally free and at ease again, and Sun Wukong was naturally overjoyed.

Sun Wukong, who was finally free, came to Xuanzang and Liu Boqin. He first worshiped Xuanzang as his teacher, and then expressed his gratitude to Liu Boqin for escorting Xuanzang here.

Seeing that Xuanzang had such a capable apprentice, Liu Boqin said goodbye with peace of mind.

Sun Wukong took Xuanzang's bow and formally embarked on the westward journey with Xuanzang.

On the way, he met a tiger, which was easily killed by Sun Wukong. Later, Sun Wukong skinned the tiger again, and Xuanzang used the tiger skin to make clothes for Sun Wukong.

After staying at a farmhouse for one night, the master and apprentice continued on their journey, encountering several robbers who were blocking the way.

How could a few mortal bandits stop the Monkey King? They were all beaten to death by Sun Wukong with a light stick.

However, when Xuanzang saw Sun Wukong beating people to death, he couldn't help but started chattering, saying that just driving away those robbers, there was no need to hurt their lives. Now that he has entered the Buddhist door, he must be compassionate. For love and the like.

After talking for a long time, Sun Wukong became angry. In a fit of anger, he abandoned Xuanzang and left, saying that since he was no longer a monk and could not go to the Western Heaven, he would not go.

After Sun Wukong left, Xuanzang sighed a few times, but he had no choice but to continue heading west alone.

Then, Xuanzang met an old woman. The old woman asked Xuanzang where the elder came from. Why walk alone?

Xuanzang said that he was a monk who came from the Tang Dynasty in the east and went to the west to worship Buddha and seek scriptures. He had accepted a disciple the day before yesterday, but the disciple was naughty and left after a few words.

The old woman then gave Xuanzang a hat inlaid with gold flowers and asked Xuanzang to wear it after his apprentice came back. Then she taught Xuanzang a "Tightening Curse" and said that if he If the disciple no longer listens to the instructions, he can recite this mantra silently.

This old woman was naturally Guanyin in disguise. When Xuanzang found out, he hurriedly thanked her.

After Sun Wukong visited the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, he finally returned to Xuanzang. When he saw that, could he wear it?

Xuanzang naturally agreed. After Sun Wukong put the gold-embedded flower hat on his head, Xuanzang silently recited the "Tightening Curse" just taught by Guanyin.

Sun Wukong immediately had a splitting headache and rolled on the ground. Seeing this, Xuanzang stopped reciting silently.

Sun Wukong immediately stopped having a headache and hurriedly pulled off the gold-embedded flower hat. However, although the hat was pulled off, there were rings of gold-like hoops on his head, but he couldn't take them away no matter what. Came down.

As soon as Xuanzang recited the "Tightening Curse", Sun Wukong would have a headache and splitting desire.

With this "Sutra Hoop Curse", Xuanzang finally had a way to restrain Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong had to express to Xuanzang repeatedly that he was willing to escort Xuanzang to the West without any regrets.

Then, the two continued westward and arrived at a place called Yingchou Stream. Suddenly a white dragon emerged from the stream and ate the white horse Xuanzang used to travel.

After a battle between Sun Wukong and the white dragon, the white dragon

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Hiding at the bottom of the stream and not coming out.

Later, when Guanyin arrived, Bailong knew that Xuanzang turned out to be the Buddhist monk he had been waiting for.

It turns out that this white dragon, like Sun Wukong, was enlightened by Guanyin and wanted to be Xuanzang's apprentice and protect Xuanzang on his journey to the west.

After Bailong worshiped Xuanzang as his disciple, he transformed into a strong white dragon horse, thinking that Xuanzang's legs would be strong.

At this point, in addition to Xuanzang and Sun Wukong, the westbound team also had a white dragon horse.

And when we get here, today’s serialization ends.

Today's serialization begins. The official chapter of Xuanzang's master and disciple's journey to the west to obtain Buddhist scriptures has also taken the first step in a journey that is destined to be full of disasters.

All the book fans are still unsatisfied, excited and surprised.

The road to the west has officially begun, and one unknown story after another is waiting for them.

They can have a very clear premonition that every story that follows will be very exciting.


The situation is the same as at the end of previous issues. Discussions about today’s updated content are already overwhelming.

Some people lamented that Sun Wukong finally ended his period of calamity and regained his freedom.

Or perhaps he was not at ease, because he embarked on the westward journey and had the task of protecting Xuanzang on his westward journey.

Some people are also talking about how the journey to the west is indeed full of disasters, which can be clearly felt from the beginning.

Some people were exclaiming that Xuanzang's foot strength from then on was all transformed from the white dragon, so handsome and awesome!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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