Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1464 A rare excitement

Remember in one second【】

Zhang Cuishan suddenly committed suicide, leaving all the martial arts fans stunned. It took them a while to react.

Then, they were finally able to confirm one thing, that is, Zhang Cuishan was not the protagonist.

The real protagonist should be Zhang Wuji.

However, Zhang Cuishan's sudden suicide still made them sigh.

However, there was something even more embarrassing for them.

Yin Susu was heartbroken when she saw Zhang Cuishan suddenly committed suicide. She knew that Zhang Cuishan committed suicide on the surface because he was unwilling to tell the whereabouts of Xie Xun and was forced to commit suicide by these martial arts people.

But the real reason was that Zhang Cuishan didn't know how to face her, nor how to face Yu Daiyan. He felt sorry for Yu Daiyan, so he swung his sword to kill himself.

Therefore, she also committed suicide next to Zhang Cuishan.

Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu committed suicide at the same time, which made all martial arts fans even more sad.

Fortunately, Yin Susu saw her child Wuji before committing suicide.

It turns out that the mysterious master who kidnapped Zhang Wuji also secretly came to the scene with Zhang Wuji. When Zhang Cuishan committed suicide, Zhang Wuji screamed and Zhang Sanfeng rescued Zhang Wuji.

Zhang Cuishan and his wife committed suicide one after another, which caught all the martial arts people by surprise. They thought that the relationship was over, and then they left one after another.

Everyone in Wudang was grieving. After handling the funeral of Zhang Cuishan and his wife, Zhang Sanfeng discovered that Zhang Wuji had been poisoned by the Xuan Ming Divine Palm. Naturally, it was the mysterious master who kidnapped Zhang Wuji before.

There is only one way to eliminate the poison of Xuanming Divine Palm, let Zhang Wuji practice the full version.

But Zhang Sanfeng felt that what Jue Yuan taught back then was not complete.

Therefore, he could not save Zhang Wuji.

Unfortunately, Zhang Wuji's time is running out at such a young age, which once again makes all the martial arts fans worried.

They were thinking that something might really happen to Zhang Wuji, but then they discovered that Zhang Wuji was not actually the protagonist.

Just like Zhang Cuishan, whom they thought was the protagonist, suddenly committed suicide.

Fortunately, this didn't happen.

Zhang Wuji has been on Wudang Mountain for two years. During these two years, Zhang Sanfeng and several disciples tried every means to treat Zhang Wuji.

It's a pity that apart from forcibly extending Zhang Wuji's life, it can't cure Zhang Wuji.

The only way is still to let Zhang Wuji practice the full version.

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng decided to take Zhang Wuji with him to the Shaolin Temple for help.

Because Zen Master Wu Se of Shaolin Temple also had some teachings from Jue Yuan, and by combining the two, there might be a way to complete it.

Zhang Sanfeng took Zhang Wuji to the foot of Shaoshi Mountain and revisited his old place. He recalled that more than eighty years ago, his master Jue Yuan picked up a pair of iron buckets and escaped with Guo Xiang and himself to Shaolin. Looking back at the past, it was more than just a lifetime ago.

With emotion in his heart, he held Zhang Wuji's hand and slowly climbed up the mountain. He saw that the five peaks were still the same, and the forest of steles was still the same as before, but Jue Yuan and Guo Xiang were no longer alive.

Zhang Sanfeng lamented, and all the martial arts fans also lamented. This reminded them once again of the lonely and sad girl riding a green donkey down Shaoshi Mountain.

I felt sad again.

Then they hope that the Shaolin Temple can take out part of their inheritance to rescue Zhang Wuji.

It's a pity that no matter how Zhang Sanfeng begged, the Shaolin Temple always politely refused. Zhang Sanfeng had no choice but to leave with Zhang Wuji.

And when we get here, today’s serialization ends.

After reading today's serialization, all the martial arts fans breathed a long sigh of relief. Today's serialization contained too much content, spanned too long, and caused frequent accidents, which made their moods go through ups and downs.

There are various emotions such as surprise, excitement, excitement, sadness, sadness, touch, helplessness, anger, sigh, etc.

It started with Xie Xun appearing on the island, snatching away the dragon-slaying sword, and forcing Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu to leave with him. It ended with Zhang Sanfeng taking Zhang Wuji to the Shaolin Temple for help but failed, and he had no choice but to leave.

There are too many contents and stories, and there are too many places that make them deeply moved.

Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu fell in love secretly while drifting on the sea. They got married and had a child. Zhang Wuji lived on Binghuo Island for ten years.

I finally got the news about Guo Xiang and learned about Guo Xiang’s subsequent life trajectory.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong were both martyred on the day Xiangyang City was captured.

At Zhang Sanfeng's 100th birthday party, Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu committed suicide one after another.

Zhang Wuji suffered from the insidious poison of Xuanming Divine Palm at a young age, and his days were short.

All these plots are very emotional, and the Internet has already been a hot topic.

After everyone sighed for Guo Xiang, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Zhang Cuishan, and Yin Susu for a while, their eyes mainly fell on Zhang Wuji.

It was finally confirmed that Zhang Wuji is the real protagonist. Martial arts fans do not want their guesses about the protagonist to be wrong again.

Then, Zhang Wuji must recover and grow up healthily.

And the only way for Zhang Wuji to recover is to get the complete version.

Will Zhang Wuji get it? A lot of martial arts fans are talking about this.

Now the three major sects of Wudang, Shaolin and Emei have mastered it to varying degrees. If the three major sects can take out the parts they have mastered and study them together, there will be a great chance to produce a complete book. .

But it's a pity

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The Emei and Shaolin factions are obviously not willing.

This method definitely won't work, so is there any other method?

After a heated discussion on the Internet, someone suddenly said: "Everyone still remembers that at the end of ", the hidden scripture was not found in the end, right? I was thinking that Zhang Wuji might have accidentally obtained that scripture."

These words made all the martial arts fans' eyes light up, and they suddenly remembered this incident.

When it was just finished, they were saying that this kind of martial arts secret book, which sounds so awesome when you hear the name, can't be as simple as just making soy sauce.

Moreover, he disappeared in the end.

At that time, everyone still regarded this as one of the reasons for speculating that Gu Yong's new book would be related to it.

It now seems that Gu Yong was foreshadowing today's plot at that time.

The missing one was probably prepared for Zhang Wuji.

The more the martial arts fans thought about it, the more they felt that this possibility was very high, as if they had discovered some big secret, and they seemed very excited.

This was also the rare excitement they felt after reading the serial today.

In this way, nothing will happen to Zhang Wuji, and his identity as the protagonist can finally be 100% confirmed.

This is really not easy.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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