Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1466 Gao Laozhuang catching monsters

Remember in one second【】

"The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Slayer" is serialized once a week, while "Journey to the West" is serialized every day.

Although the reader groups of the two works are not exactly the same, there are still a considerable number of readers who like both "The Legend of Heaven and Sword of the Dragon" and "Journey to the West".

"Journey to the West" is serialized every day, with wonderful stories one after another, making all book fans unable to stop reading.

So far, fans' love for "Journey to the West" has surpassed the previous "Fengshen Yanyi".

This is quite normal. From many aspects, "Journey to the West" is indeed more attractive.

Each story is imaginative and fascinating.

Moreover, the current Journey to the West Buddhist scriptures team has increased to five people. In addition to the previous Sun Wukong and Xiao Bailong, Xuanzang has accepted two new apprentices, namely Zhu Bajie from Yunzhan Cave and Sha Seng from Liusha River.

Except for the little white dragon who transforms into a white dragon horse and doesn't have many scenes, the other four people all have a lot of scenes.

Moreover, their respective characteristics are very obvious and their personalities are very prominent.

The first is Xuanzang, who believed in Buddhism, strictly abided by the precepts, had clear goals, and a firm stance. He would not return until he reached the Western Heaven without obtaining the true scriptures. But he likes to preach and is rather verbose, which often makes several of Sun Wukong's disciples get very upset. Sometimes we don't distinguish between good and foolish, we don't distinguish between right and wrong, and our compassion goes too far.

Next is Sun Wukong, who is rebellious, daring, full of rebellious spirit, brave and resourceful, has a clear sense of love and hate, hates evil as much as hatred, has a strong competitive spirit, and sometimes likes to tease Zhu Bajie.

Then there is Zhu Bajie, who is timid, lazy, gossips, clever and lies, greedy for petty gains, and likes to socialize with the opposite sex. But he is still loyal, kind, honest and simple. Even though he is timid, he is very brave when he actually fights monsters. When encountering difficulties, I thought of breaking up the group, dividing the luggage, and then everyone went back to their respective homes. You went back to Huaguoshan, he went back to Liushahe, and I went back to Gaolaozhuang.

Finally, there is Sha Seng, who has an easy-going attitude, works hard, is responsible, an honest peacemaker, and has a firm goal, vowing to escort the master to the west.

The very obvious character traits of the four masters and apprentices are one of the greatest charms of this work and one of the reasons why it surpasses "The Romance of the Gods".

Being able to create the characters of the four masters and apprentices with such different personalities, and all of them are very successful, all the book fans and celebrities have sighed countless times at the power of Li Fan's writing.

In addition to being quaint,

There is no one better than him.

Of course, the reason why this work is so charming is not only because of the extremely successful characters of the four masters and apprentices, but also because of the wonderful stories one after another.

Xuanzang's secular surname was "Chen". Because Li Shimin, the king of the Tang Dynasty, sworn sworn sworn relationship with him, he was called "Yu Di" and given the Buddhist title "Sanzang". Therefore, Xuanzang referred to "Tang" as his surname, and was also called Tang Monk.

The news that Tang Monk's master and apprentice went to Xitian to obtain Buddhist scriptures spread in the world of monsters and monsters. There was also a rumor that Tang Monk was a good man who had practiced Buddhism for ten generations. If he ate a piece of his flesh, he could live forever.

Therefore, as Tang Seng and his disciples walked along the way, all the monsters along the way wanted to catch Tang Seng and eat them.

In order to successfully catch Tang Monk, the monsters used all their abilities and conspiracies, and one wonderful story after another was born one after another.

Every story is deeply remembered by book fans.

After conquering the little white dragon in Yingchou Stream and having a white dragon horse mount, Tang Monk and Sun Wukong went to a temple called "Guanyin Yuan".

Elder Jinchi, the old director of the temple, heard that Tang Seng said that he came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, so he asked Tang Seng if he had any treasures that could open his eyes.

Tang Seng said that he had no treasure, and even if he did, he would not be able to carry it with him. However, in order to show off, Sun Wukong persuaded Tang Seng to take out the Jinlan cassock presented by Guanyin.

After Elder Jinchi saw the Jinlan cassock, he was extremely moved and became greedy, wanting to take it for himself.

So, that night, Elder Jinchi ordered people to quietly set fire to the house where Tang Seng and his disciples were staying, intending to burn them to death and swallow their cassocks.

Fortunately, Sun Wukong noticed Elder Jinchi's conspiracy in time, went to the sky to borrow the fire-proofing beads from King Guangmu, and placed them on Tang Monk in advance.

When the fire broke out at night, Sun Wukong was angry at Elder Jinchi's sinister intentions, so he helped him to help the wind, causing the fire to burn most of the entire Guanyin Temple, but Tang Monk was unscathed.

The fire alarmed a black bear monster in the Batu Caves not far away. The black bear monster was friendly with the elder Jinchi. When he saw the fire in Guanyin Temple, he rushed to Guanyin Temple to help put out the fire.

However, the black bear monster discovered the Jinlan cassock placed in Elder Jinchi's room. He also became greedy. He took the cassock and left without putting out the fire. It can be said that he was truly taking advantage of the situation.

The next day, Tang Monk asked Elder Jinchi for a cassock. Elder Jinchi saw that Tang Monk and his disciples were safe and sound, but most of his temple was burned down. He couldn't get out the Jinlan cassock. He was ashamed, angry, angry, worried and anxious, so he bumped into the temple. Zhu committed suicide.

Later, Sun Wukong guessed that the cassock had been stolen by the monster in Batu Cave, so he came to Batu Cave to ask for it.

The black bear monster is very capable. Sun Wukong fought with it several times but failed to gain any advantage. In the end, he had no choice but to go to the South China Sea and seek help from Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Finally, the black bear monster was subdued by Guanyin Bodhisattva and became the guardian of Luojia Mountain. Sun Wukong successfully took back the Jinlan cassock.

After that, the master and the disciple packed their luggage and set out on the westward journey again to learn Buddhist scriptures, and arrived at a place called Gaolaozhuang.

The story of Gao Laozhuang is especially popular among book fans because it

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It was here that Tang Seng accepted his third apprentice, Zhu Bajie.

There is a large family in Gaolaozhuang. The owner is called Taigong Gao. He has three daughters. The eldest daughter and the second daughter are married, leaving only the youngest daughter Gao Cuilan.

Grand Duke Gao is planning to recruit a son-in-law to come to the house. As a son-in-law, he will support the family and work as an errand.

And he did find a satisfactory son-in-law. His surname was Pig. He had no parents or brothers. He was an unfettered person, which was perfect for him to be his son-in-law.

Moreover, people are very diligent and very strong. They plow and harrow the fields without using ox tools, and harvest the fields without using knives or sticks.

It's just that he has a very large appetite and eats a lot in one meal, and sometimes his face changes into a pig-like one.

That was all. Later, the son-in-law came and went again, and even kept Gao Cuilan in the back house. Gao Cuilan was not allowed to leave the back house for half a year.

Only then did Gao Taigong know that his son-in-law was a monster, so he sent his servants to find a mage to catch the monster.

On the way to find the master, the servant happened to meet Tang Monk and Sun Wukong who were looking for a place to stay.

After some speeches, Tang Seng and Sun Wukong learned about the situation in Gao Taigong's home and the purpose of the servant's trip.

Sun Wukong immediately said that he would catch monsters, and asked his servants to take them, master and disciple, to Gao Taigong's house, where they could borrow a place to stay, become a vegetarian, and help catch monsters.

When the servant saw that the two of them seemed to be capable people, they took them to Gao Taigong's house.

After arriving at Taigong Gao's house, after a lot of trouble, Sun Wukong and Taigong Gao arrived in front of the back house where Gao Cuilan was imprisoned.

Sun Wukong unlocked the door and rescued Gao Cuilan, who had been imprisoned for half a year. He also asked Gao Taigong to take Gao Cuilan away with peace of mind. If the monster didn't come at night, he would be removed.

Grand Duke Gao was overjoyed and took his daughter away. Sun Wukong transformed into Gao Cuilan and sat in the room waiting for the monster to come.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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