Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1469 Stealing Ginseng Fruit

Remember in one second【】

The book fans were shocked and couldn't help but think that this town Yuanzi was so awesome. If Sun Wukong caused any trouble here, it would be quite troublesome.

The reason why book fans are worried that Sun Wukong will cause trouble is because of the precious ginseng fruit in the temple. If Sun Wukong knew about this ginseng fruit, he would probably get two of them to try.

That guy even dared to eat the flat peaches of the Queen Mother. Now if he eats ginseng fruit secretly, many book fans will think it is really normal.

So, will Sun Wukong really steal food? The book fans continued to read below with great curiosity.

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Seng were herding horses and cooking outside, while Tang Seng was resting in the house.

Qingfeng and Mingyue respected their master's order, punched two ginseng fruits, put them on a plate, and handed them to Tang Monk for him to eat.

However, Tang Monk saw that the fruit was clearly a child under the age of three dynasties. Where was the fruit? So he refused to eat it.

Qingfeng and Mingyue had no choice but to take the ginseng fruit away. Since the ginseng fruit could not be kept for a long time, they ate it one by one in the room.

The scene of the two eating ginseng fruits was seen by Zhu Bajie who was cooking. He immediately drooled and called Sun Wukong, saying that there were ginseng fruits in the temple and asked Sun Wukong to get two to eat.

Sun Wukong knew that ginseng fruit was a treasure. He heard that there was a ginseng fruit in this temple, and he also thought about it.

So he stole a strip of red gold used to beat ginseng fruit, sneaked up the ginseng fruit tree, and beat down the ginseng fruit.

However, the ginseng fruit disappeared as soon as it hit the ground. At first, Sun Wukong thought it was eaten by the land here.

After calling out the earth and asking about it, I realized that it turns out that the ginseng fruit is in awe of the five elements. It falls when it encounters gold, dries up when it encounters wood, melts when it encounters water, burns when it encounters fire, and enters when it encounters earth.

Then, Sun Wukong used his clothes to make a bag, and picked down three ginseng fruits. He took them to Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng and ate them one by one.

Seeing this, all the book fans secretly smiled bitterly. They knew that Sun Wukong would definitely steal the ginseng fruit, and now it is indeed the case.

This ginseng fruit is so precious. If Zhen Yuanzi knew about it, how could he let it go?

I guess I'm in big trouble now.

However, many book fans did not expect that

There are more big troubles to come.

Qingfeng and Mingyue saw that four ginseng fruits were missing. They thought that Tang Seng and his disciples must have eaten them secretly, so they went to Tang Seng to argue that he had just given them to Tang Seng, but Tang Seng didn't eat them, and now he stole them to eat.

Tang Seng explained that he did not eat it secretly, and then asked Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Seng to ask.

Sun Wukong admitted to stealing three ginseng fruits to eat, but Qingfeng and Mingyue explained that they had stolen four ginseng fruits, and said that Sun Wukong must have secretly hidden one more. He got excited and started cursing.

The more Sun Wukong listened, the angrier he became. In a rage, he came to the ginseng fruit tree, struck down with a golden cudgel, and directly pushed the ginseng fruit tree until its roots broke through the ground and fell to one side.

Seeing this, the hearts of all the book fans jumped, and they couldn't help shouting, "I'll strangle you!"

It's just that he stole the ginseng fruit, but now he has directly knocked down someone else's ginseng fruit tree. It's strange that Zhen Yuanzi can let it go.

This time, the trouble was much greater. All the book fans smiled helplessly in their hearts. Sun Wukong's temper had not changed at all.

But think about it, it is completely normal for the Monkey King, who even dared to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace, to push a ginseng fruit tree.

But what should we do now? Book fans can't help but feel a little worried.

What can be done? Of course he ran away.

So, that night, Sun Wukong protected Tang Seng, together with Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng, led the white dragon horse, took the luggage, and sneaked out of Wuzhuang Temple.

After sneaking out of Wuzhuang Temple, Tang Monk got on his horse and ran non-stop to the west all night. After dawn the next day, he stopped by the roadside to rest.

He actually slipped away, and all the book fans were secretly amused. This didn't seem to be in line with the Monkey King's style of doing things.

However, when I thought about it again, the situation of the Monkey King now was very different from when he was alone in the Heavenly Palace. In addition, Zhen Yuanzi was too awesome, so sneaking away was indeed the best choice.

But, can you escape?

The answer, of course, is that it cannot escape.

Zhen Yuanzi returned to Wuzhuang Temple and saw that the ginseng fruit tree had been pushed. He couldn't help but get angry. After asking Qingfeng and Mingyue the reason, he set up auspicious light and caught up with the four masters and disciples of Tang Monk in an instant.

When Sun Wukong saw Zhen Yuanzi chasing after him, he hit him with a golden cudgel, but he was naturally far from Zhen Yuanzi's opponent. Zhen Yuanzi used a clever trick to kill the four monks, masters and disciples of Tang Dynasty, including White Dragon Horse. , the luggage was put into the sleeves together, and brought back to Wuzhuang Temple.

Zhen Yuanzi tied the four masters and disciples of Tang Monk to wooden stakes and wanted to whip them with whips. Sun Wukong asked Zhen Yuanzi to beat them all.

That night, Sun Wukong used a trick to change four willow roots into the appearance of the four masters and disciples, tied them to wooden stakes, protected Tang Monk, and escaped from Wuzhuang Temple again.

It's a pity that after dawn, he was captured again by Zhen Yuanzi.

This time, Zhen Yuanzi used an oil pan to fry Tang Monk and his four disciples. Sun Wukong also asked Zhen Yuanzi to fry only him. After the disciples threw Sun Wukong into the oil pan, Sun Wukong kicked over the oil pan and escaped.

When Zhen Yuanzi saw it, he was neither angry nor chasing him. He just said to change the pot and continue to fry Tang Monk. After hearing this, Sun Wukong had to come back obediently.

When Zhen Yuanzi saw Sun Wukong coming back, he said to Sun Wukong, "I have heard of your fame and know your abilities, but you have

^0^ Remember in one second【】

No matter how powerful you are, there is no way you can escape from my hands. Even if you go to the Western Heaven and see Tathagata Buddha, you will definitely give me back the fruit tree of life. "

After hearing this, Sun Wukong said that Zhen Yuanzi was very stingy. It turned out that as long as the ginseng and fruit trees were alive, what was the difficulty?

Zhen Yuanzi also said that if Sun Wukong could save the fruit tree, he would be willing to be friends with Sun Wukong and become brothers.

Sun Wukong asked Zhen Yuanzi to take good care of his master, and then flew into the clouds and mist to find the healing tree.

Sun Wukong first arrived at the Penglai Immortal Island and asked the Three Immortals of Longevity Star, Lucky Star and Lucky Star for a cure for the tree.

However, the three immortals said that Zhen Yuanzi was the ancestor of the earth immortals, and the ginseng fruit tree was the spiritual root of heaven and earth. They had no way to heal the tree.

Then Sun Wukong went to the Abbot Fairy Mountain and asked Emperor Donghua for a cure for the tree, but Emperor Donghua also had no method.

After that, Sun Wukong went to several places to search for the recipe, but unfortunately still to no avail.

Finally, Sun Wukong came to Guanyin Bodhisattva in Luojia Mountain. Guanyin Bodhisattva blamed Sun Wukong for being ignorant, saying that she also wanted to give Zhen Yuanzi three points, but Sun Wukong dared to overthrow his ginseng fruit tree.

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva later said that her purifying water could bring the ginseng fruit tree back to life.

Sun Wukong was overjoyed. After thanking him repeatedly, he returned to Wuzhuang Temple with Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva dipped a willow branch into the nectar from the pure body, drew a symbol of resurrection on Sun Wukong's hand, and asked Sun Wukong to place his hand under the root of the tree.

Sun Wukong did as he was told, and after Guanyin Bodhisattva used some more tricks, the ginseng fruit tree was resurrected, and the ginseng fruit returned to the tree from the ground.

Qingfeng and Mingyue counted the fruits of life again, there were twenty-three in total, and then they realized that Sun Wukong had only stolen three before.

Zhen Yuanzi was very happy that the ginseng fruit tree was revived. He had ten ginseng fruit harvested and held a personal ginseng fruit party in the temple.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and the three immortals who came here specially, namely longevity star, lucky star and lucky star, each ate one. Only then did Tang Monk know that the ginseng fruit was indeed a treasure of the immortal family, so he also ate one.

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Seng also ate one each, and Zhen Yuanzi also ate one.

There was only one left, so Zhen Yuanzi asked his disciples to share it and eat it.

After that, Zhen Yuanzi and Sun Wukong became friends and became brothers, and stayed in the temple for a few days.

A few days later, Tang Seng and his disciples set foot on the westward journey again.

After reading this story, all the book fans couldn't help but say they are hooked. Ginseng fruit, Zhen Yuanzi, and all the gods are really wonderful!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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