Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1474 The Excited Storyteller

Remember in one second【】

Yuan Yihua listened to Li Fan and asked him to tell a story from "Journey to the West", knowing that Li Fan was testing his storytelling skills.

A little nervous, but more confident, he coughed lightly and said: "Okay Mr. Li Fan, then I will tell you a story about 'three fights with white-bone demons'. What do you think of Mr. Li Fan?"

Li Fan nodded and smiled: "Of course, Mr. Yuan please!"

Yuan Yihua nodded, adjusted himself, and said: "Speaking of which, Xuanzang, Xingzhe, Bajie, and Monk Sha arrived at a place called Baihuling. This Baihuling..."

Yuan Yihua kept talking. He was a little nervous at first, but as he spoke, he got into the mood. His voice was mellow, his facial expressions were rich, and his body language was reasonable and not exaggerated. He was also good at changing a variety of voices, and told the story of "three fights with white-bone demons" , very vivid and attractive.

Li Fan nodded secretly, and Li Ru blinked his big eyes, seemingly surprised.

After Yuan Yihua spoke for a while, he stopped, became a little nervous again, and said, "What do you think of Mr. Li Fan?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Yuan said it very well!"

Yuan Yihua's face showed joy, but Hua Yu said modestly: "This is mainly because Mr. Li Fan's story is well written."

This is of course also true. Only when the story itself is wonderful can it be told wonderfully.

Then, Yuan Yihua continued: "So, Mr. Li Fan, regarding this authorization..."

Li Fan nodded and said: "I can authorize Mr. Yuan to write "Journey to the West" in the future."

Yuan Yihua was overjoyed after hearing this, but still worried and said: "Then Mr. Li Fan plans to pay for the copyright fee..."

Before Yuan Yihua could finish speaking, Li Fan waved his hand and said, "Mr. Yuan, you don't need to mention the copyright fee anymore. I will license it to you for free without charging copyright fees."

Li Fan does not intend to charge storytelling copyright fees. He plans to let more storytellers tell "Journey to the West". Yuan Yihua alone is not enough.

Hearing Li Fan say that he would not charge copyright fees, Yuan Yihua suddenly became very surprised and excited, and said in a trembling voice: "Mr. Li Fan, this... this... this..."

Li Fan smiled and said: "It's nothing. Mr. Yuan said that "Journey to the West" will have a very positive effect on the popularization of "Journey to the West". Mr. Yuan came to see me today,

It also reminded me that I will issue a statement to the public and authorize the storytelling copyright of "Journey to the West" to all storytellers free of charge. Anyone who is willing to tell "Journey to the West" can do so. "

After hearing this, Yuan Yihua expressed his gratitude to Li Fan repeatedly and said that he would tell the stories in "Journey to the West" with the fullest enthusiasm.

Li Fan nodded and told Yuan Yihua not to be polite.

Afterwards, the two discussed the storytelling aspects of "Journey to the West".

After that, Yuan Yihua said goodbye, and Li Fan got up and sent Yuan Yihua to the door of the courtyard.

Yuan Yihua thanked him profusely before saying goodbye and leaving.

After Yuan Yihua left, Li Fan did not hesitate and directly updated Weibo.

The main content of Weibo is that he has authorized the storytelling copyright of "Journey to the West" to every storyteller for free. Anyone who wants to tell "Journey to the West" can do so for free.

After being updated on Weibo, it quickly spread on the Internet.

The eyes of all the book fans lit up. The storyteller said "Journey to the West"? It seems very interesting.

Most of the book fans are young people, who originally have no interest in storytelling.

However, now that I think about the wonderful stories in "Journey to the West", they are interpreted by storytellers in a storytelling way, which seems very interesting.

Many book fans are thinking in their hearts that if there is a storyteller nearby who talks about "Journey to the West", they must go and listen to a few performances to get a feel for it.

Across the country, there are not a few people who take storytelling as a profession. This is an ancient profession with a very excellent inheritance.

Although many young people are not interested in storytelling nowadays, they do not lack an audience. Many older people are their audience.

Of course, there are young people too, but there are fewer of them.

Just like authors in various fields, storytellers also have their own communication platform.

They will often exchange storytelling experiences, thoughts and so on on the communication platform, and also share some excellent stories.

They are willing to share, after all, there is little competition.

Recently, they are all chasing a work called "Journey to the West", not only because they like to read it, but also because this work is very suitable for telling books.

One after another, the most wonderful stories are simply the stories their storytellers dream of.

They all have one wish, that is, to be able to tell "Journey to the West".

However, this world has strict copyright protection laws. Without Li Fan's authorization, they cannot talk about "Journey to the West".

They also wanted to go to Li Fan to ask for authorization and purchase the storytelling copyright, but they did not dare to go.

Although almost all of them can be considered to have a small fortune, they know that the copyright fee for the storytelling of "Journey to the West" will definitely prohibit them.

Talking about "Journey to the West" has become an unrealistic wish for them.

But not all storytellers dared to go to Li Fan. One storyteller went to Sansheng Village.

He probably couldn't afford the storytelling copyright of "Journey to the West", but he really wasn't willing to do it without asking Li Fan.

So, he went to Sansheng

^0^ Remember in one second【】


This person is naturally Yuan Yihua.

After he said goodbye and left Li Fan's yard, he was so excited that he immediately said on the communication platform belonging to their storytellers: "Are you there? Are you there? Who is there? I have a big one. I have good news for you all.”

"Lao Yuan, what kind of happy event have you encountered? The number of viewers today reached a new high?"

"Since this is great news, Lao Yuan, please tell us quickly so that we can be happy for you too."


Many people who knew Yuan Yihua said this.

Yuan Yihua smiled proudly and said: "Look at your achievements, the number of viewers has reached a new high, is this great news? Also, this is not just for me, but for all of us. Great news.”

"Real or false? What is it? Lao Yuan, please tell me quickly."

"Yes, Lao Yuan, stop being so pretentious and have fun."

"I'm in Sansheng Village now. Have you guessed what it is?"

"Sansheng Village? Old Yuan, have you gone to find Mr. Li Fan? Old Yuan, you won't get the storytelling copyright of "Journey to the West", right?"

"It's not just me who got it, you all got it. Mr. Li Fan said that he will license the storytelling copyright of "Journey to the West" to us for free, and each of us can say it. How about it? This is huge. Good news?"

"Old Yuan, seriously! This...this...this...Mr. Li Fan really said this?"

"Of course, I just came out of Mr. Li Fan's house."

"Isn't that possible? This is "Journey to the West". Even if it is just a storyteller, the copyright fee cannot be low. Will Mr. Li Fan license it for free? Or license it to all of us?"

"Lao Yuan, you're not joking, are you?"


The storytellers obviously didn't believe it. Yuan Yihua smiled and stopped explaining. He just said, "Everyone, just wait and see."

"Wait to see? What are you looking at?" A group of storytellers were a little confused by Yuan Yihua's words.

But soon, they knew what Yuan Yihua wanted them to see, asking them to read Li Fan's Weibo.

After watching it, they only felt unprecedented surprise, excitement and excitement.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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