Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1476 Poor Tang Monk

Remember in one second【】

Sun Wukong once again became the happy Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain, while on the other side, Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Seng continued their journey westward.

After passing Baihu Ridge, we arrived at a forest hilly area surrounded by vines, green cypresses and pines.

Tang Seng felt a little hungry and asked Zhu Bajie to find some food. Zhu Bajie took the alms bowl and went in search of food.

However, Zhu Bajie walked for more than ten miles without even finding a single house. He was surrounded by barren mountains and ridges, and where was there anything to eat?

Zhu Bajie walked so hard, he couldn't help but think in his heart, before, he was a senior brother doing the fasting, so he didn't feel lucky. Now that he went out to do the fasting, he realized that only the head of the family knew the price of firewood and rice, and the adopted son Fang Xiao was kind to his father and mother.

After walking for a while, Zhu Bajie fell asleep on the roadside and fell asleep.

Tang Seng and Sha Seng came back after not seeing Zhu Bajie for a long time. Tang Seng asked Sha Seng to go look for it again, saying that it was okay if he couldn't find food. Finding a place to rest was the most important thing.

Not long after Sha Seng left, Tang Seng felt bored and walked out of the forest where he was resting. He saw a place in the distance with golden light shining and colorful. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a pagoda with a golden top shining brightly.

Tang Monk was very happy, thinking that there must be a temple under the pagoda, so he decided to go and have a rest.

However, when Tang Monk came under the pagoda, he found that this was not a temple, but a cave called "Wanzi Mountain Wave Moon Cave".

On the stone bed inside the cave, there was a monster with an indigo face and white fangs sleeping.

Tang Monk was shocked and prepared to run away, but the monster had already discovered him and ordered his group of little monsters to take it back to the cave and prepare to eat it.

On the other side, Sha Seng found Zhu Bajie who was sleeping. The two came back together, only to find that Tang Seng was missing.

After some searching, I also found the glowing pagoda not far away. Thinking that the master should have gone there, I also went under the pagoda and saw the Wave Moon Cave in Wanzi Mountain.

I also understood that this was not a temple, but a monster cave, and that Tang Monk was most likely captured by the monsters here.

So the two of them started to call the door. The monster living in the cave was called "Huangpao". When they heard the door call, they knew that it was Tang Seng's two apprentices who came to find them.

He immediately picked up the Soul-Chasing Life-Taking Knife and came out of the cave to fight, preparing to take the two apprentices together.

that's all,

The yellow-robed monster fights with Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng.

Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng, who were responsible for secretly protecting Tang Monk, were responsible for secretly protecting Tang Monk Liu Dingliujia, Wufang Jiedi, Fourth Level Gongcao, and 18 protective Jialan, and they fought to a draw with the yellow-robed monster.

There was a fight going on outside, but inside the cave, Tang Monk, who was secretly feeling sad, met a human woman.

The woman is not far from here, a princess from a country called "Baoxiang Kingdom", called Princess Baihua.

Thirteen years ago, Princess Baihua was forcibly abducted by a yellow-robed monster and made her his wife.

Princess Baihua decided to save Tang Seng, and then asked Tang Seng to go to Baoxiang Kingdom and send a letter to her father, the King of Baoxiang Kingdom.

So, Princess Baihua came up with a plan to make the yellow-robed monster let Tang Monk go.

After Tang Seng left the cave, he met Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng, and then went to Baoxiang Kingdom and met the king of Baoxiang Kingdom.

Tang Monk gave the letter written by Princess Baihua to the king. After reading it, the king finally knew the truth about the sudden disappearance of Princess Baihua thirteen years ago.

The king decided to rescue Princess Baihua and asked who could subdue the demon?

After Zhu Bajie showed how to grow bigger, he said that he could subdue demons and was willing to rescue Princess Baihua, and asked the king to prepare a banquet and wait.

The king was overjoyed and repeatedly expressed that if Zhu Bajie could rescue the princess, he would be grateful.

Zhu Bajie rides on the auspicious clouds and goes to rescue the princess. Sha Monk is worried that Zhu Bajie alone is no match for the yellow-robed monster, so he also rides on the auspicious clouds and catches up to prepare to help.

The two came to the Wave Moon Cave in Wanzi Mountain again, and after clarifying their purpose of coming to rescue Princess Baihua, they fought the yellow-robed monster again.

It's just that this time there are no Six Ding Liujia, five directions to reveal the truth, four levels of merit, and eighteen protective Jialan living in secret. The two are no match for the yellow-robed monster.

Seeing that the opportunity was not good, Zhu Bajie slipped away alone, while Sha Monk was caught by the yellow-robed monster and put into the cave.

The yellow-robed monster learned that Tang Monk had arrived in Baoxiang Kingdom, and it was because of Tang Monk that the king of Baoxiang Kingdom asked Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk to come to rescue the princess.

Therefore, the yellow-robed monster transformed into a handsome man and came to Baoxiang Kingdom. He claimed to be the third prince-in-law, the prince-in-law of Princess Baihua, and came to see the king.

When the ministers heard that it was the Third Prince Consort, they all said they were afraid that the monster was coming.

Since he is a monster, he can come in with or without announcing it, so it is better to announce his entry first to avoid wasting a lot of words.

So the king announced that the three consorts had entered the palace.

After the third prince-in-law entered the palace, the officials saw that he was handsome and handsome, and they did not think that he was a monster.

When the king saw it towering up into the sky, he thought it was a pillar that would help the world, so he asked where his family lived. Whose family name is he? When will you marry the princess? Why did you come to recognize your relatives today?

The third prince-in-law dressed as a yellow-robed monster replied that he was from Bo Yuezhuang in Wanzi Mountain in the east of the city, only three hundred miles away. He had been fond of bowing and horse hunting since he was a child, and made a living by hunting.

Thirteen years ago, he led dozens of his children to chase hawks and dogs when he suddenly saw a beautiful tiger walking down the hillside carrying a woman on its back.

With a bow and arrow, he shot and captured the tiger, took the woman back to the village, drank warm water and warm soup to wake her up, and saved her life.

Then, he asked where the woman was from. The woman did not say the word "princess".

He thought the woman was from a private family

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Therefore, he left her in the village. They were a beautiful and talented girl, and they agreed and got married.

He only recently found out that his wife turned out to be Princess Baihua.

After they got married, he originally wanted to kill the tiger, but the princess asked him not to kill it, saying that the tiger could be regarded as the matchmaker for the couple and could not be killed.

So he spared the tiger's life and released it back into the mountains.

But he never thought that the tiger had been practicing in the mountains for several years and had become a spirit, specializing in charming and harming people.

Then he said that Tang Seng, a scripture seeker from the Tang Dynasty who passed through here recently, had been killed by the tiger spirit.

The tiger spirit got Tang Seng's quotation, transformed into Tang Seng's appearance, and came to the court today to deceive His Majesty.

It is said that the person sitting on the embroidered pier now is not the real Buddhist monk Tang Seng, but the tiger spirit who carried the princess thirteen years ago. This is why he came today.

The king and the ministers were a little doubtful when they heard what the three consorts said.

The king asked the three consorts how they knew that Tang Monk was transformed by the tiger spirit?

The third prince-in-law said that he knew this tiger spirit naturally since he had been dealing with it for more than ten years.

The king also asked, if this is the case, can it be allowed to show its true colors?

The third prince-in-law replied that of course it was possible, and then chanted a spell to turn Tang Monk into a colorful tiger.

When the king and his ministers saw it, they were so frightened that they hurriedly had someone lock him up with an iron cage.

In this way, Tang Monk was transformed into a beautiful tiger by the yellow-robed monster and locked in an iron cage. The yellow-robed monster was regarded as a benefactor by the king and held a thanksgiving feast.

When all the book fans saw this, they shouted in their hearts at the same time, "I'll wipe it!"

The plot was full of twists and turns, beyond their expectations.

Then they all thought in their hearts, now Tang Seng should understand in his heart the importance of Sun Wukong, right?

Without Sun Wukong, he was turned into a tiger by a monster and locked in an iron cage. It was really pitiful.

It seems that there are only two people, Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng, who are really unreliable.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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