Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1478 The reason why Tang Monk was turned into a tiger

Remember in one second【】

After reading today's serial, all the questions in my mind have been answered, and all the martial arts fans are very excited.

There has already been a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"Tang Monk previously mistakenly believed that the monster Sun Wukong killed was a human being, and was determined to drive it away. Now he is framed by the monster and imprisoned in a cage as a tiger spirit. Is this the legendary cause and effect?"

"It seems that there is some meaning of cause and effect cycle. Tang Monk misunderstood that Sun Wukong hurt people for no reason and drove him away. Now after being framed by a monster as a monster, he finally understood that it was wrong for him to drive away Sun Wukong. Mr. Li Fan arranged the plot this way, which seems to be very interesting. What a profound meaning!”

"There should indeed be a profound meaning, and we can discuss it slowly. What I want to say now is that this yellow-robed monster is actually one of the twenty-eight constellations, Kuixing Kuimulang. This damn monster is from the lower realm of gods. No wonder it is so powerful. Zhu Bajie, Sha Monk and Xiao Bailong are far from their opponents."

"The twenty-eight constellations were enshrined by gods in the book. They were all disciples of the Jie Cult who died in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation. Since most of the disciples of the Tongtian Cult were trained as animals, the twenty-eight constellations should all be animals. Now it seems that this Kuixing Kuimulang His original form must be a wolf."

"Kui Mu Lang was trained by a wolf demon and turned from a monster directly into a god. This is really fake. No matter how small your ability is, you are still a god. If you don't make it up, no matter how powerful you are, you are still a monster. Of course, Kui Mu Lang The wolf is quite capable."

"By the way, I suddenly thought of a question. The yellow-robed monster, or Kuimulang, turned Monk Tang into a tiger. Why is it a tiger and not another animal? Does this have any profound meaning?"

"There shouldn't be any profound meaning to this. Mr. Li Fan probably chose an animal at random."

"I also think there shouldn't be any deep meaning. It's just an animal chosen at random. If Monk Tang was turned into a bear, you will definitely ask, what's the deep meaning of turning into a bear?"

"Okay, that seems to be the case. It seems that I'm overthinking it."


A lot of book fans are discussing on the Internet. Some book fans mentioned that Tang Monk was transformed into a tiger by a yellow-robed monster instead of some other animal. Is there any profound meaning?

However, everyone almost unanimously believed that there was no profound meaning and that Li Fan just chose an animal at random.

Because Li Fan has designed such a plot, Tang Monk will always be turned into an animal by the monster, and Li Fan just chose the tiger.


Is there really no profound meaning?

A number of celebrities and experts are also quite interested in this issue and are also discussing this issue.

He took over Cen Geng and Shen Cong.

Shen Congdao: "Old Cen, do you think this has any profound meaning?"

Cen Geng pondered: "I just thought carefully about all the plots so far, and found that there may be some deep meaning."

Shen Cong nodded and smiled: "I have thought carefully about it just now. This tiger is indeed not an animal chosen randomly. It has cause and effect and profound meaning."

Cen Geng also smiled and said: "In that case, it is still the old rule to share it with the book fans on Weibo. The book fans will be very interested in it. How about you come this time?"

Shen Cong did not refuse and said: "It should be so. We have an obligation to share what we think of with book fans."

So, after Shen Cong edited his Weibo for a while, he updated a Weibo.

Not long after Shen Cong's Weibo was updated, it has already spread to the Internet.

His Weibo said, "After reading today's serial, I found a more interesting question, that is, why did the yellow-robed monster turn Tang Monk into a tiger instead of another animal?

The 'tiger' may be an animal randomly chosen by Mr. Li Fan, but after some research, I found that the reason why Tang Monk turned into a tiger actually had a cause and effect.

Let's first think back. What was the first monster Tang Monk encountered after he left Chang'an and embarked on his westward journey?

That's right, it's a tiger spirit named General Yin.

At that time, Tang Seng and his two mortal disciples were kidnapped by a ferocious Demon King and captured into the Demon King's Cave.

This demon king is General Yin, the tiger spirit. General Yin also has two monster friends, the bear spirit Xiong Shanjun and the buffalo spirit virgin.

At this time, Tang Seng only had two mortal disciples, General Yin and his two monster friends. It would be easy for him to eat Tang Seng.

However, they only ate the two mortal disciples of Tang Seng, and did not eat Tang Seng, saying that they would eat them at the next meal.

Later, Tang Seng was rescued by Taibai Jinxing.

We can think that the reason why General Yin did not eat Tang Seng was a mistake, or it can also be understood that this is Tang Seng's destiny.

But in any case, General Yin did not harm Tang Seng. This is a fact.

To put it another way, General Tiger Jingyin is the first monster that Tang Seng needs to be "thankful" to.

Afterwards, Tang Seng escaped from General Yin's Demon King's Cave with the help of Taibai Jinxing, but soon encountered danger again.

‘Suddenly I saw poisonous insects running around, evil beasts fleeing, tigers lurking, and long snakes disappearing. ’

Tang Seng just came out of the tiger's den and met a tiger again. This time, Liu Boqin, the Taibao of Zhenshan, appeared and rescued Tang Seng.

There is a detail. Before Liu Boqin appeared, the tiger Tang Seng encountered still did not hurt him.

This was not over yet. When Tang Seng and Liu Boqin were walking forward together, they encountered another colorful tiger.

The tiger turned around and left when he saw Liu Boqin, but was caught up by Liu Boqin.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After a fight, the tiger was killed.

Liu Boqin also told Tang Seng that he would use this tiger to entertain him.

Tang Seng has encountered tigers three times in a row, but it is not over yet. After saving Sun Wukong from the Five Elements Mountain, he encountered another tiger.

This time the tiger was killed by Sun Wukong and he made a tiger skin skirt out of the tiger skin.

Throughout this short period of time, Tang Seng encountered four tigers. Although they were all frightened, none of the tigers caused substantial harm to Tang Seng.

However, when two of the tigers were killed, Tang Seng did not show any mercy, nor did he intercede for the tigers, asking Liu Boqin and Sun Wukong not to hurt the tigers.

Not only that, when Liu Boqin said that he would entertain him with tigers and cut tiger skins to make tiger skin skirts with Sun Wukong, Tang Seng didn't have any reaction.

We know that Tang Seng is a very kind person, and sometimes he is even too kind. He has compassion for those who are malicious to him and want to harm him, and even for those monsters that have turned into human forms. The heart will make Sun Wukong not to hurt the lives of those people.

But he watched two tigers that had not harmed him being beaten to death without feeling any pity.

This shows that Tang Seng only has compassion for "people". As for those animals, he considered them to be inferior to humans, so he had no sympathy for them.

However, Buddhism emphasizes the equality of all living beings, including humans and animals.

All living species are the same in nature, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior. All living beings have Buddha nature, and all living beings can become Buddhas.

This means that Tang Seng's realm at this time is not high enough and has not yet reached the level of equality for all living beings.

And this was reflected by the fact that he had no sympathy for the two tigers that did not hurt him.

Based on the above, it can be seen that the reason why Tang Seng was turned into a tiger by Kui Mulang was because he 'owed' the tiger.

General Jingyin, the tiger, did not eat him. He should be grateful, and then he should persuade Liu Boqin and Sun Wukong not to hurt the tiger, but he did not.

Not only was there no persuasion, there was no compassion.

The second reason is that he needs to understand from the tiger's perspective what true equality is for all living beings. "

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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