Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1494: Hidden Stele Map in the Deep Mountains

Remember in one second【】

The great monk Jijiji personally admitted that he had indeed seen that stone monument before, which not only made everyone at the scene excited, but also gave him a glimmer of hope for a new life.

And after admitting it personally, the anxious mind of the prejudiced monk gradually calmed down, and the cold sweat on his face became much less.

Even though the image of his generation of eminent monks was completely ruined at this moment, his heart felt lighter than ever before. He did not leave because of shame, but was still here. He wanted to accept Abbot Huiming and the tourists. Comments on him, and ridicule.

This made Li Fan take another high look at the prejudiced monk.

However, when you think about it, this is not too surprising. The prejudiced monk is actually quite firm in his determination to practice Taoism.

Otherwise, he would not have brought his disciples to the distant country of China for training.

But under the huge temptation of being famous throughout the ages, the prejudiced monk completely lost himself.

How many people can still stick to their true intentions when their fame is passed down through the ages, or when faced with other equally huge temptations?

This is a question worth pondering. Li Fan sighed softly in his heart.

Abbot Huiming was extremely excited. Thousands of years ago, there was an eminent monk in the history of China who left such a verse. This is the pride of the Buddhist community in China. The Buddhist community in China will once again become famous because of this verse. Spread to the world.

He looked at the great monk Cheng Jian, and the anger that originally arose in his heart was all replaced by joy at this moment. He didn't plan to say anything to the great monk Cheng Jian.

Turning to look at Li Fan, Abbot Huiming didn't know who this young man was? But his heart was filled with gratitude at this moment.

This young man has protected the precious cultural wealth of the Buddhist community in China today, and his merits are huge.

Now, if this young man can find that stone tablet, it will be a glorious moment for the entire Chinese Buddhist world, and his merits will be immeasurable.

Therefore, Abbot Huiming said excitedly: "Donor, since the donor knows the approximate location of that stone tablet, can you please ask the donor to find that stone tablet? Our temple is willing to recite immeasurable merits for the donor."

Li Fan nodded and said: "That stone tablet was left by the eminent monk thousands of years ago to the Buddhist world and the world. It should no longer be hidden in the mountains and forests. Master Huiming, please lend me a pen and paper. I need rice paper and a writing brush.”

After hearing this, Abbot Huiming said

Immediately he ordered a young monk to go to the temple to get rice paper and a brush.

Li Fan took the pen and paper and scribbled on the paper. This was a "Picture of Hidden Steles in the Deep Mountains."

The majestic green mountains and green forests are so lifelike that they are definitely the work of the top masters.

When Abbot Huiming saw it, he was even more awe-struck and said repeatedly: "It turns out that the benefactor's attainments in painting are so profound, definitely comparable to the top masters in the field of calligraphy and painting, and yet the benefactor is still so young. The old monk has lost his respect."

The onlookers also saw the "Picture of Hidden Steles in the Mountains" painted by Li Fan.

They were no less shocked than Abbot Huiming. His attainments in landscape painting at such a young age were so profound. They felt that the young man in front of them was becoming more and more mysterious.

What Li Fan drew was the exact location of that stone tablet. As long as you get to that mountain and combine it with this "Picture of a Stele Hidden in the Deep Mountains", you can easily find the stone tablet.

Li Fan handed the painted "Picture of Stele Hidden in the Deep Mountains" to Abbot Huiming and said with a smile: "Abbot Huiming, Miao Zan, I have drawn the specific location of the stone stele on this painting. Abbot Huiming can Send someone to Huiyin Mountain, 300 kilometers away from here, and then based on this painting, you can find the stone tablet. Abbot Huiming can bring the stone tablet back to Jinshan Temple and place it in Jinshan Temple for pilgrims to visit. "

Abbot Huiming was overjoyed after hearing this and said excitedly: "Thank you for your guidance. I will personally take people to Huiyin Mountain to bring back the stone tablet left by an ancient monk. I also want to thank the donor for his willingness to put it in Jinshan Temple. Donor His merits are immeasurable.”

That stone tablet was originally an ownerless thing. Since it was an ownerless thing, Li Fan naturally had the "right of ownership" when he discovered it.

Now, Li Fan said that Abbot Huiming could place the stele in Jinshan Temple, which would be equivalent to giving the stele to Jinshan Temple. Abbot Huiming was naturally surprised and grateful.

The great monk Chi Jian also discovered the stone tablet before, but he was a monk from an island country, and the stone tablet belonged to China, so he naturally had no "ownership rights".

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "Abbot Huiming, you're welcome. That stone tablet should belong to Buddhism, and Jinshan Temple is the best place for it."

Abbot Huiming was surprised and excited, and the crew members such as Gu Yuan, Qin Yulin, Xia Xiaoyue, etc. were also surprised and excited.

It's just that their surprise and excitement are slightly different from Abbot Huiming's.

In addition to once again experiencing the magic of Li Fan, it was also because they could continue shooting in the temple.

Gu Yuan laughed and said to Abbot Huiming: "Congratulations! Congratulations, Abbot Huiming. Congratulations to Jinshan Temple for not only getting an ancient stele that has been lost for thousands of years, but also getting a pair of 'deep mountain treasures' that are destined to be extremely valuable." Stele map', congratulations!”

Hearing what Gu Yuan said, Abbot Huiming couldn't help but feel happy, but he was a little confused. Why did Gu Yuan say that the value of this "Stele Map Hidden in the Mountains" was destined to be extremely high?

Of course, this is not the point. Abbot Huiming didn't think much about it. Anyway, its value should not be lower. Then he said: "Thank you very much, Director Gu. I share my joy."

Gu Yuan smiled again and said: "Since we share the joy, I would like to ask Abbot Huiming to lift the ban and allow us to continue shooting in the temple."

In Gu Yuan's view, this seems to be reasonable.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Of course, even if he didn't say anything, the other party should have taken the initiative to lift the ban and invite them into the temple to continue filming.

Gu Yuan thought so, and so did the rest of the crew, and all the tourists watching also thought so.

The reason why Abbot Huiming issued the ban was because of the prejudice against the great monk. Now that the prejudice against the great monk has been made public and his reputation has been tarnished, the ban is no longer necessary.

However, to everyone's surprise, Abbot Huiming hesitated and said: "Director Gu, I'm very sorry, the ban cannot be lifted yet, and you are still not allowed to enter the temple for filming."

So everyone was surprised, with shock written on their faces. Only Li Fan smiled and was not surprised by Abbot Huiming's answer.

The smile on Gu Yuan's face stopped and he said, "Abbot Huiming, what does this mean?"

Abbot Huiming said: "Although the prejudice is over, the old monk is very grateful to the young benefactor and is willing to pray for the benefactor every day. However, the old monk still dare not forget the Zen meaning of this verse. Moreover, this Since this verse was taught by an eminent monk from our country thousands of years ago, the old monk dare not violate it, so please forgive me, Director Gu."

With these words, everyone was dumbfounded. According to the meaning of Abbot Huiming's words, the situation was getting worse and worse.

This verse was previously written by a monk from that island country. Abbot Huiming may still have a glimmer of the possibility of revoking the ban.

But now, the monk who composed this verse has become a wise monk from China thousands of years ago. The possibility of lifting the ban is completely gone.

This is so damn...

Everyone felt a pain in their balls.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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