Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1495 Bodhi has no tree

Remember in one second【】

Everyone just felt a pain in their balls. They originally thought that the matter had been solved, but they never thought that the matter would become even more troublesome.

Gu Yuan, Qin Yulin, Xia Xiaoyue and other crew members looked at each other. They never expected that things would turn out like this.

Could it be that this time Li Fan couldn't do it himself?

No, they don't believe that there are still things that Li Fan can't handle.

Qin Yulin said: "Don't worry, everyone. I believe that my brother-in-law will still have a way."

Gu Yuan also said: "I also think Mr. Li Fan will be able to settle this matter."

Xia Xiaoyue, Xiao Xiao, Qianmen and others also nodded. They naturally believed that Li Fan would have other methods.

But, I'm afraid it will be quite tricky.

All the tourists did not expect that things would turn out like this, and they were almost crying.

They knew that the reason why the mysterious young man came forward was to enable Abbot Huiming to revoke the ban.

But now things are a bit self-defeating. The possibility of Abbot Huiming lifting the ban is getting smaller and smaller, or even gone. This is really stupid.

What should we do now? Will the mysterious young man just retreat, or will he continue to think of ways to get Abbot Huiming to revoke the ban?

All tourists are thinking about this problem in their hearts.

They knew that even if the mysterious young man retreated, it would already be quite a success.

With his own efforts and an almost miraculous method, he exposed the conspiracy of the island monk to steal verses and saved a valuable cultural heritage of Chinese Buddhism. Later, he displayed the most top-notch painting skills and left a legacy. A "Picture of Hidden Steles in the Deep Mountains".

These things are enough to be passed down as good stories and become a popular allusion, famous all over the world, and even have a high possibility of being passed down to future generations.

The mysterious young man has achieved infinite glory.

But if this initial goal is not achieved, there will undoubtedly be a trace of regret for what happened today.

What choice will the mysterious young man make? All tourists are curiously waiting for the answer.

Things are getting more and more difficult, and Li Fan is the only person at the scene who is not surprised.

He looked at Abbot Huiming, smiled, and said, "The reason why Abbot Huiming is unwilling to lift the ban is because he thinks that if the crew is allowed to film in the temple, it will contaminate the pure place of Buddhism?"

Abbot Huiming recited "Amitabha" and said: "Old monks dare not violate the teachings of senior monks."

Li Fan nodded and added: "The person who can make such a verse is indeed a monk with great wisdom. We should respect him, but after all, that is the wisdom of a thousand years ago."

As soon as Li Fan said this, everyone at the scene was stunned. No one understood what Li Fan meant by saying this.

There was a buzz among the tourists, and many people were talking in low voices.

Gu Yuan, Qin Yulin, Xia Xiaoyue and others also looked at each other in confusion.

Abbot Huiming frowned slightly and said, "What do you mean by the donor's words? Please make it clear."

Li Fan smiled lightly and said: "The body is like a bodhi tree, and the mind is like a bright mirror. If the mind of a practitioner is like a bright mirror, it does need to be brushed and wiped constantly to prevent it from getting into trouble. Dust. But if the mind of a practitioner is empty, there is no so-called stage mirror, and there is no need to dust or wipe it, how can it attract dust? Don't ask about the source of Bodhi, wisdom lies in sudden enlightenment."

As soon as these words came out, the scene that had been buzzing just now gradually became quiet, and everyone was thinking about Li Fan's words in their minds.

The heart is like a table mirror, it needs to be constantly dusted and wiped. But if the heart is empty, why does it need to be wiped?

The tourists are thinking, Gu Yuan, Qin Yulin, Xia Xiaoyue and others are thinking, Abbot Huiming and the stereotyped monk who has never left are also thinking.

Li Fan's words made them realize more.

After thinking for a while, Abbot Huiming said respectfully: "It seems that the donor has not finished what he said. His Zen thoughts seem to appear but not appear. The old monk is stupid. I would like to ask the donor to clarify further."

Li Fan didn't say anything after hearing this, but picked up a pen and started writing on the paper.

Li Fan started writing again, but this time it was not painting, but writing instead.

So, what words will be written this time? Everyone was very curious and had some doubts. They all stretched their necks to look at the paper.

It's just a pity that because of the angle, I can't see it clearly. I can't see clearly what is written on it?

Abbot Huiming originally wanted to move and stand next to Li Fan to take a closer look, but as soon as he moved, he stopped again.

After a while, Li Fan stopped writing, put down his pen, made a "please" gesture to Abbot Huiming, and said: "Abbot Huiming, please!"

Abbot Huiming recited a Buddhist name and said "Thank you so much, donor." Then he stepped forward and looked at the paper Li Fan had just written. While reading, he recited:

"No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror.

There is nothing there, so where is the dust? "

As soon as he finished reciting, Abbot Huiming suddenly choked up, and everyone present also choked up after listening to it.

Everyone can hear that this is the same stanza, and it is also written for the stanza "The body is a bodhi tree".

Tourists may not be able to fully understand the Zen meaning contained in it, but they can generally understand it.

Compared with the verse "The body is a bodhi tree\

,"^0^ Remember in one second【】

The realm of this verse is undoubtedly much higher.

You say that the body is a Bodhi tree, but I think that Bodhi is the path to enlightenment and there is no tree at all. If there is a tree, then Bodhi becomes an object and becomes attached to.

You say the heart is like a mirror, but I think there is no such thing as a mirror.

Since there is no "stage", there will be nothing in the soul. There is nothing left, so how can there be dust?

All the tourists felt the supreme Zen meaning contained in this verse, and were shocked in their hearts.

Even though they were not Buddhists, they felt such a shock in their hearts. So, Abbot Huiming and Master Chengjian, both of whom were very experienced practitioners, could imagine the great shock they felt in their hearts.

As they comprehended this verse, they suddenly became enlightened as if they were enlightened.

The reason why Abbot Huiming issued the ban was because he did not want the pure place of Buddhism to be disturbed by dust, and the reason why he had this "unwillingness" was because he believed in his heart that the pure place of Buddhism could be disturbed. Dusty.

Now, after reading this verse by Li Fan, he suddenly understood that if there was nothing in his heart, there would be no concept that a pure place in Buddhism would cause dust. Why would he need to worry about whether it would cause dust? Dust problem.

What’s the difference between filming in a temple and filming without a crew entering a temple?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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