Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1767 The No. 1 Bridal Chamber in the World

Remember in one second【】

At the foot of Huashan Mountain.

The couple just said goodbye and left, and Su Qing and Qin Yulin walked back to Li Fan.

Qin Yulin said: "Brother-in-law, my sister just said that she also wants to go to the first bridal chamber to have a look, and then..."

As soon as Qin Yulin said this, Su Qing quickly pinched Qin Yulin's waist to break it, and then said: "There is no more."

Qin Yulin chuckled and stopped talking, but gave Li Fan a meaningful look with his big eyes.

Li Fan chuckled and said, "Now that we've arrived at Love Mountain, we naturally have to go and take a look at the No. 1 Bridal House in the World."

Huashan Mountain has been known as "dangerous" since ancient times. Along the way up the mountain, you can feel the danger of Huashan Mountain at any time.

In this life, Li Fan also came to Huashan for the first time. I wonder if there are any differences between the Huashan in his previous life and the Huashan in front of him?

There is definitely no big difference, but there may be some differences in some small places.

For example, the history and culture of a certain attraction, etc.

There were many tourists. Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin slowly went up the mountain with the moving flow of tourists.

Along the way, you can hear various sighs of emotion from tourists from time to time.

Because they were going to the best bridal chamber in the world, the three of them went up to the west peak.

It didn't take long for the three of them to approach the No. 1 bridal chamber in the world. There were fewer tourists here than the three of them had imagined.

Qin Yulin said: "There are not as many people here as we thought."

Li Fan nodded and said: "There are indeed fewer people than expected, but it is actually normal. Because very few people know that Huashan Mountain is a mountain of love, and even fewer people know the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nongyu. I don't know These things, this place is not very attractive to tourists.”

Su Qing said: "The love legend between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu is so beautiful, how come not many people know about it? Well, Linlin and I didn't know about it before. We didn't know about such a beautiful love legend. This is really It’s a little weird.”

The love legend between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu existed in the past life, and it also exists in this world. Regardless of whether it is the past life or this world, very few people know this legend.

My previous life was a little better,

Very few people in this world know this legend.

In the previous life, most people knew the love stories of Cowherd and Weaver Girl, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Seven Fairies and Dong Yong, but not many people knew the love story of Xiao Shi and Nong Yu.

Why is this happening? It is indeed a difficult thing to explain clearly.

By the same token, why do so few people in this world know the legendary love story between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu? It's also hard to explain clearly.

Li Fan didn't know the reason either.

Hearing what Su Qing said, Li Fan could only smile helplessly and said, "This is something that cannot be explained."

Su Qing nodded, there was really no way to explain this.

"However, after today, many people may know the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu." Su Qing thought so, and Qin Yulin thought the same.

Later, Su Qing said: "In the future, everyone will know the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu, know that Huashan Mountain is the mountain of love, and know that the cave dug by Xiao Shi and Nong Yu when they got married is the best bridal chamber in the world. After that, this place should become very lively. Especially young lovers, I’m afraid they will come here to take a look no matter what.”

Qin Yulin nodded in agreement, and then said: "Brother-in-law, as long as you post the love story between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu on Weibo, this place will be very lively."

Li Fan said: "If there is a suitable time, this can be done."

To publish the love story between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu on Weibo, one must have the right time. If such a love story were to be posted suddenly, it would be somewhat weird and awkward.

Li Fan did not intend to do this.

At this time, Li Fan suddenly noticed the two figures, smiled slightly, and said, "They are indeed here, and they should have been there for a while."

"Them?" Su Qing and Qin Yulin were both quick-responsive people, and they quickly thought of who "they" Li Fan was talking about?

They must be the couple they met at the foot of the mountain.

Following Li Fan's gaze, they saw the couple at the foot of the mountain.

Since the couple has been here for quite some time, it means that they did not delay at other attractions along the way, but went straight here.

Su Qing and Qin Yulin saw that there were many tourists surrounding the couple. They were probably listening to what the couple was saying.

However, because the voices were a bit noisy, could the two women hear what the couple was saying?

Li Fan had excellent ears and heard clearly what the couple said.

It turned out that what the couple told everyone around them was the legendary love story between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu.

The boys gave the lecture, and the girls supplemented the lectures from time to time. It felt like the tour guide was introducing the tourist attractions to the tourists.

Both of them looked quite excited.

The tourists' reaction was also somewhat excited, especially the young lovers.

"Are the legends you mentioned true or false? I have never heard of either Xiao Shi or Nong Yu."

"Hey! This friend, there are many celebrities in history that you haven't heard of."

"That's true. In this way, the legend is

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Really. My friend is amazing, he knows such a beautiful love legend. This is my third time visiting Huashan. I didn’t even know that Huashan is also called Love Mountain, let alone the love story between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu. "

"Everyone is dissatisfied with this. I didn't know this before. I heard it from a young gentleman at the foot of Mount Hua."

"Young sir? Who is it?"

"Asking someone's name is a bit presumptuous, so I didn't ask him his name. They should also be traveling to Huashan. I wonder if they will come here?"

"Since he knows the legend of the best bridal chamber in the world, he should come and take a look. By the way, what are his characteristics? Maybe we can meet him later."

"Features? The most obvious feature is that there are two girls with excellent figures next to him. Both girls are wearing sunglasses and peaked caps, and their faces cannot be seen clearly. However, it can be seen from their figures and the lower half of their faces. Come on, both girls must be extremely beautiful.”

"Both girls are wearing sunglasses and peaked caps, and have great figures? Are you talking about them?" A tourist said, pointing to where Li Fan and the others were.

When the couple saw it, they immediately became extremely excited. The boy said, "Yes, that's the gentleman. They are really here too."

After saying that, the couple held hands and trotted towards Li Fan. Before he arrived, they couldn't wait to say: "Sir, you are here too."

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "We meet again."

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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