Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1768 Compose a poem about love

Remember in one second【】

"We meet again." Li Fan said.

"Yes." The boy was quite excited and continued, "I was just telling them about the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu that you mentioned. I don't know why, but since I learned about this legend, I always feel that This place is so much more sacred.”

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "Love is inherently sacred."

When the couple heard this, they nodded eagerly. They absolutely agreed with this point of view.

At this time, the group of tourists who had just been listening to the boy telling the legend also gathered around. After hearing what Li Fan just said, they all expressed their agreement.

"Sir, you said it very well. Love is inherently sacred."

"Sir's words were very touching, and I suddenly felt that this place was much more sacred."

"Sir, the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu is so beautiful. Is it true? Is this really the reason for the number one bridal chamber in the world?"

"I didn't plan to come here originally, but when I walked to the Lotus Bridge, I suddenly wanted to come here to take a look. I didn't expect to hear such a beautiful love legend as soon as I came. Could it be that I am destined to meet my lover? Is that her?"

"This is my third time coming to Huashan. I didn't come here the first two times, but I came this time. It looks like I'm going to meet my one."


The tourists were all talking, some asked questions, and some talked about their own opinions and feelings.

After the tourists' voices became quieter, Li Fan chose to answer some of the tourists' questions.

After answering the question, a tourist wearing glasses said with excitement: "Listen to me, everyone, I just had an inspiration. Now I want to write a poem, in this sacred place about love. The place."

"Write a poem?" Everyone looked interested when they heard what the bespectacled tourist said.

This is indeed a very good idea. You must know that after the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu spreads on the Internet and among the people, the popularity of this place will definitely skyrocket.

If you can leave a good poem here at this time, maybe it will be very popular.


The premise is that the quality of the poem must be good.

Otherwise, if you lose popularity, you may still make people laugh.

"Write poetry? Boy, this is indeed a good idea. If your poems are good, you might even become famous for it."

"Young man, what kind of poem is it? Write it down quickly and let us all judge it for you."


the tourists said.

There are many people in China who like ancient poetry, and they all have a certain ability to appreciate it. It is not nonsense when tourists say that they judge tourists with glasses.

Then another tourist said: "Young man, since you are writing a poem in this holy land of love, it should be a poem about love, right?"

The bespectacled tourist nodded and said, "Of course, it's a poem about love."

The tourists responded so enthusiastically, which made the spectacled tourists even more excited and excited, brewing their own poems in their hearts.

However, during this process, his face turned red, because he found that the inspiration he had just received did not seem to be enough to form a complete poem.

He couldn't help but feel anxious, but the more anxious he was, the less able he was to formulate a complete poem.

After a while, I had to smile and said: "I think my poem needs to be polished. Well, I will polish it again. If any of you have poems, you might as well write them first."

After hearing what the young man with glasses said, the tourists couldn't help but smile knowingly. They naturally knew that the tourists with glasses had not composed a poem yet.

No one laughed out loud, everyone understood, and if Li Fan was not a genius, how could he compose poetry just because he was an ancient mediocre person?

In addition, the suggestion from the guy with glasses is quite good. Anyone who has a poem can write it first.

In fact, tourists who usually like poetry have already conceived poems in their minds, and they also want to leave a poem here. They don't expect to become famous with a poem, but getting a few compliments from tourists is enough to make people excited. .

However, this kind of poetry is no different from other poems, and it cannot be done just by saying it.

Moreover, it must be done with a certain quality.

It's possible to compose a random poem, but if the quality is too poor, how could they have the nerve to write it on such an occasion?

Besides, for such a sacred place of love, it is really blasphemous for you to publish a poor poem.

Therefore, even those who wanted to write poems thought about it for a long time, but no one came up with a poem.

This made the other tourists very regretful. They really hoped that someone on site could compose a poem about love.

In this way, this trip will be more meaningful.

But they also know that this is really difficult for everyone.

It seems that this is the only regret left.

At this time, Qin Yulin whispered: "Isn't it just a poem? It's simple."

Although Qin Yulin's muttering voice was low, people who were closer still heard it. Everyone couldn't help but turn their heads and look at Qin Yulin, thinking, "Can this girl who must be extremely beautiful know how to compose poetry?"

Qin Yulin clearly felt the meaning in everyone's eyes. He smiled and said, "I'm not talking about me, but my brother-in-law."

"Brother-in-law? Who is your brother-in-law?" Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted

^0^ Remember in one second【】

come over.

Now, they finally figured out the relationship between Li Fan and the two extremely beautiful girls around him.

Obviously, the brother-in-law mentioned by the girl who just spoke is the gentleman next to him, and the other equally beautiful girl must be her sister.

Before, all the tourists were thinking, "What is the relationship between this young gentleman and those two beautiful girls?"

Maybe one of them is his wife or girlfriend, but I don’t know which one? What's the relationship with the other one?

Now, everyone finally understands that one is the wife or girlfriend, and the other is the sister-in-law.

My wife, girlfriend, and sister-in-law are all so beautiful, and I am absolutely envious of others!

Although the tourists could not clearly see the faces of Su Qing and Qin Yulin, they absolutely believed that both women were extremely beautiful.

Well, wait, that doesn’t seem to be the point.

The point is that my sister-in-law just said that writing poetry is very easy for her brother-in-law.

"Is this true?" All the tourists were thinking in their hearts.

"Well, maybe it's true." The tourists' eyes lit up. Since Li Fan knew the love legend between Xiao Shi and Nong Yu, he might actually be quite poetic.

Therefore, all the tourists turned to look at Li Fan, with expectant looks in their eyes.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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