Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1769: Hold your hand and grow old together

Remember in one second【】

All the tourists looked at Li Fan with expectant looks in their eyes.

Li Fan felt the expectant looks in the eyes of the tourists, looked at Su Qing and Qin Yulin, and thought for a moment.

Maybe, he really should leave something here?

He wants to leave the promise of love here, in this holy place of love.

Li Fan is very sure about this.

So, Li Fan nodded and said, "I did think of two sentences just now, just treat them as a short poem."

Hearing what Li Fan said, the tourists were slightly disappointed.

Two sentences? What kind of poem is two sentences?

Only Su Qing and Qin Yulin knew that the two sentences from Li Fan's mouth would soon spread throughout the entire Internet.

The atmosphere at the scene changed slightly. The previous couple seemed to feel the change in the atmosphere. The boy quickly said: "Sir, you must be very talented in poetry. I am afraid these two sentences are quite classic. Please tell me, sir." , let us have the pleasure of reading it.”

After hearing this, all the tourists smiled in their hearts. Just two sentences. How can it become a classic? Everyone is lucky enough to read it. I wonder if there is anything good to read?

However, everyone also understands why the boy said this. This is to make Li Fan think that everyone is looking forward to his poems.

Naturally, Li Fan clearly felt the change in the atmosphere at the scene. He smiled lightly and said nothing.

Instead, she took Su Qing's hand and walked towards a rock next to the No. 1 bridal chamber in the world.

Su Qing took Qin Yulin's hand again, and the three of them walked to the rock together.

Su Qing and Qin Yulin already understood Li Fan's intention, and the other tourists seemed to understand it as well.

"Could he be planning to write those two sentences on that rock?" All the tourists were thinking in their hearts.

Is there something wrong with this?

Now this place is already a holy place of love. If I write and scratch here again, I am afraid it will be a little desecrated to this holy place of love.


It's not just scribbling, but a truly classic poem about love.

In this way, not only will this sacred land not be desecrated, but it will also add a good story.

It’s just two sentences. What kind of classic poem can it become?

Some tourists opened their mouths and wanted Li Fan not to write the "poetry" there, but to change it to another place.

For example, somewhere a little further away.

But when they are still hesitating whether to say it or not? Li Fan had found a small piece of suitable stone and started writing on the rock.

"Oh no, it's too late." All the tourists thought in their hearts.

Then they all slowly gathered around. Although they all thought that the two sentences Li Fan said were not poetry, they were also quite curious at the same time.

As for Li Fan writing his "poetry" here, would it desecrate this holy place of love? I can't think about it anymore at this time.

"The contract between life and death is broad." Li Fan had already finished writing the four words.

What do these four words mean?

A group of tourists seemed to understand somewhat, but they didn't seem to quite understand.

And this is not the point. The point is that the tourists were shocked to find that the carvings of these words were very deep, as if they were carved on the stone with some kind of carving tool.

Just by writing with your hand, and seemingly in an understatement, you can write such deep marks?

How strong is this damn guy?

They saw that Li Fan was not very strong, how could he have such great strength?

Another important point is that these four characters are powerful, unrestrained and extremely beautiful. Even people who know nothing about calligraphy will think that these four characters are extremely well written.

What's going on with this? How could his handwriting be so good?

Is he a master of calligraphy? But why are you so young when it comes to calligraphy?

All the tourists were thinking about these two questions in their minds, but before they could figure it out, Li Fan had already finished writing four more words.

"Talk to Zicheng."

What do these four words mean? It seems that there is still some confusion.

Visitors' attention has shifted to understanding the content of the text itself.

Then they discovered that they didn’t quite understand what it meant?

And Li Fan continued to write.

"Hold your hand and grow old together with me."

When Li Fan finished writing these eight words, the scene suddenly became silent.

After a while, I heard everyone murmuring these eight words, "Hold your hand and grow old together with me."

"The agreement between life and death is broad, as told by Zicheng." What does it mean? The tourists seemed to understand somewhat.

But everyone can understand the meaning of "holding your son's hand and growing old together" at the first time.

It is precisely because of this that the scene suddenly became silent, and everyone murmured these eight words.

After writing sixteen words, Li Fan could clearly feel Su Qing's hand holding his hand tighter, even trembling slightly.

He also held Su Qing's hand tighter.

Holding my son's hand and growing old together, the two held hands tighter than before, which is worth a thousand words.

Qin Yulin's eyes were a little confused, and he muttered something?

Afterwards, the three of them held hands and slowly withdrew from the crowd. The tourists also

^0^ Remember in one second【】

While muttering those eight words, he didn't notice the departure of Li Fan and the others.

After retreating to the outside of the crowd, Li Fan said to the two women: "Let's go, let's go to the next place."

Su Qing was still just holding Li Fan's hand. She nodded slightly when she heard this. Qin Yulin said, "Brother-in-law, where should we go next?"

Li Fan said: "Go to the real top of Mount Huashan, which is the top of the South Peak."

As for here, they have already seen the best bridal chamber in the world and left a poem that is destined to cause a sensation, which is enough.

"The bond between life and death is broad, and it is said to be true with the son. Hold the hand of the son, and grow old together with the son." The words come from the "Book of Songs·Beifeng·Drumming" in the previous life.

"The contract between life and death is broad, and I will be happy with you" means that no matter life or death, I will make an agreement with you.

These words were originally a mutual agreement between warriors, but later, they became more used as a promise of eternal love.

No matter life or death, I will make a promise with you.

What agreement was made?

Holding my son’s hand, I made a promise to grow old together with you.

Carving such a poem on the rock next to the No. 1 bridal chamber in the world is Li Fan's commitment to his love and his wishes to all lovers in the world.

After Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin left, the tourists gradually came to their senses.

"Holding your hand, we will grow old together with you." These eight simple words seemed to have endless power, making the hands of the lovers at the scene tightly clasped together, and no power could separate them.

This is the promise of love, simple but most touching.

The countryside is here to wish all lovers to "hold your son's hand and grow old together"!

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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