Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1777 Works of 3 Contestants

Remember in one second【】

Game scene.

When the three contestants realized that they had thought too much, their brows instantly widened.

Then, I began to think about the three points of "stepping on flowers", "returning" and "horse hoof". Which point should I focus on?

When painting, you must focus on one key point. If you want to highlight all three points, there will be no outstanding point.

After thinking carefully, the three of them picked up the pen almost at the same time and began to create their own works.

The three of them were just thinking about the topic, while the audience watching the scene had been discussing the topic in low voices.

In their opinion, this question is equally simple. It is probably a scene of riding a horse back through flowers. For a qualified contestant, it is obviously not difficult to draw such a scene.

The topic method of using poems and paintings is indeed relatively simple.

The audience was slightly disappointed, but they were also actively discussing the topic.

Some people say that the action of "stepping on flowers" is the most important action in the whole scene and should be highlighted. It is best to draw more flower seeds and petals, and then cross a horse over the top and step on the flowers. Perfect!

Some people also say that the focus should be on the word "return", and the scene should be set to dusk, with the sunset glowing red, and tourists riding horses riding on the flowers to return. The high-jumping horse hooves show the beautiful mood of the tourists when they return from playing. , a harmonious and beautiful picture.

Good poem, this is really a good poem! A good poem with a very strong visual sense.

The audience was filled with emotion.

Of course, some people say that the focus should be on the word "horse's hoof", which should highlight the horseshoe and give people a visual impact of a galloping horse.

Each of the three theories had their own supporters. After a while, someone suddenly said: "Why do I feel that the focus should be on the last word 'fragrance'?"

"The word 'fragrance'?" After this statement spread among the crowd, everyone was stunned. Then when they thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was really the case.

But how should the word "fragrance" be reflected?

After everyone discussed it for a while, they found that there was no way to express the word "fragrance" at all.

at this time,

Everyone suddenly realized that this question seemed simple, but was actually very difficult?

Everyone was talking again.

On the whole, the word "fragrance" should indeed be the focus, but there is a problem, that is, it is impossible to reflect the word "fragrance" that is felt by the sense of smell in a painting viewed with sight.

At least, everyone has been discussing it for so long, but no way has been found.

Then, the word "fragrant" should not be the focus.

Besides, the original intention of the girl who asked the question probably wasn't to focus on the word "fragrance".

Thinking about it this way, everyone felt that the word "fragrance" should not be the focus.

But whether the word "fragrance" is the key point? Everyone's views on this topic have changed, and it is no longer as simple as they thought before.

It seems that the topics of poetry painting are not always simple.

While everyone was talking, the three contestants in the center of the field were concentrating on creating their own works.

Qin Yulin whispered in Li Fan's ear: "Brother-in-law, the focus of this poem should be the word 'fragrance', but there seems to be no way to express the word 'fragrance'. What should I do?"

Li Fan also said in a low voice: "Who said there is no way to express the word 'fragrance'? Use your brain to think about it, there will always be a way."

"Is there any way?" Qin Yulin's eyes lit up and he said, "Brother-in-law, what can I do?"

Li Fan knocked on Qin Yulin's head and said, "Think for yourself first."

"Oh, okay." Qin Yulin muttered while rubbing his head with his hands.

As soon as she finished muttering, she leaned into Su Qing's ear and said, "Sister, do you have any idea?"

Su Qing shook her head slightly and said, "I haven't thought of a way yet. Let me think about it again. You girl, you can think about it yourself."

"I know." Qin Yulin muttered again.

Half an hour passed slowly, and the three contestants completed their works one after another.

Looking at their works, the three contestants nodded and seemed quite satisfied with their works.

After the host once again did a good job in stimulating the atmosphere of the scene, the on-site staff hung and displayed the paintings that the three contestants had just completed in the center of the venue. Everyone at the scene was finally able to see the three works in full.

At first, everyone looked at the painting on the far left in unison, including Li Fan, Su Qing, and Qin Yulin.

The author of the work on the far left is a young man in his twenties wearing glasses.

At this time, the young man was excited and a little nervous, but at the same time he was enjoying it very much, enjoying the feeling of having his work appreciated by so many people at the same time.

It's a sense of pride, satisfaction and accomplishment.

The first thing that gives people the impression of this young man's works is "flowers", there are so many beautiful flowers of various colors and a large number of petals.

Some petals were flying in the air, and some were falling on the ground. A handsome brown horse passed by among the flowers, and there was naturally a handsome young man on the horse.

However, the young gentleman is not the protagonist in the painting, nor does he steal the audience's attention.

The flowers, petals and the horse walking on the flowers are the protagonists of the painting.

Objectively speaking, the young man’s painting skills are pretty good, whether it’s flowers, petals, or horses.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It's all handled very well, and it's a good piece of work.

Everyone praised the young man for his good painting.

After listening to this, the young man felt a stronger sense of achievement and satisfaction.

After looking at the young man's painting, everyone focused their attention on the middle painting.

The author of the middle painting is the tall and lanky player. His expression and mood at this time are similar to the young man before.

The first impression given by the tall and lanky contestant’s works is that they are aesthetically pleasing.

As the sun sets in the west and the sunset glows brightly, a young man in rich clothes leaps on his horse and whips his whip, rushing through the flowers.

The focus is not on the young man, the horse, or the flowers, but the scene, the beautiful scene.

Obviously, the focus of this work is not "shape", but "meaning".

"Meaning" can obviously better reflect the content contained in the title poem.

Everyone couldn't help but nodded, and their recognition of the second work was slightly higher than that of the first work.

This makes the lanky player even more proud and satisfied.

Then there is the work of the third contestant, which is the work on the far right.

The third contestant is a slightly overweight man, who is also excited and a little nervous.

The first impression his works give people is impact, a very strong impact.

The two front hooves of a galloping horse are very obvious, and the front view is slightly tilted to the side, giving people the feeling that the horse in the painting is about to rush out of the painting.

The background behind is a blurred path of flowers and plants.

The horses run so fast that people can clearly feel the beautiful mood of tourists on horseback when they return from playing.

It is also an excellent piece of work.

The three works have different focus points chosen to express, but they all express the key points they want to express quite perfectly.

The audience at the scene were very satisfied with the three works and thought that each one was an excellent work.

However, there is only one final winner, and everyone must choose the best one among the three works.

So, the question is, which pair should you choose?

Each work has its own supporters, and the number is roughly the same. The number of people supporting the second work is slightly more, giving it a slight advantage in the selection.

But this advantage was not enough for him to become the final championship.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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