Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1781 Screaming out in surprise

Remember in one second【】

The number of people staying at the poetry competition was less than 40%. Some contestants, including Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng, also arrived at the painting competition.

They want to come over and take a look, what the hell is going on here? What kind of painting is it that has such great appeal?

When we came to the edge of the crowd, there was a lot of people everywhere. Some were talking, some were asking about the situation, and some were explaining. It was very lively.

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and other contestants all snorted with disdain and felt very unhappy.

Then they saw the painting displayed in the center of the field.

"This..." Their eyes were full of disbelief. They had done a certain amount of research on calligraphy and painting, and naturally they could see that the painting had an extremely high level of skill.

Definitely from the hands of a top master.

A competition of this level actually has top players participating?

This is absolutely unscientific. How can top players lower their status to participate in such a competition?

Besides, such top players should be quite young, so if they want to participate in a competition, it is impossible for them to come to the top of Mount Huashan to participate.

What the hell is going on here?

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others have not yet figured out this problem, but they have a new problem.

Even if that painting was made by a top-notch artist, you don’t have to be so excited and enthusiastic, right?

After all, there are many people here who don’t know much about calligraphy and painting. For them, no matter how good the works are, they are just for fun.

Only those who really understand calligraphy and painting will be so excited and excited when they see such works.

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others could not understand the situation.

"Friends, please ask, what is going on here? Why does one of our paintings make you so excited and excited?" Wang Lun walked to a few people who were discussing excitedly and asked.

Since you don't understand the situation, you might as well ask someone directly.

The few people who were asked seemed to be very happy that someone who didn't understand the situation came to ask them, so that they could pretend to be a little stupid.

A slightly fat man said with a sense of superiority: "Have you seen the three paintings next to them?"

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others nodded, and they naturally saw it.

Logically speaking, those three paintings should be considered the best paintings in a competition of this level.

The fat man nodded and continued: "Then did you find that the scenes and contents of the four paintings are very similar?"

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others continued to nod, but at the same time they felt slightly annoyed. They were not idiots, so they could naturally see that the scenes and content of the four works were very similar.

Putting aside the technique, if I have to talk about the difference, it is that the first three works all have flowers and petals, but the work of the top master does not even have a flower or a petal.

The fat man continued: "These four works are all based on a poem."

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others nodded again. "Painting with poetry" is a very common topic in painting competitions.

The slightly fat man seemed quite satisfied with the cooperation of Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others, and said with a smile: "The poem is like this, 'After stepping on flowers, the scent of horseshoes will return'."

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others nodded again. This is a very good poem. I don't know who came up with the title? It should be a new poem. They have not heard this poem before.

They finally understood why the four paintings were such a scene.

"It's just that there is clearly "flower" in the poem. Why is there not even a petal in the work of the top artist? The first three works are very good." Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others all thought this way. .

But soon, an electric current seemed to pass through their minds, and they looked at the work of the top master with wide eyes, with an incredible look in their eyes.

They already understood the brilliant idea of ​​the top master's work.

I see.

This piece of shit really completely surpasses the previous three works in terms of both painting techniques and conception of the work.

That top guy is not bullying anyone.

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others sympathized with the three contestants in the previous three works. They probably never dreamed of meeting such people in this kind of competition.

At the same time, they also understood why everyone was so excited and excited.

With the poem "The fragrance of horse hooves returns after stepping on flowers", the painting is not just a painting with extremely advanced painting techniques, but also has a story belonging to it.

A story that makes people want to talk about it.

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others thought they had fully understood it, but in fact they did not fully understand it yet.

What makes everyone so excited and excited is far more than that.

Wang Lun said: "I really didn't expect that even the top players would come to participate in this kind of competition. Who is that top player? We should know his name. He will undoubtedly be the final champion, right?"

The slightly fat man shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily true."

"Not necessarily?" Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others were shocked. Wasn't the work that was completely crushed by all the opponents the final champion? Are you kidding me?

"Why?" Wang Lun asked.

The slightly fat man continued: "Because that top person, before

^0^ Remember in one second【】

He was not a contestant in this competition, he took action last. If he has no interest in this championship title, he is naturally not a championship. Then, the championship can only be vacant, or one of the first three players can be selected as the championship. "

"Well, how can a top player like that come to participate in a competition of this level?

However, since he was not a contestant, why did he take action in the end?

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others looked at each other, and they suddenly realized that they didn't seem to understand the situation at all.

"What on earth is going on? Please ask my friend to tell us in detail." Wang Lun said again.

The fat man was naturally willing, and he excitedly told Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others the whole story in detail.

Including Qin Yulin's question, being dissatisfied with the answers of the three contestants, how Li Fan took action, etc.

The more Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others listened, the bigger their eyes became. The more they listened, the more incredible they became. This was simply an anecdote.

After listening, they finally fully understood why everyone was so excited.

Even they were equally excited and very regretful for not seeing what happened just now.

They were filled with emotion.

After sighing for a while, Wang Lun said again: "Um, how old is he?"

"Old man?" The slightly fat man had a strange smile. He looked at Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others and said, "In a few decades, he will indeed be an old man."

"What do you mean?" Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others were unable to react for a moment.

The fat man's smile became more and more weird. He pointed at Li Fan's figure not far away and said, "That's the 'old man'. As for his name? We don't know either."

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others looked in the direction of the fat man's finger. After seeing clearly, they all exclaimed:

"It's him!"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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