Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1782 Sigh

Remember in one second【】

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others exclaimed, their faces full of shock and disbelief.

No matter what, they couldn't believe that the top master was the young man who didn't dare to write poetry at the poetry competition.

This is absolutely impossible.

The fat man heard the exclamations of Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others, and was a little surprised, and asked: "What? Do you know him?"

Wang Lun said: "No, the top person you said is really him?"

The fat man said: "Of course, those of us who were here before saw him painting with our own eyes, and it only took less than two minutes. Also, the girl in gray clothes next to him was the one who painted. The extremely beautiful girl in question."

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others were surprised again. They also knew that the girl in gray clothes was the girl who had said that their poems could only be barely mastered.

That girl can compose a poem like "Stepping on flowers and returning home with the scent of horseshoes"?

If it is true, then that girl obviously really understands poetry, and her attainments seem to be quite high.

In this case, the girl may not be lying when she says that their poems are just barely accessible.

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others suddenly felt a little cold sweat. What happened was so unexpected and shocking to them that they could not accept it for a while.

Or, to be more precise, they are unwilling to accept it and hope it is all false.

They were unwilling to accept that the girl really understood poetry and had high attainments, and they were even less willing to accept that the young man was a top painter.

If the top painter was in his forties, they would still be able to accept it, but Nima is now only a young man in his twenties. How can people accept this?

We are all young people, so the gap is too big.

And that extremely beautiful girl, you are so beautiful, and you are also very accomplished in poetry. You are so irritating that you are comparing yourself to others!

Wang Lun and others were confused. They didn't know how to accept the facts before them.

Only Lin Rufeng kept looking at Li Fan's figure, thoughtfully.

after awhile,

Lin Rufeng suddenly let out a long sigh and said: "That girl understands poetry, it is true, but her attainments in poetry are probably not too high. 'Returning after stepping on flowers to smell the fragrance of horse hoofs' is probably not her original work."

"Oh?" Wang Lun and others all looked at Lin Rufeng. Wang Lun said: "Brother Lin, how did you know? She didn't write that poem, who did it? And, Brother Lin, why did you Such a long sigh?"

Lin Rufeng did not answer immediately, but sighed again, and then said: "If my prediction is correct, that poem should be written by that young gentleman. Well, he is the top painter."

"Did he do it?" Wang Lun asked doubtfully, "Brother Lin, why did you say that?"

Lin Rufeng said: "That young gentleman, so young, has such profound attainments in painting. Coupled with the incident just now, just like some rumors, you still can't guess the identity of that young gentleman. ?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Rufeng let out another long sigh. Only God knows how stupid they were before.

"Identity?" Wang Lun and others were thoughtful, and suddenly their eyes widened, and they were far more shocked than before.

Wang Lun's mouth trembled a little, and he said: "Brother Lin Lin, you said he is Li Li Li. How is this possible?"

Lin Rufeng smiled bitterly and said: "This is indeed unlikely, but it should be a fact. He is hiding in the city, and there is only Mr. Li Fan in the world."

"This, this, this" Wang Lun wants to say something else?

But after "this" for a long time, no "this" words came out. In the end, there was only a long sigh.

Before, he actually questioned Li Fan's poetry level in front of Li Fan. At this time, he wanted to ask himself, "Who gave me the courage at that time?"

Wang Lun was red-faced, very regretful, and very uneasy. He just wanted to leave here immediately. He was afraid that Li Fan would see him.

Lin Rufeng seemed to have guessed Wang Lun's thoughts and said, "Brother Wang, do you really want to leave here now?"

Wang Lun nodded and said: "Brother Lin, I really want to leave now. I no longer dare to stay here. If Mr. Li Fan sees me, I will be ashamed."

Lin Rufeng said: "Brother Wang, I was also involved in what happened just now. Alas! We are all a little self-inflated. But if we leave like this, this matter will always linger in our hearts and cannot be removed. It will affect our future. Poetry creation may have an incalculable impact. Therefore, we cannot escape."

Wang Lun said: "Brother Lin, what can we do if we don't run away? Even if we are affected by this in the future, we won't want others to do it. It's our own fault. We were really a little inflated before."

Lin Rufeng said: "We met Mr. Li Fan in the past. Only by taking the initiative to talk to Mr. Li Fan about this matter will we not have inner demons in our hearts. Now is the best opportunity to talk to Mr. Li Fan. "

"Meet Mr. Li Fan?" When Wang Lun heard this, he became even more uneasy. He was the one who came forward to ridicule Li Fan before, so he was much more uneasy than Lin Rufeng. He did not dare to go to see Li Fan.

Wang Lun said: "Brother Lin, I said that to Mr. Li Fan before, how could I dare to see him?"

Lin Rufeng said: "Brother Wang, Mr. Li Fan is an immortal in heaven, how can his mind and magnanimity be comparable to those of ordinary people? As long as our attitude is sincere, Mr. Li Fan should not care about our previous rudeness."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

"This" Wang Lun knew that what Lin Rufeng said was true, but he was still uneasy and still didn't dare to go.

At this time, several other contestants also said that Wang Lun should boldly go and talk to Li Fan about the matter instead of escaping.

After Wang Lun hesitated for a while, he finally nodded and said, "Thank you, Brother Lin. I'll go there with you."

Lin Rufeng said: "Let's go, Brother Wang, Mr. Li Fan won't blame us."

Lin Rufeng said it very easily, but he was actually quite uneasy and nervous in his heart, but he was just a little better than Wang Lun.

The two slowly walked towards Li Fan, and the other contestants also followed.

The slightly fat man followed quietly, his eyes full of excitement.

Naturally, he followed him not to watch the excitement, but because of Li Fan's identity.

"It turns out that young man turned out to be Li Fan." The slightly fat man was even more excited than before.

Lin Rufeng and Wang Lun walked up to Li Fan and bowed slightly at the same time and said: "Sir, we are disturbing you two beautiful girls."

Li Fan naturally recognized the two of them. When he saw the two of them acting like this, he knew that they already knew his identity and guessed their purpose.

This surprised him a little, and then he nodded secretly.

Strictly speaking, the cause of what happened before was Qin Yulin's fault. Now that the two of them can do this, it can be seen that although they are a little arrogant, they are not arrogant people in essence.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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