Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1783 1 paper, 1 pen, 1 inkstone

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan was a little surprised, and so were Su Qing and Qin Yulin.

Qin Yulin's impression of Lin Rufeng and Wang Lun was not good at first, but now that he sees how sincere they are, his impression of them has changed a lot, and his eyes are no longer wide-eyed, but he is slightly polite. A smile.

This smile also made Lin Rufeng, Wang Lun and others discover that they had misunderstood Qin Yulin before.

They thought that Qin Yulin would take the opportunity to laugh at and ridicule them for being unreasonable and willful, and they were prepared for this.

But they never thought that Qin Yulin would smile politely to them and not care at all about the unpleasantness that happened before. This made them feel that they were judging a gentleman with a villain's heart.

In addition to sighing, I felt ashamed, and at the same time I was very happy and excited. Even an extremely beautiful girl like Qin Yulin didn't care about the unpleasantness that happened before, and Li Fan probably didn't care at all.

Of course, this is also the case. Li Fan didn't take the previous things to heart at all, and there was no need for it.

No matter how arrogant the other party is, no matter how complacent they are, no matter how unpleasant their words are, so what?

Of course, although Li Fan didn't care, his impression of the other party was also discounted. Meeting was originally a kind of fate, but meeting the wrong person would not be a fate.

But if the other party can discover his mistakes in time and actively remedy them sincerely, fate will slowly come. Although there are certain flaws, they will still exist after all.

Li Fan looked at Lin Rufeng and Wang Lun, smiled slightly, and said, "You two are welcome."

Lin Rufeng and Wang Lun felt reassured and even more excited. They knew that Li Fan would not care about their previous rudeness, which made them even more ashamed.

Later, Wang Lun formally apologized to Li Fan. Li Fan could feel that Wang Lun was sincerely apologizing, so he nodded and accepted Wang Lun's apology.

Wang Lun breathed a long sigh of relief. His anxious heart was finally no longer anxious, but he was even more nervous than before.

Being in such close contact with Li Fan and saying so many words made him nervous.

Of course the same is true for Lin Rufeng and others.

Li Fan saw the nervousness of Wang Lun and others, smiled lightly, and chatted with each other about this poetry competition.

After chatting for a while, Wang Lun and others finally stopped being so nervous and spoke much more naturally.

Several people lamented that it is not easy to write a good poem, and it is even more difficult to become a professional poet. They also said half-jokingly that Li Fan is an immortal in the sky. He is gifted by nature. Writing poems is as easy as picking it up, but they can't understand it. It is difficult for these ordinary people to write poetry.

Li Fan laughed and said: "To achieve certain achievements in the poetry world is like hiking to the top of Huashan Mountain. It is extremely difficult and the road is difficult. The only way is to keep moving forward. As long as you can keep moving forward, , the long wind will eventually break the waves.”

After hearing this, Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others quickly bowed and said, "Thank you, sir, for your teaching!"

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "We are about the same age, so we can't talk about teachings or exchanging ideas."

After hearing this, Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others became more respectful.

Li Fan added: "Do you all want to become professional poets?"

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others looked at each other, and then they all nodded solemnly. Wang Lun said: "Sir, we know that it is extremely difficult to become a truly professional poet, but we will not give up."

Li Fan nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Get some paper and a pen."

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others were slightly suffocated, but after reacting, they all became extremely excited and excited in an instant.

They naturally knew what Li Fan meant by asking him to get paper and pen. He was going to compose a poem on the spot.

"Sir, please wait a moment." Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others said at the same time, and then turned around impatiently to get paper and pen.

Originally, it would have been enough for one person to go, but this kind of opportunity was rare, and it was only this once, and would never happen again in the future. No one, Wang Lun or Lin Rufeng, was willing to give up this opportunity.

They all know that the other party is unlikely to give up, so they no longer discuss who will take it. Since no one can give in, they might as well just go together.

Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng turned and left, with expressions of excitement and excitement on their faces that anyone could see.

It's just that people who are farther away are a little confused, wondering why they are going to see it?

In fact, the scene where Li Fan just talked to Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others was secretly watched by everyone at the competition.

At the same time, most people recognized that Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng were contestants in the poetry competition.

The three contestants and the host are also paying attention.

It's just that they were far away and the scene was full of people. They couldn't hear what a few people were saying? I can just see the various expressions on the faces of Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others, including nervousness, excitement, excitement, etc.

Now, Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng suddenly turned around and left. They were also confused about the situation, but looking at the expressions on the faces of Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others, they knew that something was going to happen.

What is going on? They pondered in their minds.

But before they could figure out the reason, they saw Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others arriving.

However, the actions of Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others when they arrived made everyone dumbfounded, shocked, and shocked.

A piece of rice paper, originally as light as nothing, was now covered by three young children

^0^ Remember in one second【】

The guy held it in his hand at the same time.

The rice paper is about 5 meters long and 60 centimeters wide. The three young men lined up in sequence and spread out their left and right hands at the same time. The three hands held the rice paper together while walking.

Just like in the TV series, the father-in-law carries the imperial edict in his hand, except that it is a father-in-law carrying the edict, but now the young men are walking together in three.

This is true for rice paper, as well as for writing brushes and inkstones.

Two young men walked side by side. The one on the left stretched out his right hand and the one on the right stretched out his left hand, holding a brush together.

There were also two young men walking together holding an inkstone with ink in it.

A piece of paper, a pen, and an inkstone are all carried by seven young men. How can such a scene not make people stunned?

But after being stunned, those who had vaguely guessed Li Fan's identity slowly guessed what was going to happen?

Those people came with pens, ink, paper, and inkstones in such weird ways, and the expressions on their faces were so excited, exciting, and anticipating.

Well, there may be only one reason, and that is that Li Fan wants to compose poetry on the spot.

The first group of people to react, including the three contestants and the host, felt excited and quickly moved towards Li Fan.

They want to get to Li Fan before others realize what is going to happen, so that they can witness the birth of a new poem by Li Fan with their own eyes.

This kind of opportunity is rare, it may only happen once in your life.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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