Remember in one second【】

Li Fan felt helpless when he saw Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng coming so "ceremoniously".

This is a bit too exaggerated.

Su Qing and Qin Yulin covered their mouths and laughed secretly. At the same time, they rolled their eyes at Li Fan. This kind of thing will definitely spread on the Internet again.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others. Except for those who quickly moved closer to Li Fan, the rest were all talking and speculating. They didn't know what Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others were doing. what for?

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others also knew that they were the focus of the audience at this moment. Everyone was talking about them, and some of them were still laughing at their strange behavior.

But they didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed in their hearts. On the contrary, they were very proud. They were all thinking, "You guys just laugh now. When Mr. Li Fan shows off later, you will be envious and jealous of us."

Because these things on the top of Huashan this time will definitely become Li Fanxin's legend, and they will leave their names and surnames in this legend, which will make countless people envious and jealous.

As they walked, they suddenly realized that they could no longer reach Li Fan's side.

Because, Li Fan's side was already crowded with spectators.

It seems that more and more people have guessed what will happen next?

Li Fan felt helpless against the crowd that was getting tighter and tighter, so he had to stand in front of Su Qing and Qin Yulin, telling everyone not to get closer and leave some space.

The crowd was constantly crowded before, but after Li Fan spoke, it suddenly calmed down, no longer crowded, and stopped gathering around, leaving a certain amount of space.

Everyone involuntarily listened to Li Fan's words, which surprised them all slightly.

Li Fan hugged his fists and thanked the crowd for their cooperation.

After a lot of hard work, Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others finally squeezed into the crowd with difficulty and came to Li Fan's side again. At the same time, they placed paper, pens, and inkstones on a drawing table that was here before.

Then he said at the same time: "Sir, the paper and pen have been brought."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work. Today we meet at the top of Huashan Mountain. It is fate. You both aspire to become a professional poet in the future, and I happen to be a poet too.

We are all poets, so we speak in poetry. It is difficult to give you a single poem. Of course, also to every friend present. "

"Sure enough, it's poetry!" Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others were excited and excited as never before.

What kind of person is Li Fan?

As far as the poetry world is concerned, he is a banished immortal in heaven and is called the "Poetry Immortal". Each of his poems is famous all over the world and will surely be famous throughout the ages.

Now, Li Fan is going to send them a poem. It is very likely that their names will be famous all over the world, and even be passed down to future generations, along with this new poem.

Their excitement and excitement can be imagined.

Not only that, Li Fan sent them poems, which was of extraordinary significance and would also bring them great faith.

With this belief, they will surely be able to create more good poems and eventually become professional poets, and their lives will turn around as a result.

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others said respectfully at the same time: "Yes, thank you, sir."

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others were excited, as were the three contestants, the host and others. Because they saw the opportunity quickly, they successfully grabbed Li Fan's side.

After witnessing Li Fan's painting with their own eyes, they will witness Li Fan's writing of a poem with their own eyes. This trip to the top of Mount Huashan will become an eternal memory in their lives.

After what happens here spreads to the outside world, it will surely make countless people envious and jealous.

At this moment, on the periphery of the crowd, there are still some confused spectators, who are constantly asking people around them, what happened in the center of the crowd in front?

Some people don't know, but there are also people who know, and those who know spread the word to those who don't know, one by one. Gradually, almost everyone at the scene knows what happened again.

However, some people still don't know Li Fan's identity. They only know that the young top painter is writing poetry again.

In the center of the crowd, Li Fan had already picked up a pen to write on rice paper without further delay.

Everyone around the inner circle, including Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng, the three contestants, and the host, looked at the tip of the brush in Li Fan's hand with excitement and anticipation.

Looking at the first and second words, the first and second sentences of the poem keep appearing.

“Golden bottles of wine cost ten thousand coins, and jade dishes cost ten thousand coins.

Stopping the cup and throwing chopsticks, I can't eat. I draw my sword and look around at a loss.

If you want to cross the Yellow River, which is blocked by ice, you will climb the snow-covered mountains of Taihua.

When I was free to fish on the Bixi River, I suddenly took a boat and dreamed of the sun.

Traveling is difficult! Traveling is difficult! Duoqi Road, where is it now?

There will be times when the wind blows and the waves break, and the clouds and sails are hung directly to help the sea. "

This is the first of three poems by the poet Li Taibai from his previous life. It is now brought to this world by Li Fan.

It's just that Li Fan changed the name of one of the places.

In the sentence "I want to cross the Yellow River, which is blocked by ice, I am about to climb the Taihua Mountains, which are covered with snow.", Li Bai's original poem is "I am about to climb the Taihang Mountains, which are covered with snow."

Li Fan changed "Taihang" to "Taihua".

"Taihang" means Taihang Mountain, and "Taihua" means Taihua Mountain, which is Huashan Mountain.

Because Li Fan is now in Huashan, he changed "Taihang" to "Taihua" in order to better suit the occasion.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Such changes have no impact on the whole poem, and I don't think Taibai, the poet immortal in his previous life, would blame him.

As soon as Shixian's poem appeared, it naturally shocked the whole audience.

It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future.

Li Fan stopped writing and said: "The road is difficult, any road is difficult, and the road of life is even more difficult, but as long as we have enough confidence to persevere, we will eventually be able to sail through the wind and waves. "Ji Canghai". I just share this poem with everyone."

Everyone who was close enough to see them all seemed very excited and agitated, naturally Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng were the most important among them.

Their hearts couldn't calm down for a long time. They finally saw the "Poetry Immortal" live and realized more clearly the gap between them and Li Fan.

This kind of gap seems to be insufficient to describe with the word "gap between heaven and earth".

A temporary swipe at the scene is a height that they will never be able to reach in their lifetime.

They are envious, but not jealous.

This poem is not complicated. A simple translation is:

“A bucket of fine wine in a gold cup is worth a thousand gold; the dishes in a jade plate are precious and worth tens of thousands of gold.

But my sadness made me put down my glass and chopsticks, and I was unwilling to drink or eat. He pulled out his sword and looked around, feeling confused.

I want to cross the Yellow River, but ice blocks the river. If I want to climb Mount Taihua, there will be heavy snow all over the mountain.

I recall that when Jiang Taigong was fishing in Fenxi River, he met the talented King Wen. Yi Yin took a boat and dreamed about the sun, and was employed by Shang Tang.

How difficult is the road of life! How difficult! There are so many different roads, where is the real avenue?

I firmly believe that the time to ride the wind and waves will definitely come, and when that time comes, we will set sail and sail across the blue sea and blue sky. "

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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