Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1798 Turn against one another

Remember in one second【】

All the book fans sighed. The thing is, the truth always makes people feel helpless and sighing sometimes. [Sui_dream] novel eng

Qiu Yunsu told Chu Liuxiang everything she knew.

Some issues have been clarified, but there are still many questions?

Nangong Ling seems to already know that he is the orphan of Tianfeng 14th Lang?

What does the mysterious mastermind have to do with Nangong Ling? Why did he give Nangong Lingtian a divine water?

Qiu Yunsu didn't know the answers to a series of questions. Only Chu Liuxiang could find the answers to these questions himself.

Before leaving, Chu Liuxiang made a request to let him see Qiu Yunsu's true appearance.

Chu Liuxiang is a handsome bandit. He really wants to see what kind of peerless appearance the person Zuo Youzheng, Ximen Qian and others have been obsessed with for their entire lives.

Qiu Yunsu agreed, and said that her husband Ren Ci and Chu Liuxiang were the only two people who had seen her current face.

She lifted the black veil from her face.

However, what Chu Liuxiang saw was not a peerless face, but an ugly and terrifying face.

It turns out that Qiu Yunsu had been disfigured twenty years ago because of a woman named Shi Guanyin.

Shi Guanyin has extremely high martial arts skills and is extremely beautiful. She cannot tolerate a woman more beautiful than her. Once she knows who is more beautiful than her, she will find the other person and kill her or disfigure her.

Qiu Yunsu was more beautiful than Shi Guanyin, but her martial arts skills were inferior to Shi Guanyin. Therefore, Qiu Yunsu's tragedy was born.

Shi Guanyin gave Qiu Yunsu a disfiguring potion and asked Qiu Yunsu to disfigure herself after three months. She allowed Qiu Yunsu to be beautiful again for the last three months.

It was during these last three months that Qiu Yunsu asked Sun Xuepu to draw four portraits and gave them to Zuo Youzheng, Ximen Qian, Ling Jiuzi and Zhamuhe respectively.

Later, Qiu Yunsu was disfigured and was in agony. Ci, the director of the Beggar Clan, took good care of her and finally moved Qiu Yunsu. Qiu Yunsu changed her name and married Ren Ci.

After Chu Liuxiang heard Qiu Yunsu's story, he was in tears and kept apologizing. He thought Qiu Yunsu must be in great pain after being disfigured, and he should not let Qiu Yunsu say this.


Qiu Yunsu said that the twenty years after she was disfigured and married to Ren Ci were her happiest and calmest twenty years. She was very happy.

Chu Liuxiang nodded secretly, agreeing with Qiu Yunsu's words.

Afterwards, Qiu Yunsu committed suicide by jumping off a cliff.

The reason why she lingered was to expose Nangong Ling's ugly face.

Now that she has done it, she no longer misses this world.

Her eyes were very peaceful, without any pain. She was exhausted physically and mentally, and death was her eternal rest.

Chu Liuxiang was too late to rescue her. Although he knew that Qiu Yunsu was more miserable alive than dead and that death was her best choice, she still felt sad.

Sad for Qiu Yunsu, and sad for himself.

He and Nangong Ling were originally close friends, as close as brothers, but now, they are destined to turn against each other.

Chu Liuxiang found Nangong Ling, and Nangong Ling did not escape. He knew that Chu Liuxiang already knew everything, so he stopped pretending.

Of course, the brotherhood and friendship that Nangong Ling and Chu Liuxiang had before were not disguised.

He really regarded Chu Liuxiang as a good friend. They went to the sea to catch ghosts and drank together. It was really happy.

Chu Liuxiang also understood this, and it was precisely because of this that he felt sad.

He was reluctant and unwilling to lose a good friend, but they were already on opposite sides.

Nangong Ling asked Chu Liuxiang not to meddle in other people's business. They would be good friends for life.

Chu Liuxiang also hoped so, so he asked Nangong Ling to promise him two things. If Nangong Ling could agree, he would no longer care about Nangong Ling's affairs.

First, resign as gang leader, find a place to think about your mistakes behind closed doors.

Second, tell him, who is the person who gave him Tianyi Divine Water?

Unfortunately, Nangong Ling would not agree to either of these things, so the two had no choice but to turn against each other.

When the two started fighting, Nangong Ling was no match for Chu Liuxiang.

Chu Liuxiang asked Nangong Ling again to tell who that person was? He knew that the person who used Nangong Ling to kill Ren Ci was only a small part of the conspiracy. He must have many bigger conspiracies.

Chu Liuxiang must stop his conspiracy.

Finally, he said that when necessary, that person would also kill Nangong Ling to silence him.

However, Nangong Ling said that it was impossible for that person to kill him.

Later, after a series of conflicts, Nangong Ling took Chu Liuxiang to a boat.

Because that person once told him that if he couldn't solve Chu Liuxiang's matter, he would take Chu Liuxiang to the boat, and then he would personally deal with it.

Nangong Ling was convinced of this, and he had absolute trust in that person. If there was only one person in the world who could deal with Chu Liuxiang, that person must be him.

Chu Liuxiang arrived on the boat. With his keen intuition, he could feel that the boat was full of dangers, but he couldn't think of any way that person could deal with him?

Nangong Ling poured two glasses of wine and invited Chu Liuxiang to drink.

Chu Liuxiang refused to drink, and bluntly said that she was worried that the wine was poisonous.

Nangong Ling laughed and said how could that person poison the wine?

He drank the glass of wine he gave Chu Liuxiang in one gulp, and then laughed at Chu Liuxiang for being too timid and missing a beautiful glass of wine.

^0^ Remember in one second【】


However, before he finished speaking, every vein in his arms, forehead, and neck stood out.

Tianyi Shenshui, there is Tianyi Shenshui in the wine.

Chu Liuxiang suddenly understood that the person who wanted to kill was not Chu Liuxiang, but Nangong Ling.

Because that person knew that Chu Liuxiang would definitely not drink, but Nangong Ling would definitely drink.

No wonder Chu Liuxiang could sense that the ship was full of danger, but couldn't think of a way for that person to deal with him.

It turned out that the person who wanted to kill was not Chu Liuxiang, but Nangong Ling.

He wanted to kill Nangong Ling to silence him. With Nangong Ling dead, Chu Liuxiang's clues were broken again.

Unfortunately, at this point, Nangong Ling still refused to believe that that person would actually kill him.

He still didn't want to say that person's name.

He just struggled in the end and said that that person was his brother, and he would never believe that person would kill him.

Nangong Ling died, and his death was equally tragic.

Chu Liuxiang also felt very sad.

And all the clues were interrupted again.

The only thing we know now is that the mysterious mastermind is Nangong Ling's brother.

In other words, the Tianfeng Fourteenth Lang back then was not only an orphan, Nangong Ling, but he also had another orphan.

According to the way Tianfeng Fourteenth Lang entrusted Nangong Ling to the director of the Beggar Clan, Ci, it can be inferred that Tianfeng Fourteenth Lang will also entrust his other orphan to another famous person in the martial arts. Character raising.

The other orphan is obviously the mysterious mastermind behind the scenes.

What if you could find out who is another famous martial arts figure? We should be able to find out the identity of the mysterious black hand.

Things don't seem too complicated anymore.

But, only then should we know who the other famous martial arts figure is?

This is a problem.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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