Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1799 The truth

Remember in one second【】

Want to know which famous figure in the martial arts world adopted another orphan of Tianfeng Shirojiro?

It's a little difficult to find, but it doesn't seem too difficult.

Back then, Tianfeng Shishiro was seriously injured before he challenged Ren Ci to duel. From this, it can be inferred that Tianfeng Shishiro also found another person to duel before he challenged Ren Ci to duel.

The other person must be the person who adopted Tianfeng Shiro's other orphan.

Since the Fourteenth Lang of Tianfeng first dueled with another person and then with Ren Ci, it can be seen that the other person's martial arts and reputation at that time were higher than those of the Beggar Clan Director Ci.

There are not many people whose martial arts and reputation are above Ren Ci, and the scope has been greatly narrowed.

In addition, that person must be as broad-minded and generous as Ren Ci before he would agree to adopt the orphan of Tianfeng Shirojiro.

Also, that person must be very low-key in his behavior. Only when he defeated the arrogant Tianfeng Shiro, no one in the world knew about it.

In the end, that person must also be in the southern Fujian area, so that Tianfeng Shiro was able to rush to the duel with Ren Ci after being seriously injured.

With so many conditions added together, the identity of that person is almost ready to be revealed.

He is the head of the southern branch of Shaolin, the abbot of Kamata Shaolin Temple, Master Tianfeng.

The other orphan who raised Tianfeng Shizuro is almost certainly Master Tianfeng.

As long as Chu Liuxiang finds Master Tianfeng, he can determine who the mysterious mastermind is?

However, Chu Liuxiang was not happy at all, but felt even more sad.

Because he had already guessed who that person was, and he really didn't want that person to be that person.

But sometimes, the truth is so cruel, and the thing you least expect to be the truth turns out to be the truth.

That person is also Chu Liuxiang's good friend, the "Wonderful Monk" who is famous all over the world, Wuhua.

At this time, Chu Liuxiang finally understood what the word "wu" that the unconscious nun in Wuyi Temple meant when she suddenly regained her consciousness before she died.

She didn't mean to say the name of a person named Wu.

It doesn’t mean under the sycamore tree, but “without flowers”.

Chu Liuxiang felt sad, but there were some things he had to do.

He rushed to Kamata Shaolin Temple and learned that Master Tianfeng was with Wuhua. Master Tianfeng was fond of tea, and Wuhua was making tea for Master Tianfeng.

Chu Liuxiang was shocked. Wuhua was very likely to kill Master Tianfeng, and he had to stop him.

He successfully stopped it.

Master Tianfeng told Chu Liuxiang more detailed past events about Tianfeng Shiro.

Back then, there was a fierce battle between the two major sword sects of Huashan and Huangshan. The bloody battle lasted for many years. The Huangshan family was finally defeated. Later, only Miss Li Qi was left in the battle.

In order to avoid disaster, Li Qi traveled eastward to take Sang. At that time, she had suffered internal injuries. Coupled with the difficult sea journey, she was already unable to walk on Fusang Island.

Li Qi, who was dying, met Tianfeng 14th Lang. Tianfeng 14th Lang fell in love with Li Qi at first sight and took good care of Li Qi, so that Li Qi finally recovered.

Later, the two got married, and Li Qi gave birth to two children for Tianfeng Shiro.

After giving birth to two children, Li Qi suddenly left without saying goodbye and returned to China, leaving only a letter.

Tianfeng Shiroji and his two children came to China to look for Li Qi. They searched for Li Qi for a year, but to no avail. In despair, he found Master Tianfeng and Ren Ci to duel one after another.

He asked the two to duel because he had no intention of living anymore, but he still had two children, and he had to find someone to raise his children first.

He thought of Master Tianfeng and Ren Ci, but if he went directly to these two people and asked them to help raise the child, they would definitely not agree.

Therefore, Tianfeng Shirojiro thought of a way to find a duel between two people, and then deliberately injured him under their palms.

His husband was seriously injured deliberately under the hands of Master Tianfeng, and then died under the hands of Ren Ci deliberately.

In this way, Master Tianfeng and Ren Ci would adopt his two children out of guilt.

The fact is indeed the case. Tianfeng Shiro's plan was successful. Under the training of Master Tianfeng and Ren Ci, his two children have developed outstanding martial arts.

After Master Tianfeng told Chu Liuxiang everything he knew, he asked Chu Liuxiang if Gang Leader Ren Cilao was dead?

Chu Liuxiang replied, "Yes".

Master Tianfeng is a wise man, and Chu Liuxiang’s answer is enough for him to understand everything.

He understood that Wuhua, who he had raised with his own hands, had the intention to harm him. He did not feel sad, but just looked at Wuhua's back with complicated eyes when he left.

Chu Liuxiang and Wuhua left at the same time.

Chu Liuxiang felt very bitter in his heart. He always thought Wuhua was his good friend, but Wuhua had tried to kill him many times.

On Daming Lake, Wuhua disturbed Zhongyuan Yidianhong's mind with the sound of the piano, and wanted to kill him with the help of Zhongyuan Yidianhong.

Afterwards, he was attacked secretly in Wuyi Temple, and on the edge of the cliff where he was looking for Qiu Yunsu, he pretended to be Tianfeng Juro and tried to kill him again.

This is undoubtedly a very sad thing.

However, as Wu Hua said, he actually didn't want to kill Chu Liuxiang. If Chu Liuxiang didn't mind his own business, they would always be good friends.

But unfortunately, Chu Liuxiang couldn't ignore it.

Therefore, Wuhua must kill Chu Liuxiang.

"The friendship between you and me is all that's left now

^0^ Remember in one second【】

What falls is no longer as much as the grains of sand in the eyes. "This is what Wuhua said to Chu Liuxiang.

When Wuhua talked about seducing a disciple of the Goddess Palace and stealing Tianyi Divine Water for him, and the disciple of the Goddess Palace died because of it, he added, "A girl who has never been in contact with a man always often She cannot be tempted, she feels she is willing to die, so why should you feel sorry for her?"

Chu Liuxiang sighed at this, "You are such a strange person. No matter how despicable or hateful you are, you can always say it in the gentlest and most elegant tone."

Wuhua is indeed a strange person. He has killed many people, but he does not even want to contaminate his own music with murderous intent.

Chu Liuxiang asked Wuhua, why did he do this?

Is it for revenge or for power? Was this his own idea? Or did his father Tianfeng Shishiro leave him a last word asking him to do this before he died?

Why did Chu Liuxiang think that Tianfeng Shirojiro had left his last words to Wuhua?

Because, at the expense of his life, Tian Feng Shiro wanted Wu Hua and Nangong Ling to join the Shaolin and Beggar Gang respectively.

In this way, when the two grow up, they can first take over the largest sect and gang in the world, and then take the next step to dominate the world.

This may be something Tianfeng Shishiro wanted to do but couldn't do, so he asked his two children to do it for him.

Otherwise, how could he die willingly?

This is Chu Liuxiang's guess.

Wuhua neither admitted that Chu Liuxiang's guess was correct nor said that his guess was wrong. He only said that he would naturally know the answer in the future.

Then, the two started fighting. Wuhua's martial arts was extremely high, but he was no match for Chu Liuxiang after all.

After experiencing a dangerous fight, Wuhua said slowly: "Very good, I finally confirmed today that I am indeed no match for you."

His voice was very calm, as if he had just confirmed that it was just a gamble with a small chance of winning or losing, and no one could tell that he had already staked his life on this gamble.

Wuhua was defeated, but did not escape.

Chu Liuxiang asked him why he didn't escape?

He said that no matter how big a victory was, he would never get carried away with joy. No matter how great his failure was, he could not make him run away with his tail between his legs like a wild dog.

Wuhua didn't want to run away, and she didn't want Chu Liuxiang to hand him over to others.

What else could he do?

There is only one way, and that is suicide.

He said that he was noble, and he disdained to bow before those despicable people. No matter what he did wrong, he was always a noble man, much nobler than most people in the world.

He asked Chu Liuxiang, do you admit this?

However, his body had fallen down and he could no longer hear Chu Liuxiang's answer.

There was a hint of smile on the corner of his mouth.

The noble Wuhua died, and Chu Liuxiang was very sad and exhausted.

Wuhua died, the truth was revealed, and the story of "The Fragrance of the Sea of ​​Blood" ended here.

But is everything really over? Have you found the answers to all your questions?

Maybe it's really over, maybe it's not over yet. At this time, Chu Liuxiang no longer wants to ask.

At least at this moment, he didn't want to ask again.

All he wanted now was to return to his ship, with three pink friends as his companions, to hoist his sails and leave these disgusting crowds behind forever.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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