Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1800 Regret and Sadness

Remember in one second【】

"Wonderful Monk" Wuhua committed suicide, Chu Liuxiang was exhausted physically and mentally, and the story of the sea of ​​blood and fragrance came to an end.

This is the end of the first story in Chu Liuxiang's legend. All the book fans felt sad and sighing at the first moment.

"The most insidious enemy is often the closest friend." The story of the fragrant sea of ​​blood is the best interpretation of this sentence.

This interpretation makes people sad, and it is no wonder that Chu Liuxiang is physically and mentally exhausted from it.

Countless book fans are talking about it on the Internet and are filled with emotion.

Many people and things inside made them feel emotional.

Four people, Zuo Youzheng, Ximen Qian, Ling Jiuzi and Zhamuhe, have been obsessed with Qiu Yunsu all their lives. For Qiu Yunsu, they either never marry or become a monk. In the end, they all work together because they want to save Qiu Yunsu. Buried under the conspiracy of Wu Hua and Nangong Ling.

They live for love, are infatuated with love, are trapped by love, and die for love, just because of the word "infatuation".

Infatuated people often cannot get the one they love. This is helpless and sad, but there is no right or wrong.

They were not wrong, and the object of their obsession was not wrong either. It was just fate.

I only hope that those who are infatuated but destined to be unable to get the person they love can break free from the demonic barrier of infatuation as soon as possible and find someone who can truly spend their lives with them.

Qiu Yunsu also made book fans feel sad. She originally had an alluring face, but she was forced to destroy it by a jealous woman.

A stunningly beautiful woman turned into an ugly and terrifying woman in an instant, causing huge damage both to her heart and body.

And all this is just because she is too beautiful.

"Beauty" has become the culprit of all this. What kind of sadness is this?

But Qiu Yunsu was extremely lucky. He met Ci, the director of the Beggar Clan who didn't care about her disfigured appearance. He lived happily for twenty years.

She was once the most beautiful woman in the world, but she was neither happy nor happy.

After being brutally disfigured, she lived happily for twenty years.

So, for her, disfigurement,

Is it a blessing or a curse?

The answer should be "luck".

"Beauty" makes her suffer, but "ugliness" makes her happy. This may sound absurd, but it is true.

In fact, it cannot be said to be absurd. Does beauty and ugliness bring people pain or happiness?

There is no standard answer to this. Some people will be happy because of beauty, but some people will also suffer because of beauty.

Similarly, some people will be miserable because of ugliness, but some people can be happy because of ugliness.

Whether it is pain or happiness may depend on each person's own choice.

Book fans are deeply moved by this.

What makes book fans sigh most is the character of "Miao Monk" Wuhua and the friendship between him and Chu Liuxiang.

Is there a friendship between them?

The answer is yes.

It's just that their friendship gradually became disillusioned as the truth of the matter emerged step by step.

Chu Liuxiang's suffering and pain when her friendship with Wu Hua and Nangong Ling gradually deteriorated is a kind of sadness that cannot be spared in the entire work.

Yang Qiming, director of the Times Literature Award Jury Office, wrote on his Weibo: "The fragrance of the sea of ​​blood transforms a story about solving crimes and solving mysteries into a story with the establishment, test, deterioration and disillusionment of friendship as the main axis. The story adds psychological depth and human paradox, which makes people feel regretful and sad.”

Yang Qiming's Weibo quickly spread on the Internet. After reading it, book fans all expressed their approval. He is worthy of being a celebrity, and his summary is very hit and miss.

The Fragrance of the Sea of ​​Blood is a story about solving crimes and solving mysteries. It is also a story about the gradual disillusionment of the friendship between Chu Liuxiang, Wu Hua, and Nangong Ling.

Such a story is indeed regrettable and sad.

Book fans have a very good impression of Wuhua.

Wu Hua's appearance is treated like a protagonist, and it is not much inferior to Chu Liuxiang's appearance.

The first mention of Wuhua was through the dialogue between Chu Liuxiang and his three romantic confidants, Song Tianer, Li Hongxiu, and Su Rongrong.

Chu Liuxiang smiled and said: "Who do you most want to see? Who plays the piano the best in the world today? Who paints the best? Who writes poems that make people ecstasy? Who cooks the best food in the world? "

Before he finished speaking, Li Hongxiu clapped his hands and said, "I know, you are talking about the 'Wonderful Monk' Wu Hua."

Su Rongrong smiled softly and said: "I heard that this person is a famous person in Buddhism. Not only is he excellent in poetry, painting and calligraphy, but he is also a master in martial arts."

Chu Liuxiang said: "Not only is he a master, he can be said to be the most talented among Shaolin disciples. It's a pity for him. He is too smart, proficient in too many things, and his name is too big. Therefore, he is registered as the Shaolin Tianhu Master." As the future leader, he actually chose Wu Xiang who could not compare with him. "

Before they even meet him, they hear his name first. Even before Wu Hua appears, fans have already felt his genius and grace.

Book fans are all looking forward to the character Wuhua.

And Wuhua's official appearance is even more amazing.

"There is a young monk sitting on the boat, wearing moon-white monk robes, playing the piano.

Under the reflection of the stars and the moon, we can see that his eyes are like stars, his lips are red and his teeth are white, and his face is as bright as a girl's. However, his expression is gentle and his style is unrestrained.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It is unmatched by any woman in the world.

His whole body looked spotless, as if he was hanging down from the clouds from the nine heavens. "

There is also this description at the back, "A man walked out from the back hall, plain clothes and white socks, spotless, and even the smile on his face seemed to be from the dust."

This is the "Wonderful Monk" Wuhua.

Wuhua's appearance shocked the world and every book fan.

No matter how you look at such a character, he is just another Ximen Chuixue.

Book fans hope and believe that Wuhua will be the next Ximen Chuixue, and the friendship between him and Chu Liuxiang will definitely be like the friendship between Ximen Chuixue and Lu Xiaofeng.

However, when the truth slowly emerged, and the mysterious black hand hidden behind the scenes gradually pointed to Wuhua, book fans were shocked to discover that Wuhua was not the Wuhua they had previously thought.

The mysterious mastermind who planned all the conspiracies, stole the Tianyi Shenshui from the Shenshui Palace, and tried to kill Chu Liuxiang several times turned out to be the elegant Wuhua.

Fans of the book were shocked and even found it difficult to accept.

How many times have they been amazed by Wuhua, only to find out in the end that Wuhua is such a person.

They felt sorry that Wuhua had disillusioned his own image.

They also felt sad, sad for Chu Liuxiang, who finally lost his friendship.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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