Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1810 The next work is a bit sad

Remember in one second【】

Book fans feel that time flies too fast. They just met Chu Liuxiang and now they have to say goodbye.

Then when they thought about it carefully, they discovered that Chu Liuxiang had actually been with them for a long time. Starting from "The Fragrance of the Sea of ​​Blood" and ending with "Midnight Orchid", the entire series of eight stories was already a magnificent novel. A huge production.

It's just because they have always been intoxicated in Chu Liuxiang's world during this period of time that they have the illusion that they have just met and are about to break up.

On the Internet, fans of the book are filled with emotion and are very reluctant to part with it.

"Oh! I didn't expect to say goodbye to Chu Liuxiang so soon. I still clearly remember my surprise when I saw the letter Chu Liuxiang wrote to the young master's companion at the beginning of the story. That kind of surprise, from the beginning It kept going until the end. But now, it can’t go on because it’s over! It still feels too short.”

"I don't have any opinion. It always feels like a good-looking work ends before you've seen enough. There's nothing we can do about it. No matter how reluctant we are to let go, it's still over."

"I remember that before the serialization started, we saw Gu Yongda's introduction to "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang". At that time, we were still thinking, as a thief, how did Chu Liuxiang manage to be suave, calm and elegant? I didn't expect it to be so It’s almost over, I really can’t bear to let it go.”

""The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is over when it is over. What I am worried about now is that Gu Yong will not stop writing martial arts, right? Because the last few chapters of the last story "Midnight Orchid", there is always a feeling of Gu Yong when reading it Feeling like saying goodbye.”

"There is indeed a feeling of saying goodbye, but it should be the farewell of "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang", not the farewell of Gu Yong's great martial arts."

"Yes, don't think too much. If "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is really Gu Yong's last martial arts work, Gu Yong should have explained it in advance so that we can be mentally prepared."

"Oh! What I'm afraid of is that Mr. Gu Yong will not tell us in advance, and then directly announce that he will write martial arts two days later. You know, Mr. Gu Yong always likes to create accidents for us. I'm really afraid that Mr. Gu Yong will do this. Give us another surprise.”

"This... shouldn't be possible, right? I strongly hope that we won't hear any news about Gu Yong closing his martial arts career in the next few days."

"You are overthinking. I believe that Guyong will tell us in advance before writing the last martial arts movie."

"That's right, don't think too much, I believe that Gu Yong will at least write another martial arts film.


"Well, I hope that what I hear in the past few days is news about Gu Yong's new martial arts works, rather than news about the closure of martial arts."


Book fans are now quite worried that Gu Yong will suddenly announce the end of martial arts. Although logically speaking, if "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is really Gu Yong's last martial arts, Gu Yong should have explained it in advance.

But Gu Yong always liked to bring "surprises" to everyone before, and he really wouldn't necessarily explain it in advance.

If this is the case, it is really sad.

Book fans couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. They really didn't want to hear the news that Gu Yong had announced the end of his martial arts novel.

Book fans are worried, and many martial arts authors are also discussing it.

"Many book fans are a little worried now that Gu Yong has stopped writing martial arts. Do you think this is really possible?"

"It should be unlikely. There are no signs at all now. However, considering Gu Yong's behavior, it is not completely impossible. I guess this is also the reason why book fans are worried and uneasy."

"It is indeed unlikely that the martial arts genre will end at this point, but we won't have to wait too long. I estimate that after Gu Yong writes one more, or at most two martial arts films, he will really conclude the martial arts genre."

"Well, we have discussed this issue before, and this is certain."

"Pay close attention to Gu Yong's Weibo in the past few days. He should reveal relevant news, but I hope it won't be a matter of sealing the martial arts news."

"The hope is still quite high, so you don't have to worry too much."


Times Literary Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming said: "Gu Yong won't really stop writing martial arts right now, right?"

Li Bo said: "Lao Yang, book fans are worried, why are you worried too? Don't worry, Gu Yong will not stop writing martial arts just now."

"Oh?" Yang Qiming's eyes lit up and he said, "Lao Li, how can you be so sure? Did you find any basis?"

Li Bo said: "That's not true. This is just my feeling. I can feel that Gu Yong will continue to launch new martial arts."

"Feeling?" Yang Qiming smiled helplessly and said, "I hope your feeling this time is correct."

Li Bo laughed and said, "Don't worry, Lao Yang, my feeling this time is not wrong."

Yang Qiming nodded and added: "However, after Gu Yong's next martial arts work, it is really possible that he will stop writing martial arts, which is also regrettable."

Lipa said: "There is no way around this. No matter how regretful it is, we can only accept it."

Yang Qiming sighed: "Yes, I can only accept it."

Sansheng Village.

Liang Sheng said to Li Fan: "Many people in the outside world seem to be worried now that you will shut down martial arts. Don't you want to say a few words to appease their hearts and give them reassurance?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "No.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

There is nothing wrong with letting them worry for two days. This is only good for us, not bad. Isn't it? "

Liang Sheng nodded and said: "That's true. So, when do you plan to officially start serializing the next martial arts work?"

Li Fan said: "There's no rush for this. Just wait for one more week."

"Oh?" Liang Sheng said, "Not ready yet?"

Li Fan said: "No, I'm completely ready."

Liang Sheng was a little confused and said: "Since we are completely ready, why do we have to wait an extra week? Didn't you wait an extra week before?"

Li Fandao: "Because the story of this work is not that beautiful, readers feel very sad. It is better to wait for one more week before releasing it."

"Sad?" Liang Sheng asked, "Is the main theme tragedy?"

Li Fandao: "Well... when it comes to tragedy, it can be considered a tragedy, but it's not the kind of tragedy we generally think of. Anyway, it makes people a little sad."

Liang Sheng said: "I don't quite understand it just by saying this. However, since you definitely have to wait for one more week, then it makes sense to wait for one more week. Then wait for one more week before starting the serialization."

Li Fan nodded. The next work was a little sad, and he felt a little sad too.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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