Remember in one second【】

Li Fan's next martial arts work is going to be released. He is really a little sad, and the whole story is really not beautiful.

But it happens to be a work with a twists and turns, a very high artistic achievement, and a very charming and attractive work.

When reading it, I obviously felt a little painful and aggrieved, but I absolutely couldn't bear to put it down. It was both painful and happy.

Although it was happy, it was also painful after all, so Li Fan decided to wait for one more week before launching it.

Now, the only thing Li Fan needs to do is to wait and wait for time to pass.

Of course, waiting is not painful for Li Fan. On the contrary, it is very relaxing.

But for the outside world, waiting is quite painful.

Originally, everyone was very nervous and afraid of hearing about Gu Yong's closure of martial arts, so they have been looking forward to Gu Yong announcing news about new martial arts works.

However, Gu Yong has not announced it for a long time, making everyone more and more anxious as they wait.

According to the format and style of Guyong's two previous releases of new works, news about the new book will be announced within a few days after the old book is completed.

But this time, it has been almost a week since the completion of "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang", but Gu Yong still has not announced any news about the new book.

Is there really no next martial arts work?

Fans are becoming increasingly uneasy.

However, not all book fans are becoming more and more uneasy, some fans are becoming more and more calm.

Because, although Gu Yong did not announce any news about the new book, he also did not say that he would close the martial arts book.

If Gu Yong really planned to put an end to martial arts, he probably wouldn't have waited so long without announcing it to the outside world.

Therefore, there is no news now, but for book fans, it should be good news.

Some people are getting more and more anxious, and some are becoming more and more calm, but regardless of whether they are anxious people or calm people, they are always paying attention to this ancient Weibo.

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan looked at the reaction from the outside world and estimated that the time was almost up.

The reason why he has not announced the news about the new book is that he deliberately wants the outside world to wait for a few more days.

In the past few days, the outside world has always paid special attention to this. The topic of whether Gu Yong will put an end to martial arts has always been the topic that netizens are most concerned about on the Internet.

Even netizens who are not fans of martial arts books are also very concerned about this.

You know, Gu Yong's closure of martial arts is definitely a huge thing, and it will not only affect the martial arts world, but the entire cultural and entertainment industry.

Many people are not martial arts fans, nor do they watch Gu Yong's martial arts, but they still pay close attention to Gu Yong.

Gu Yong is said to be a person whose talent is second only to Li Fan, and his influence naturally goes far beyond the martial arts world.

In the eyes of the outside world, Gu Yong is not just the number one martial artist, but a comprehensive figure with great influence.

Countless people are paying attention to Gu Yong. Whether he will close the martial arts topic has naturally become the most concerned topic among netizens in the past few days.

And this is exactly the effect Li Fan needs.

Now, Li Fan estimated that the time was almost up, and he couldn't let those anxious book fans remain anxious.

Therefore, Li Fan used Gu Yong's Weibo to update a message.

"The new martial arts book "Sentimental Swordsman's Ruthless Sword" will be officially serialized in the next issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" magazine. Everyone is welcome to read it by then."

The content of Weibo is very simple, firstly, because such simple content is enough, and secondly, Li Fan is not willing to give a more detailed introduction.

Because the detailed introduction made Li Fan feel a little sad. In this case, it would be better not to introduce anything at all, just the title of the book is enough.

"Sentimental Swordsman's Ruthless Sword", or "Xiao Li's Flying Knife" as it may be more familiar to everyone, is also the masterpiece of the previous master Gu Long, and may also be the work with the highest artistic achievement of Master Gu Long.

It is not only a work that illustrates the true meaning of martial arts, but also a human history painting that describes the harshness of the world. It is also a cautionary masterpiece that touches social reality and explores the philosophy of life.

Although such a work is a bit sad, Li Fan will definitely bring it to this world.

The protagonist of the work, Li Xunhuan, is a legendary figure with both civil and military skills, and has left various legendary stories in the world.

Because he was the most beautiful girl in high school during the reign of Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty, he was also called "Xiao Li's most beautiful girl".

He was born in a scholarly family. The three fathers and sons of the Li family were all good at literature and calligraphy. They were all ranked third in the imperial examination in middle and high schools. In their hometown, they were known as "Old Li Tanhua" (Li Xunhuan's father), "Big Li Tanhua" (Li Xunhuan's brother), "Xiao Li Tanhua" and "Xiao Li Tanhua". "Tanhua" (Li Xunhuan) is famous.

The Li family's mansion is magnificent, with clouds hanging over the mansion. There is also a couplet written by the emperor on the door: "One family has seven Jinshi, and father and son have three visits to flowers."

It can be described as a truly wealthy family.

Due to his successful career, Li Xunhuan served as an official in the imperial court in his early years. Later, due to being impeached by Hu Yunji, Li Xunhuan's character was indifferent to fame and fortune, so he finally resigned.

Later, Li Xunhuan joined the martial arts world and became a leading martial arts figure, famous for his skill with flying knives.

Xiao Li's flying knife is a good example, ranking third in the "Weapons Manual" written by Bai Xiaosheng.

He and Lin Shiyin fell in love with each other, entered into a marriage contract, and originally wanted to become husband and wife.


^0^ Remember in one second【】

Because Li Xunhuan knew that his sworn brother Long Xiaoyun was in love with Lin Shiyin and wanted to repay his kindness, he deliberately indulged in alcohol and sex, and used excuses to alienate Lin Shiyin, which ultimately led to the marriage between Long Xiaoyun and Lin Shiyin.

After Long Xiaoyun got married to Lin Shiyin, he gave his magnificent mansion and wealth to Lin Shiyin as a dowry, and then went out to hide his name.

More than ten years later, Li Xunhuan missed Lin Shiyin too much and wanted to see Lin Shiyin again and return to the Central Plains. He met A Fei, known as "the fastest sword in the world", as well as Sun Xiaohong and others, and once again caused a bloody storm in the world.

He was once involved in the "Plum Blossom Robbery" case and was once regarded as the "Plum Blossom Robber". After several twists and turns, the truth came to light. But he was involved in the struggle between Lin Xianer, Long Xiaoyun, Shangguan Jinhong and others.

After a series of various conflicts, Li Xunhuan finally defeated Shangguan Jinhong, teamed up with Sun Xiaohong, and retired from the world again.

This is the main content of "Ruthless Swordsman". Just the main content makes people feel a touch of sadness.

When Li Fan was coding "The Sentimental Swordsman and the Ruthless Sword", he didn't know how many times he sighed. He couldn't help but think about how great it would have been if Li Xunhuan hadn't given up Lin Shiyin to Long Xiaoyun back then.

Unfortunately, he could only think about it this way.

Ever since Lin Shiyin and Long Xiaoyun got married, Li Xunhuan has spent every moment without feeling lovesick, which is really sad.

"The Sentimental Swordsman" is the first part of the "Xiao Li Flying Knife" series, followed by "The Prodigal Son of the Border Town" (also known as "The First Sword in the Storm"), "The Eagle Flies in September", "End of the World" In works such as "Mingyue·Knife" and "Flying Knife, Flying Knife Again", although Li Xunhuan no longer officially appears, his name is always mentioned.

Li Xunhuan's name appears throughout the entire "Little Li Flying Knife" series, but in later works, Li Xunhuan did not officially appear.

Therefore, "Xiao Li's Flying Knife" sometimes only refers to "The Sentimental Swordsman's Ruthless Sword".

Now, it's time for it to come into the world.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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