Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1813 Missing Li Xunhuan

Remember in one second【】

Gu Yong's new martial arts work "The Sentimental Swordsman's Ruthless Sword" will be officially serialized in the next issue of "Laughing Jianghu" magazine.

There's still one week left.

In the next week, the discussion about "The Passionate Swordsman" became the main theme of the outside world.

Although book fans only know one title so far, it is obvious that everyone can associate a lot of things with such a title.

Discussions about book titles always make book fans happy.

Under such circumstances, time flies by quickly.

A week later, "The Sentimental Swordsman: The Ruthless Sword" officially began serialization.

Countless book fans were very excited. After getting the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" magazine, they couldn't wait to turn to the page of the serialization of "The Sentimental Swordsman and the Ruthless Sword".

“The cold wind is like a knife, treating the earth as a chopping block and treating all living beings as fish and meat.

Thousands of miles of flying snow turns the sky into a furnace and melts everything into silver.

The snow was about to settle, the wind was still uncertain, and a carriage came from the north. The rolling wheels crushed the ice and snow on the ground, but they could not crush the loneliness between heaven and earth.

Li Xunhuan yawned and stretched his long legs as straight as possible on the soft mink fur. Although it was warm and comfortable in the car, the journey was too long and too lonely.

Not only did he feel tired, but he also felt disgusted. What he hated all his life was loneliness, but he always lived with loneliness.

Life is full of contradictions, and no one can do anything about it.

Li Xunhuan sighed and took out a wine bottle from the corner. As he drank heavily, he coughed loudly. The constant coughing made his pale face turn a sickly red. It was like the fire in hell was burning his body and soul.

When the bottle was empty, he picked up a knife and began to carve a figure. The blade was thin and sharp, and his fingers were long and strong.

This is a portrait of a woman. Under his skillful technique, the contours and lines of this portrait appear to be so soft and graceful, as if it is alive.

He not only gave her moving lines, but also gave her life and soul, because his life and soul had quietly slipped away from under the blade.

He is no longer young.

The corners of his eyes are full of wrinkles, and every wrinkle is full of sorrow and misfortune in his life. Only his eyes are young.


The book fans were originally very excited and excited, but as they watched, they suddenly felt a somewhat depressing atmosphere.

This depressing atmosphere made the original excitement and excitement of the book fans gradually become less exciting and less exciting.

The cold wind was like a knife, and the snow was flying thousands of miles away. A carriage came from the north. The rolling wheels crushed the ice and snow on the ground, but they could not crush the loneliness between heaven and earth.

The world is lonely, and a carriage in the snow is naturally lonely as well.

The people in the carriage were naturally even more lonely.

At the beginning, book fans first felt a deep loneliness, a lonely world, a lonely carriage, and a lonely person.

Is Li Xunhuan the protagonist of this work?

Book fans are all thinking about this question in their hearts.

If so, there is no doubt that this is a lonely protagonist.

What he hates most in his life is loneliness, but he is always accompanied by loneliness. Is life always so helpless?

Book fans are all thinking about this question again.

The answer is, maybe yes.

Li Xunhuan is very lonely. He may have been lonely for a long time.

Why is he so lonely?

Book fans don't know the answer. They only know that if a person has been lonely for a long time, then there must be an unknown story in him.

A story of bitterness and helplessness.

In addition to loneliness, Li Xunhuan's other situation also seemed to be very bad.

He seems to like drinking very much. Lonely people like to drink. Relying on the anesthesia of alcohol, they seem to be able to survive the long nights better.

This is normal, but Li Xunhuan drank, it seemed, he drank too much.

While he was drinking heavily, he also coughed loudly. The constant coughing made his pale face turn a sickly red color, as if the flames in hell were burning his body and soul.

Drinking had already made Li Xunhuan cough loudly, and his face turned a sickly blush.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously no longer suitable to drink alcohol.

Everyone knew this, and Li Xunhuan obviously knew it, but he still didn't stop drinking.

How lonely must he feel in his heart? That's why he continued to drink even though he knew he could no longer drink.

They say that when you are alone, you are not actually lonely. Only when you are thinking about someone is you truly lonely.

What kind of person do you want to be? Think of someone he loves deeply.

Is it because Li Xunhuan is so lonely because he misses someone he loves deeply?

The answer is obviously yes.

Because, after Li Xunhuan drank the bottle, he picked up a knife and started carving a portrait.

It was a figure of a woman.

The contours and lines of the figure seemed so soft and graceful, as if they were alive. He not only gave her moving lines, but also gave her life and soul.

Who is the woman Li Xunhuan carved?

^0^ Remember in one second【】

It was obvious that he was the one he missed deeply.

What kind of unforgettable longing must this be for Li Xunhuan to carve out her life and soul?

Book fans suddenly felt their hearts trembling. Through the words, they could feel Li Xunhuan's unforgettable longing.

In fact, they are still not sure whether Li Xunhuan is the protagonist of this work?

But they seem to be sure that Li Xunhuan is the protagonist of this work.

Because, how could the character who made their hearts tremble with just these few words not be the protagonist of the work?

However, they somewhat hope that Li Xunhuan is not the protagonist of the work.

Because they had already vaguely felt that there was some kind of sad story hidden in Li Xunhuan.

If Li Xun Huan was the protagonist, they might feel sad, and they don't like this feeling.

No one likes the feeling of sadness, but some things seem inescapable, just like Li Xunhuan is really the protagonist of this work.

Of course, they also very much hope that Li Xunhuan will be the protagonist of this work.

Because although the story of Li Xunhuan may be a bit sad, the character Li Xunhuan has easily entered the heart of every book fan.

Maybe it's because of his loneliness, or maybe it's because he misses someone unforgettably.

People are often so contradictory most of the time.

But no matter what, the story continues, and Li Xunhuan's loneliness also continues.

He finally finished carving the figure in his hand, and then looked at the figure infatuatedly for an unknown amount of time. Then he suddenly opened the carriage door and jumped out.

What did he do when he jumped?

He dug a hole in the snow and buried the newly carved figure deeply.

Then, he stood in front of the snowdrift again.

Why did Li Xunhuan bury the newly carved figure deeply into the snow?

Is it to bury his own thoughts deeply?

However, the deeper he was buried, the deeper the fear in his heart became, so he would stand in front of the snowdrift dreamily.

How can he bury the longing in his heart?

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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