Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1814 Li Xunhuan and the young man walking alone

Remember in one second【】

The story continues.

Li Xunhuan buried the newly carved figure deeply, and then stood in front of the snowdrift in a daze. The person buried in the snowdrift seemed to be the person closest to him. When he buried 'her', His own life becomes meaningless.

After a long time, the big man driving the car reminded Li Xunhuan that it was getting late and it was time to get in the car and set off.

Li Xunhuan slowly turned around, and then discovered that there was actually a line of footprints next to the rut. He had come here alone from the far north, and then walked forward alone.

It was obvious that a person had just passed by here not long ago.

A line of lonely footprints proves that that person must be equally lonely.

Li Xunhuan sighed and said that man must be lonely and pitiful.

But the big man driving the carriage said that Li Xunhuan himself was a very lonely and pitiful person, but he always only sympathized with others but forgot himself.

Li Xunhuan returned to the carriage, and the carriage continued to move forward alone. Li Xunhuan took out a new piece of pine wood and started carving again.

He has become very skilled in his technique because he always carves the same person.

That person not only occupied his heart, but also his body and even his soul.

Seeing this, all the book fans once again felt their hearts tremble.

Li Xunhuan had been carving that person's portrait, finishing one, burying it deeply, and then continuing to carve a new one.

What is certain is that when the new portrait is finished, Li Xunhuan will bury it deeply again and then continue to carve new ones.

Once the carving is done, bury it, then bury it and continue carving it, bury it again, carve it again...

So it goes round and round.

What kind of unforgettable longing is this?

Book fans found that they could no longer imagine this kind of longing.

Who is that person?

Li Fan misses her so much, why doesn't he go find her?

Could it be,

Is she no longer alive?

This is quite possible, otherwise, Li Xunhuan would not have tried to bury the longing in his heart again and again, but could not bury it again and again.

What is the saddest thing in the world?

He is your most beloved person, and he will be separated from you from now on.

All the book fans could only sigh.

The carriage continued to move forward alone, and Li Xunhuan suddenly heard the sound of footsteps.

This was the voice that Li Xunhuan had been waiting for.

He stuck his head out, and sure enough he saw a lonely figure in front of him, walking slowly forward step by step, very slowly, but very determinedly.

Li Xunhuan's carriage passed that figure, and Li Xunhuan turned around, seeing a rather young face.

Stubbornness, determination, and indifference were all written on that young face, which seemed indifferent to everything, even himself.

Perhaps because Li Xunhuan saw his own reflection in the young man, he invited the young man to get on the carriage and offered to give him a ride.

However, the young man didn't look at him, and his steps didn't stop, as if he didn't hear what someone said just now.

Li Xunhuan asked, "Are you deaf?"

This time the young man reacted. His hand suddenly grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist, and his movements were very agile.

Li Xunhuan smiled. The book fans did not expect that Li Xunhuan would laugh too. It seemed that Li Xunhuan was really interested in the boy.

Li Xunhuan said to the young man again, "So you're not deaf, so come up and have a drink. A sip of wine won't do any harm to anyone."

The young man said he couldn't afford to drink.

Li Xunhuan added, "I'll buy you a drink without you having to pay for it."

But the young man said, "I will never want anything I didn't buy myself, and I will never drink wine I didn't buy myself. Have I made my words clear enough?"

Of course the young man's words were clear enough, and Li Xunhuan could only answer clearly enough.

The young man said again: "Okay, let's go."

This is a stubborn and somewhat naive young man. Li Xunhuan was silent for a while and then said, "Okay, I'll go, but when you can afford a drink, will you buy me a drink?"

The boy agreed.

Li Xunhuan's carriage sped up and left. Li Xunhuan said to the big man driving the carriage, "Have you ever seen such a strange young man? I thought he must have gone through many vicissitudes of life, but he turned out to be so innocent and honest when he spoke."

The big driver replied that he was just a stubborn boy.

Li Xunhuan added, "Can you see the sword in his belt?"

There was a smile in the voice of the big man driving the car, and he said, "Can that be considered a sword? In my opinion, it is just a child's toy."

It really couldn't be regarded as a sword. It was just a piece of iron more than three feet long. It had no edge, no jaw, and no even hilt.

However, Li Xunhuan said, "That toy is very dangerous. It's better not to play with it."

There is a small town ahead. There is an inn in the small town. The business is very good and very lively.

Li Xunhuan and the driver entered the inn. Li Xunhuan started drinking again. While drinking, he coughed and waited for the lonely young man to arrive.

Three people walked in from the door of the inn. They were all members of the Golden Lion Escort Bureau. Among them was Zhuge Lei, whose nickname was "Jianfengjian".

^0^ Remember in one second【】

They had just come back from a trip with escorts outside. When they walked into the inn, they deliberately loudly talked about the ruthless activities of licking blood with the knife tip, as if they were afraid that others would not know that they were the escort heads of the Golden Lion Escort Bureau.

Li Xunhuan recognized Zhuge Lei, the "Rapid Wind Sword", who was a madman. In Li Xunhuan's opinion, it was not easy for Zhuge Lei to survive until now.

Zhuge Lei and the other three ordered food and drinks, and while drinking and eating meat, they continued to brag about how powerful their palms were. How fast are their swordsmanship?

After that, two more people came in. Their eyes were vicious and sharp, like the eyes of poisonous snakes. Their bodies were also like poisonous snakes, slender, tough, and squirming at any time and anywhere.

They are the "Twin Snakes of Green Blood", one is a black snake and the other is a white snake. They are highly skilled in martial arts, fast in swordsmanship, and ruthless, making many people in the world very afraid.

They came to see Zhuge Lei and asked him to take out a package of things they brought back from outside.

After leaving something behind, his life can be spared.

However, Zhuge Lei and the other two bodyguards were unwilling to take out the baggage. They did not know the identity of the "Blue Blood Snakes" at this time and wanted to compete with each other in martial arts.

However, the martial arts of the "Twin Blood Snakes" were much higher than theirs, especially their sword-wielding speed. They were no match for them. Then they finally found out the identity of the "Twin Blood Snakes" and were so frightened that they turned pale and did not dare to do it again. This time, I obediently handed over the baggage.

The Blue Blood Snakes were extremely proud, and proudly told everyone in the inn that if there was anyone who was faster than their brother's sword, they would be willing to hand over the baggage with both hands, and they could also give him their own heads.

Li Xunhuan drank and started carving his portrait again. He seemed not to have heard the words of the two green-blooded snakes.

At this time, a voice came from the door of the inn, "How many taels of silver is your head worth?"

Hearing this voice, Li Xunhuan was a little happy, because it was the voice of that lonely and stubborn young man.

The young man finally arrived at the inn.

When reading this, book fans can predict that the following story will be very exciting.

They are looking forward to it.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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