Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1815 The flying knife takes action for the first time

Remember in one second【】

The lonely young man also entered the inn and asked the proud and arrogant White Snake, how much was his head worth?

White Snake looked at the young man, then looked at the sword on the young man's waist, sneered, and asked the young man if he wanted to buy his head?

The young man replied that he just wanted to know how much silver the white snake's head was worth? He wants to sell the white snake's head to himself.

Because he didn't want the baggage, nor the white snake's head, so he had no choice but to sell the white snake's head to himself.

White Snake asked the young man again if he wanted to compete with him in sword competition?

The boy answered, yes.

White Snake laughed wildly. He had never seen anything so funny in his life. A young man holding a sword that was not a sword at all actually wanted to compete with him who was famous for his sword speed. Isn't this the funniest thing in the world? Something?

White Snake was laughing wildly, and other people in the inn also felt that there was something wrong with the young man. Some were gloating about his misfortune, while others were looking at the young man with pity.

In their eyes, the young man is already a dead man. With White Snake's brutal and cruel character, he will definitely pierce the young man's throat with a sword.

White Snake's sword is very fast, and many famous masters in the world cannot dodge it, let alone a young man with mental problems?

Li Xunhuan was still carving his portrait, and didn't seem to be worried about the boy at all.

But the young man just stood there quietly, completely unaware of what White Snake was laughing at? He thought that what he said was not worthy of being so funny.

White Snake laughed wildly and then said that his head would not be sold for a lot of money.

The young man said that a thousand gold coins was too much, and the white snake's head was only worth fifty taels.

Seeing that the young man was serious about what he said, White Snake couldn't help but froze for a moment. Then he saw the sword on the young man's waist and laughed wildly again.

Perhaps the boy made him laugh so much, which put him in a good mood. Instead of killing the boy directly, he performed a trick of cutting a candle with a sword, saying that if the boy could do the same thing once, he would give it to him. Fifty taels.

Objectively speaking, White Snake's sword is indeed very fast, and the boy admitted it.

The young man did not intend to do it again, because his sword was not used to cut candles.

The white snake laughed again,

Ask the young man what he used the scrap metal for?

The boy replied that it was used to kill people.

After hearing this, White Snake wanted to laugh again, but this time, he couldn't laugh.

Because the young man's broken metal sword had been inserted into his throat, he could only make a "gruck" sound in fear.

Except for Li Xunhuan, no one saw clearly how the young man's sword penetrated the white snake's throat.

All he knew was that the young man's sword was countless times faster than the white snake's sword.

White Snake couldn't laugh because he was already dead, and other people in the inn couldn't laugh either, because they were trembling and didn't dare to laugh anymore.

Before, who could believe that a young man with a broken metal sword could be so fast?

The big man driving the car remembered what Li Xunhuan said before, "In my opinion, that toy is very dangerous, so it's better not to play with it."

The big driver finally believed that the boy's toy was indeed quite dangerous.

Seeing that his companion White Snake was killed instantly, Black Snake was frightened, frightened and angry. He couldn't believe that the young man actually killed White Snake for fifty taels of silver.

He threw out a large amount of gold and silver, and then rushed out of the inn crying.

The young man looked at the gold and silver all over the place, but he only took fifty taels because the white snake's head was only worth fifty taels.

The young man saw Li Xunhuan and walked towards Li Xunhuan because he had promised Li Xunhuan before that if he got rich, he would treat Li Xunhuan to a drink.

Now that he has money, he is going to treat Li Xunhuan to a drink.

However, Zhuge Lei, who was behind the young man, suddenly attacked the young man and stabbed the young man in the back of his heart with his sword.

Although Zhuge Lei's sword-drawing speed was far inferior to that of the boy, it was still fast, and the boy was completely defenseless.

In the young man's opinion, Zhuge Lei should be grateful to him for killing White Snake. He never thought that Zhuge Lei would suddenly kill him.

After all, the boy is still too young and has almost no experience in the world.

Why did Zhuge Lei kill the boy?

Because before, although White Snake didn't kill him, it made him lose face, and it might be difficult for him to gain a foothold in the world.

And if the young man killed the White Snake, then as long as he killed the young man, he could feel proud again and brag about himself, saying that the young master who killed the White Snake with one sword was easily killed by Zhuge Lei with one sword.

Therefore, Zhuge Lei had to kill the young man. This is the evil people in Jianghu.

If a young man wants to travel in the world, he obviously needs to learn many other things besides sword speed.

Zhuge Lei's calculation was undoubtedly very correct. He was absolutely sure that he could kill the boy, so he took action.

However, he never expected that Li Xunhuan would be in the inn.

Seeing that Zhuge Lei's sword was about to pierce the young man's back, the young man still didn't feel anything.

However, at the next moment, the long sword in Zhuge Lei's hand suddenly fell off, and he covered his throat with both hands, looking at someone with wide eyes in horror.

Zhuge Lei's sudden and unusual behavior made everyone in the inn very surprised and confused. No one knew what happened?

Everyone saw Zhuge Lei looking at someone in fear, and they all looked at that person.

Before, everyone noticed that person, that person

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Sitting there, he was concentrating on carving a figure with a knife.

Such behavior was a bit weird, so everyone noticed that person, but didn't take it to heart.

Now, why did Zhuge Lei look at that man in such horror?

Everyone in the inn couldn't understand, and they looked at the man strangely.

Suddenly, someone noticed something strange. The knife used to carve the portrait was missing.

Where did the knife go?

The knife had already reached Zhuge Lei's throat.

Why did Zhuge Lei cover his throat with both hands?

Because there was a flying knife there, the flying knife that pierced his throat. That flying knife was obviously the knife that carved the figure on that man's hand.

Everyone understood this, but no one knew how the knife got to Zhuge Lei's throat.

Everyone in the inn was puzzled, but all the book fans were extremely excited.

It turns out that the knife in Li Xunhuan's hand can not only carve portraits, but also kill people.

Moreover, the killing speed was extremely fast, so fast that no one knew how the knife reached the other person's throat.

Could it be that that knife was Li Xunhuan's weapon?

This is the first time Li Xunhuan has taken action. Although at this time, book fans still don't know the reputation of "Little Li's flying daggers, every example is worthy of success".

But they had already felt Li Xunhuan's action, which was extremely chic and stunning, which was enough to excite them.

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Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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