Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1835 Charity Fundraising

Remember in one second【】

The dispute over the amber rough stone between the young men in Private Room 12 and Row 16 in Area 2 has finally been settled.

Not long ago, no one would have believed that the final result was that Private Room No. 12 voluntarily chose to give up.

But now, everyone feels that this result seems to be normal.

The identity of the young man in platoon 16, Area 2, may be much higher than they previously thought.

But no matter what the young man's identity is, the Liu family, the magic city represented by Private Room No. 12, has lost face this time.

Perhaps, there will be some follow-up stories between Private Room No. 12 and the young man.

But anyway, things are now over for now.

People in the entire hall were talking in low voices. Some people lamented that the young man was too rich to spend more than 20 million yuan to buy such a raw amber stone. Others were guessing who the young man was?

Several people around Li Fan were already stunned.

Before, Li Fan was absolutely right twice in a row, and the value of the two raw jade stones left them dumbfounded.

Now, once again, they were stunned.

They realized that they had completely misjudged Li Fan's identity. Regardless of Li Fan's identity, Li Fan's courage to spend more than 20 million yuan to buy a raw amber stone made them afraid to look directly at him.

In a corner of the hall, the man and woman who provided Li Fan with tickets were sighing silently.

At this time, they realized how ridiculous their previous thoughts were. They actually thought that Li Fan had no money, and they actually thought that Li Fan came in just to feel the atmosphere of a rich person.

The idea was really stupid and ridiculous. As for the idea when he met Li Fan for the first time, it was even more stupid and ridiculous.

They had shown their superiority in front of Li Fan more than once. Thinking about it now, it was really an extremely stupid behavior.

The two of them couldn't help but blush.

Auction site management office.

The previous person in charge was emotional and grateful.

What is emotional is that,

Li Fan's identity is probably even more complicated than he thought before.

Fortunately, he made the right choice before.

"Young man, what is your identity?" the person in charge murmured to himself.

Private room No. 12.

Liu Hui didn't need to inquire, he knew that now he must be the subject of discussion at the auction site.

Moreover, he was discussed as the loser.

This made Liu Hui unwilling to give in no matter what, and he couldn't swallow this breath no matter what. He gritted his teeth and said: "Uncle Yuan, you must investigate the background of that boy. If he is someone who can be ravaged by my Liu family, I will definitely take revenge on him." I must repay you well.”

Yang Yuan said: "Don't worry, Mr. Liu. Although our Liu family is not a first-class family, it is definitely not someone to be trifled with. I will definitely investigate the background of that boy. However, before the investigation is clear, Mr. Liu must not do anything without permission." action."

Liu Hui exhaled heavily and said, "Okay, I know."

Li Fan didn't know what others were thinking now, and he had no interest in knowing. All his interests were now focused on the big rocks in front of him.

This is the auction house's item storage area.

After Li Fan paid the bidding fee of 20.1 million, the auction house asked Li Fan what he wanted to do with the raw amber stone. Should the stone be cut open on site and the bird egg amber inside taken out, or should the stone be taken away directly?

Li Fan naturally wanted to take the stone away directly.

Therefore, this big stone was temporarily placed in the temporary storage area. After the auction ends, the auction house will send a car to help Li Fan deliver it to the place designated by Li Fan.

Li Fan looked at the big rocks in front of him and couldn't help but feel very excited and excited.

According to Xiao Ju, the bird eggs inside have not turned into amber at all, but still retain an extremely weak breath of life.

In other words, the new life inside the bird's egg is still living extremely strongly.

This is a very large bird egg. Among existing birds, according to Li Fan's understanding, only the giant ostrich can lay such a large egg.

But Xiao Ju said it shouldn't be an ostrich.

If it’s not an ostrich, what other bird has eggs that are so big?

Could it be an extinct bird?

Thinking of this possibility, even Li Fan couldn't help but get very excited.

It's a pity that the life breath of the bird egg is too weak now, and even the little curse can't sense what kind of bird it is?

The life breath of the bird eggs must first be strengthened, and the only person in the world who can do this is Li Fan.

Because he has immortal space.

Therefore, this big stone containing bird eggs is a priceless treasure only to Li Fan.

Because even the most advanced technology and medicine in the world cannot test that bird eggs actually have the breath of life, let alone make the breath of life stronger.

To the outside world, this can only be a useless dead bird egg.

However, now in the temporary storage area of ​​​​the auction house's items, Li Fan cannot get the big rocks into the space, which makes Li Fan a little regretful.

He really wanted to know early on what kind of bird could such a huge bird egg be?

In addition, the extremely weak life breath of the bird eggs is still weakening, which also makes Li Fan slightly worried.

Fortunately, it is far away from the birth of bird eggs.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

There are still several hours before the life aura completely disappears, and by that time the auction has already ended, and Li Fan has already moved it into the space.

After a while, Li Fan returned to the auction hall.

Various lots continued to be auctioned, with some bidding fiercely and some not bidding fiercely.

Li Fan found nothing interesting, and Qin Yulin also found nothing interesting.

Therefore, Li Fan never took action again.

This made the auctioneer and other people at the scene feel a little regretful. After what happened before, they really wanted to see Li Fan take action again.

But Li Fan never took action again, and they had no choice.

As time passed, all the lots were sold, and today's auction was almost over.

However, because of the special nature of today's auction, there is one very important thing before it ends.

Charity fundraiser!

The auctioneer had introduced this before the auction started, and most people were very willing to raise funds that were sure to be implemented.

Therefore, most people responded positively to the final charity donation.

The person that everyone paid the most attention to was Li Fan.

This is not to say that everyone thinks Li Fan should donate more, but since the incident of the amber rough stone, Li Fan has always been the person that everyone pays most attention to.

Everyone's wish for Li Fan to take action again has not been realized, so naturally they hope to see Li Fan take action at the final charity fundraiser.

In addition, of course everyone is also curious, how much money will Li Fan donate?

Li Fan is naturally willing to raise funds for charity, as long as he can be sure that there are no institutions in the middle that will change its nature.

And this time the donation is a donation that can confirm that no organization has changed its nature.

Therefore, Li Fan would not refuse.

Not only would he not refuse, he also decided to use this opportunity to do something tangible for those needy children who really needed help.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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