Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1836 How much money should be donated?

Remember in one second【】

In the auction hall.

Li Fan is ready to do some practical things for those needy children who really need help.

Most of the other people in the hall also expressed their feelings to a certain extent. For those who donated more, some donated 100,000 or more than 100,000. For those who donated less, at least they started with 10,000.

Regarding this situation, Li Fan nodded secretly. There are actually most caring people in this world.

Many people did not leave immediately after donating money, but stayed in the hall to pay attention to Li Fan's situation.

Many people would like to see this mysterious young man take action again, even if it's just to donate money.

When everyone thinks about it, Li Fan's donation amount will not be low, it must be more than 100,000.

After all, this is someone who can spend 20 million to buy a piece of rough amber stone.

Liu Hui and Yang Yuan in private room No. 12 did not leave either. They were also paying attention to Li Fan.

It's just that their hearts are slightly different from others. Liu Hui felt very unhappy and hummed: "I want to see how much that boy is willing to donate?"

He had just donated a full five hundred thousand, causing quite an uproar in the entire hall.

Although everyone is rich, after all, money is not made by oneself. Few people would be willing to donate half a million yuan.

Therefore, Liu Hui donated 500,000 yuan, which caused quite a stir in the hall.

Liu Hui's move attracted praise from everyone, and he regained some of the face he had lost before.

Of course, Liu Hui donated 500,000 yuan not because he has such great love, but to achieve two purposes.

First, to regain some of the face lost due to the dispute over the amber rough stones.

Second, regarding Li Fan, he did not think that Li Fan was willing to donate 500,000 yuan. If he donated more money than Li Fan, it would at least prove that he was more caring than Li Fan.

This is a good opportunity.

Therefore, although Liu Hui felt very distressed by donating 500,000 yuan in vain, he finally decided to donate 500,000 yuan.

His first purpose of doing so has been achieved,

This can be felt from the praise from everyone.

Now, it depends on how much Li Fan is prepared to donate?

When Liu Hui thought about it, Li Fan would only be willing to donate about 200,000 yuan at most.

The auctioneer is in a good mood now, not only because today's auction was very successful and not a single lot was unsold, but also because everyone responded positively to the charity fundraising.

So far, the total donation amount has exceeded 10 million in a short period of time.

Although 10 million is not a lot, it can still do a lot of things. At least tens of thousands of children in need can better survive the upcoming cold winter.

Of course, it would be better if we could raise more money and help more children in need.

The current number of children in need in China is about one million, and only tens of thousands of children can receive this help. The ratio is still too small.

However, the auctioneer was very satisfied with the fact that he was able to raise 10 million this time.

As for the other children who cannot get help, there is nothing they can do.

After all, it is impossible to help every child in need.

Now, the people who came to the auction today and those who are willing to donate should basically have already donated.

The auctioneer roughly calculated that the number of donations should have reached 90%. This is a very touching ratio.

However, the auctioneer once thought that the young man in row 16 of the second area would also donate, and the donation amount should not be small. However, the young man has not responded yet, which makes the auctioneer slightly disappointed.

Could it be that you made a mistake?

Not only was the auctioneer slightly disappointed, but other people in the hall were also slightly disappointed when they saw Li Fan's delay in responding.

Is that young man not prepared to donate?

Liu Hui, who was in private room No. 12, was getting more and more excited. If Li Fan didn't donate a penny, the moral gap between him and Li Fan would be huge.

At that time, everyone's evaluation will definitely be completely reversed from before. He will become the object of everyone's praise, while Li Fan will be the object of everyone's disparagement.

In Liu Hui's view, Li Fan's decision not to donate money was definitely a very stupid decision. No matter how reluctant he was to part with it, he still had to donate 100,000 or 80,000 yuan for the sake of reputation, right?

It's not like I can't afford this little money, it's really a stupid decision.

The more Liu Hui thought about it, the more excited he became, and he couldn't help but say: "So and so, so and so, is willing to spend 20.1 million to buy a stone that has no value yet, but is reluctant to donate a little to those children in need? Even if it's so and so, I’m reluctant to part with it, but I should give it a try, right?”

Many people in the hall heard Liu Hui's words. It can be said that Liu Hui said what some people were thinking, and some people thought the same way.

The way they looked at Li Fan also changed slightly.

After Li Fan heard this, he smiled lightly and said, "Sorry, I was just thinking about a question."

"Wondering a question?" Liu Hui sneered and said, "It doesn't matter even if you don't want to donate, we all understand. After all, people are selfish, who is willing to donate his hard-earned money to others? And Why make excuses? Since you are thinking about something, can you tell us what you are thinking about?”

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Li Fan said calmly: "Since you asked, it doesn't hurt to tell you. I was wondering, how much should I donate?"

Hearing what Li Fan said, Liu Hui almost laughed out loud. For such a long time, he was just thinking about how much money should be donated?

How much of a deduction is this? Donating 10,000, 20,000, or tens of thousands of dollars, does it take so long to think about it?

Liu Hui felt very happy, and then said with some disdain: "It's just ten, twenty, or tens of thousands of dollars. Do you need to think about it for so long? If you really can't bear to part with it, I suggest you don't donate, so as not to donate I regretted it later. Our donation has exceeded 10 million yuan, which is as good as your tens of thousands of yuan."

Others in the hall also shook their heads in disappointment. They had really made a mistake.

It turned out that he didn't respond for a long time, and he was just thinking about how much money he should donate. Is it necessary to think about something worth tens of thousands of yuan for so long?

Since I have thought about it for so long, it is really best not to donate.

The auctioneer was also very disappointed. He wanted to say, "Forget it, just stop donating. We really don't miss what you donated."

But as the organizer, it was obviously not appropriate for him to say such a thing, so the auctioneer did not say it after all.

Li Fan could naturally understand what everyone in the hall meant. He didn't care. He smiled lightly and said to the auctioneer: "I want to ask about our charity action this time. In the plan, we will help a child in need. How much is it?"

The auctioneer was a little surprised why Li Fan suddenly asked this question, but he still replied: "In our plan this time, each child needs about 1,000 yuan. Today's 10 million can help 10,000 yuan." A child."

Li Fan nodded and said: "Ten thousand children is indeed a lot. However, what is the approximate number of children in need of help in our country currently?"

The auctioneer sighed: "There are about one million. Our ability is limited after all."

"Yes, about one million." Li Fan nodded and said, "So, I'm wondering how much money should I donate?"

:. :

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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