Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1842 Big Report

Remember in one second【】

Li Fan has left one more mystery to the world. .

And why was Li Fan so interested in the suspected amber rough stone that he did not hesitate to spend 20.1 million to take it? It has also attracted speculation from the outside world.

According to accurate information, the piece of suspected amber was the only piece of amber that Li Fan sold in the entire auction.

In other words, the good things in the entire auction were admired by friends.

Finally, the process of Li Fan's donation of 1 billion was described vividly, with twists and turns and vivid plot. At the same time, the psychological changes of everyone in the auction hall at that time were also described very well.

Through those descriptions, netizens can clearly feel the changes in the hearts of everyone in the hall at that time.

At first it was anticipation, then gradually it turned into disappointment, then contempt, and at the end it was sudden surprise, then finally shock, excitement, excitement, and disbelief!

This change in the hearts of everyone in the hall made netizens feel very comfortable. How dare those guys despise Mr. Li Fan? Did you get slapped in the face in the end?

Li Fan's huge donation of 1 billion yuan itself also made netizens very excited and excited.

Li Fan is worthy of being a legendary figure, and he has a majestic aura when he makes a move.

What ordinary people think is that it is enough to help dozens, hundreds, or thousands of children in need, but what Li Fan thinks is to help all children in need and never leave any one behind.

This is a kind of broad-minded spirit of benevolence to the world!

Of course, if we really want to take action, we must have enough wealth to help all children in need.

Li Fan has such wealth.

Netizens were excited and excited, and at the same time felt lucky for the children in need.

With Li Fan's 1 billion help, those children in need will survive the upcoming cold winter well.

Children are lucky.

Now, netizens only hope that Motian Auction House can take action as soon as possible so that children in need can feel the warmth that Li Fan brings to them earlier.

Li Fan donated 1 billion yuan,

In addition to the heated discussion among netizens on the Internet, it also caused a great sensation in all walks of life.

You know, the previous personal donation record was 10 million yuan. Now Li Fan has directly increased this record by 100 times. You can imagine the sensation caused.

Countless media have reported that Li Fan donated 1 billion yuan, making the headlines.

Celebrities from all walks of life also lamented that Li Fan was worthy of being a legendary figure for his financial strength, courage, and benevolence.

At 7 p.m., CCTV News Network spent nearly 3 minutes on a special report on Li Fan’s donation of 1 billion yuan.

At the end of the report, CCTV also stated that it would continue to pay attention to Motian Auction House’s charitable assistance this time, and there would be follow-up related reports.

The outside world is not surprised that CCTV News Network will carry out a special report. The influence of this incident is too great, and Li Fan's own influence is also too great. In addition, it is an extremely positive matter, so CCTV News Network does not do a special report. Strange.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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