Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1843 The moa emerges from its shell

Remember in one second【】

Sansheng Village.

The matter of Motian Auction House has been aroused on the Internet, and major news media, including CCTV News Network, have conducted a large number of special reports on the 1 billion donation.

Celebrities from all walks of life were also filled with emotion and expressed their views on this incident on their Weibo.

Motian Auction House, under the leadership of President Yu Fangyi, has launched this aid operation. The outside world, including CCTV, has paid close attention to it. Everyone at Motian Auction House, including its president Yu Fangyi, was very excited and motivated at first.

If this aid operation is executed well, it will be an action that will leave its name in history.

Children in need all over the country have gradually learned about this incident and that the legendary figure will send them warmth. At such a young age, their hearts are full of expectation and gratitude!

This was a perfect event, and this was just the beginning of Li Fan's helping hand.

In the future, Li Fan will continue to lend a helping hand and bring greater help to those children.

Helping others is always a joy!

Now, it has been two days since he returned to the village, and Li Fan is always looking forward to the little guy in the space breaking out of his shell.

According to Xiao Ju's feedback, with the help of the "Spirit Summoning Liquid", the life breath of the moa bird egg has returned to normal levels, and it is possible to break out of the shell at any time.

Li Fan is looking forward to it!

That afternoon, Li Fan was browsing the news alone in his room. Xiao Ju suddenly said in surprise in his mind: "Master, the little guy is out."

Li Fan felt a surprise, and with a thought, he entered the space.

Still by the Baiyun Lake, the light blue shell of the bird egg has been broken open, and a chick, covered with yellow and black down feathers, is trying hard to crawl out of the shell.

As soon as the little guy hatched, his body was covered with dense down feathers and his eyes were opened. It seemed like this guy was a precocious bird.

Birds are divided into early adults, semi-early adults and late adults.

Early adult birds, when the chicks hatch out of their shells, their eyes have already been opened, their bodies are covered with dense down feathers, and their legs are strong. Soon after hatching, they can walk independently and look for food on their own.

Even as soon as they hatch out of their shells, they can live alone without their parents.

Chickens, ducks, geese, as well as ostriches, pheasants, quails, cranes, geese, etc. are all early birds.

Late adult birds, when the chicks just come out of the egg shell, are not fully developed, their eyes have not yet opened, and they have very little down on their bodies. They are even naked with no down at all. They are unable to walk or live independently. They should stay in the nest and be kept warm and fed by their parents.

Domestic pigeons, swallows, sparrows, hawks, etc. are all late-growing birds.

Semi-early birds, as the name suggests, are birds between early birds and late birds.

When half-premature chicks emerge from their shells, their eyes are half-open, their bodies are covered with down, and they can stand and walk, but they cannot forage alone and can only move around in or around the nest. They need to be fed by their parents for a period of time before they can Leave the nest and live independently.

Now this guy has just hatched, his whole body is covered in yellow and black down feathers, his eyes are open, it is obvious that he is a precocious bird.

"It seems that the moa is a precocious bird." Li Fan thought in his heart.

It's just that this chick is a bit big, almost the same size as a domestic adult hen right after hatching.

Li Fan sighed again. It was indeed a giant moa that could grow to nearly four meters high. It was so big just after it hatched.

Soon, the little guy climbed out of the shell completely. His strong legs trembled for a few times before he stood firmly.

As expected of an early bird, his adaptability is strong.

After decades of waiting, and by chance, this guy finally came to this world.

Li Fan looked at the little guy in front of him carefully. From the perspective of ordinary people's aesthetics, this guy was really not beautiful.

Except for the yellow feathers on the abdomen, the rest of the body is yellow and black. It has no wings at all. The neck is very long, somewhat like a giraffe among birds. The legs are thick and powerful, but they are not long enough compared to the body. Some Short, just stubby legs.

This is really not a pretty little guy, but Li Fan likes it very much.

Looking at the little guy, Li Fan asked: "Xiao Ju, what is this guy's talent potential?"

No matter what the reason is, this guy's life breath can last for decades, and his talent potential should be high.

Xiao Ju smiled and said: "This guy's talent potential is 99, and he is qualified to become the master's mythical beast partner."

Even though he had guessed it, Li Fan was still very happy. Animals that are qualified to become mythical beasts are rare. Meeting them is an absolute fate.

However, Li Fan did not immediately let the little guy take the "Qiling Pill" because this guy's identity was very special and it might be the last moa in the world.

Its appearance can prove that the moa in this world are not extinct yet, and it is destined to cause a sensation in the entire biological world.

Li Fan planned to let the little guy take the "Qiling Pill" after the sensation.

Of course, he could also not let the outside world know about the existence of the little guy, and directly let the little guy grow into the magical beast that protects the farm.

But Li Fan didn't intend to do this. This guy stubbornly continued to breathe life for decades in the big rocks. Perhaps it wanted to let the world know that their moa family was not extinct yet, and they were still tenacious. living.

In addition, many biologists around the world have tried to find the footprints of moa.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

After making great efforts, they all hope that moa still exist in a certain corner of the world.

Now, since moa really still exist, Li Fan is willing to make the wishes of those in the biological community come true.

After settling the little guy, Li Fan found some space.

Now, Li Fan plans to go out alone, not for fun or anything else. He just wants to go out and then come back, and then bring the little guy back with him.

Li Fan said goodbye to his family and said he had to go out for something. Qin Yulin originally wanted to follow him, but was finally persuaded by Li Fan.

A few days later, Li Fan, who was somewhere, called his two old friends, Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

On the phone, Li Fan told the second elder that he accidentally discovered a little guy in an inaccessible mountain. He said that if the second elder saw the little guy he found, he would be extremely excited and excited. Finally, if the second elder wants to know what the little guy is? Just come to Sansheng Village to see it in person, you won’t be disappointed.

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen were already excited after receiving Li Fan's call.

They know that although Li Fan is sometimes unreliable, he is still very reliable in major matters. They also know Li Fan's various magical abilities and have no doubts about Li Fan's words.

They thought that Li Fan should have discovered some kind of endangered animal in the mountains.

No matter what kind of endangered animal it is, it is enough to make the two of them extremely excited.

Therefore, after receiving Li Fan's call, the two of them did not hesitate and prepared to rush to Sansheng Village as soon as possible.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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