Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1869 A new understanding

Remember in one second【】

Book fans have this question in their minds, and it seems quite possible.

If Linghu Chong was not an important figure, how could he become a key figure in these events? And it once stole the spotlight from the protagonist Lin Pingzhi.

Now, the key question is, what kind of person is Linghu Chong?

Did he really drink with the martial arts villain Tian Boguang? He also kidnapped Yi Lin, a female disciple of the Hengshan Sect?

Some people say that after Linghu Chong saw Tian Boguang kill a disciple of the Taishan Sect and seriously injured Taoist Tiansong of the Taishan Sect, he continued to drink with Tian Boguang? What happened again?

Is Linghu Chong really a person who doesn't distinguish between good and evil, or is there something more hidden in the matter?

All book fans have this question in their minds, and they are more interested in the character Linghu Chong.

Next, Yi Lin, a female disciple of the Hengshan Sect who was kidnapped by Linghu Chong, suddenly came to the hall and told the story about her and Linghu Chong in front of a group of heroes.

After listening to Yilin's narration, a group of book fans got to know a different Linghu Chong.

It turned out that yesterday afternoon, Yilin and several senior sisters rushed to Hengshan, but were kidnapped by Tian Boguang on the way.

Tian Boguang is known as "Walker Alone" and has strong martial arts skills, especially light kung fu. He is a famous villain and treacherous person in the martial arts world. Naturally, he has evil intentions in kidnapping Yi Lin.

Although Yilin is a nun, she is as beautiful as a pearl and jade, pure and flawless, and an absolute beauty. It is no wonder that Tian Boguang has evil intentions.

Tian Boguang captured Yilin into a cave, but was discovered by a disciple of the Huashan Sect, who decided to rescue Yilin.

That Huashan sect disciple is naturally his senior brother Linghu Chong, but Linghu Chong's martial arts is far from Tian Boguang's opponent. If he wants to rescue Yilin, he can only use his wits.

After a series of battles of wits and courage with Tian Boguang, although Linghu Chong failed to rescue Yilin, he began to become brothers with Tian Boguang and even went to Huiyan Tower to drink together.

This is the truth about how someone witnessed Linghu Chong and Tian Boguang drinking together in Huiyan Tower, and even holding Yilin hostage.

Moreover, through Yilin's narration, everyone also learned that Linghu Chong was actually a gentleman. In order to protect Yilin's reputation, he also said that he was the second senior brother of the Huashan Sect, Luo Denuo.

Just because Laudno is already an old man,

During Linghu Chong's dealings with Tian Boguang, he would inevitably come into physical contact with Yilin. If it was an older Laudno, the news would have no impact on Yilin's reputation.

The innocent and simple Yilin didn't understand these things, but after she told them, all the heroes in the hall understood.

It is precisely because of this that many people, including Master Dingyi and Taoist Master Tianmen, have greatly changed their views on Linghu Chong.

And the book fans' views on Linghu Chong have naturally changed a lot. It turns out that there is really a hidden story behind the matter.

Not only that, book fans also learned a very important piece of information, that is, Linghu Chong is not very old, he is still a young man.

Previously, because the second senior brother Laudeno was very old, book fans, like Lin Pingzhi, subconsciously thought that the senior brother must be older than the second senior brother, so he was naturally an old man.

Now I know, who said that the first senior brother must be older than the second senior brother? The reason why Linghu Chong is the senior brother is just because he started early.

In this case, it would be completely normal for junior junior sister Yue Lingshan to have feelings for Linghu Chong.

Regarding this issue, many book fans are finally relieved.

And Yilin's narration continues.

While the three of them were drinking in Huiyan Tower, Taishan Taoist Master Tiansong and his disciple Chi Baicheng also came to Huiyan Tower. They recognized Linghu Chong, Tian Boguang, and Yi Lin.

Chi Baicheng was full of blood and immediately raised his sword to stab Tian Boguang, saying that he wanted to kill Tian Boguang to eliminate evil in the martial arts world. However, his martial arts skills were too far behind Tian Boguang, so he was killed by Tian Boguang in an instant.

Afterwards, Taoist Master Tiansong also took action, but he was still no match for Tian Boguang. He was seriously injured by Tian Boguang, but it was Yilin who shouted not to kill him that prevented Tian Boguang from killing Taoist Tiansong.

When Taoist Tiansong and Tian Boguang took action, Linghu Chong also raised his sword to attack Tian Boguang. Unfortunately, Tian Boguang's martial arts was too strong. Linghu Chong and Taoist Tiansong attacked at the same time, and they were far from their opponents.

Taoist Master Tiansong was seriously injured. Linghu Chong wanted to save him, but was pulled back by Tian Boguang to continue drinking. Taoist Master Tiansong thought that Linghu Chong and Tian Boguang were on the same side, and he had no intention of accepting Linghu Chong's help, so he endured the severe pain and left angrily.

This is the truth about how Linghu Chong watched Tian Boguang kill a disciple of Taishan Sect and seriously injured Taoist Master Tiansong, and then continued to drink with Tian Boguang.

Once the truth came out, everyone realized that they had completely misunderstood Linghu Chong.

Where is Linghu Chong, a person who doesn't distinguish between good and evil? He is clearly a brave and righteous knight. In order to save Yilin from danger, he did not hesitate to deal with Tian Boguang, a martial arts villain whose martial arts is far superior to his own. Even though he was injured, he still did not give up.

At this time, the book fans only had the character Linghu Chong in their minds, and even the protagonist Lin Pingzhi had temporarily completely forgotten about it.

Now they just want to know how Linghu Chong rescued Yi Lin in the end?

Yi Lin is now standing in the hall, telling the story of Linghu Chong to the heroes, so she is naturally out of danger.

After Taoist Tiansong left, Linghu Chong continued to drink with Tian Boguang, while still looking for a way to make Yilin leave. He said, "Whenever you see a nun, you will lose every bet." He also advised Tian Boguang not to provoke the nun.

Linghu Chong's

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Tian Boguang naturally understood what he was thinking, but he said that since he fell in love with the charming Yilin, he would not let Yilin leave unless Linghu Chong could get married to Yilin.

Yilin has become Linghu Chong's wife, his friend's wife, no one can play with her, so he will naturally not embarrass Yilin anymore.

To say this was to say nothing. It was naturally impossible for Linghu Chong to agree to marry Yilin just like that. Later, Linghu Chong had another idea.

He wanted to compete with Tian Boguang again. He was far from Tian Boguang's opponent when fighting while standing, but Tian Boguang was no longer his opponent when fighting while sitting.

Linghu Chong set various traps for Tian Boguang this time, and finally made Tian Boguang voluntarily admit defeat after paying the price of being stabbed several times.

Then, Tian Boguang finally stopped embarrassing Yilin and left alone.

It's just that Linghu Chong was seriously injured because he was stabbed several times by Tian Boguang.

At this time, book fans finally know how Linghu Chong rescued Yi Lin from danger?

Afterwards, Luo Renjie from the Qingcheng faction arrived at Huiyanlou again. When he saw Linghu Chong and Yi Lin who were seriously injured, he naturally had nothing good to say.

Linghu Chong was already angry when he saw the Qingcheng sect disciples, and Luo Renjie's rudeness made him even more angry. He told Yilin that the Qingcheng sect's best martial arts move was called "Buttocks Backward Flat Sand and Falling Goose Style" .

Then, Luo Renjie and Linghu Chong had a conflict. Linghu Chong kicked Luo Renjie downstairs and personally demonstrated what it meant, "buttocks backward, flat on the sand and falling into the wild goose pose".

Naturally, Luo Renjie would not give in. After going upstairs, he raised his sword and stabbed Linghu Chong. He already had murderous intentions.

After all, Linghu Chong was too seriously injured and was no match for Luo Renjie, so he was stabbed through the chest by Luo Renjie's sword.

But Linghu Chong did not die because of this, and later used a trick to kill Luo Renjie.

This is the truth behind Linghu Chong killing Luo Renjie, a disciple of the Qingcheng Sect.

After learning the truth, everyone discovered that they had misunderstood Linghu Chong again. The reason why Linghu Chong killed Luo Renjie was actually because Luo Renjie had the intention to kill him first, so it was no wonder that Linghu Chong was blamed.

For book fans, they already have a new understanding of Linghu Chong at this time.

Although at this time, Linghu Chong still has not officially appeared, but he has become an absolute focus of attention.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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