Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1870 The real protagonist

Remember in one second【】

Linghu Chong became the focus, and after becoming the focus, Linghu Chong finally stopped stealing the show.

After Yilin finished telling Linghu Chong's story, she retreated to rest. The focus of the story finally returned to Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi dressed up as a hunchback and mingled in the crowd. He was originally very inconspicuous, but for some reasons, he was noticed by Yu Canghai. Although Yu Canghai did not recognize Lin Pingzhi, he asked who Lin Pingzhi was?

Then, Saibeiming Tuo Mufeng appeared, and a series of stories happened between Lin Pingzhi, Mu Gaofeng, Yu Canghai and others...

Originally, the main line of the story finally returned to the protagonist Lin Pingzhi, and book fans should be extremely excited. However, for some reason, book fans always involuntarily recall the previous stories about Linghu Chong in their minds.

Those stories are not very twists and turns, vivid, nor absurd, but book fans can't help but think of them.

This makes the book fans themselves find it a bit strange.

On the Internet, many book fans have mentioned this point invariably.

"It's really weird. Why do I always have to think about the story about Linghu Chong? You know, Lin Pingzhi is the protagonist of the story. Logically speaking, I should be looking forward to Lin Pingzhi's story more. In fact, in Before Linghu Chong appeared, I was really looking forward to Lin Pingzhi's story."

"It's not just you, I'm like this too. Can Lin Pingzhi save his parents? What kind of story will happen next? I'm still looking forward to Lin Pingzhi's story. But compared to Lin Pingzhi's story, but I’m looking forward to Linghu Chong’s story even more. I wonder what happened to Linghu Chong in the end?”

"Yes, Linghu Chong was first injured by Tian Boguang, and then stabbed by Luo Renjie of the Qingcheng faction. The injury was extremely serious. It was so serious that Yilin thought Linghu Chong was dead. I also thought Linghu Chong was dead. I felt extremely regretful at that time. But after Yilin carried Linghu Chong's body back to Yanlou, Linghu Chong's body disappeared, which made me wonder that Linghu Chong was not dead. I hope Linghu Chong is not dead. Death, I found that I quite liked Linghu Chong, and it would be such a shame if he died just like that."

"I also hope that Linghu Chong is not dead, but after all, Linghu Chong is not the protagonist. He might really die like this, and we can't always let him steal the limelight from the protagonist."

"Really dead? This shouldn't be possible. Linghu Chong hasn't officially appeared yet. All the stories about him now are through those few disciples of the Huashan Sect.

and dictated by Yilin of the Hengshan Sect. Since Linghu Chong enjoyed such treatment, he couldn't possibly be dead before he officially appeared. "

"Don't tell me, it's really possible. Everyone still remembers Xia Xueyi, the 'Golden Snake Man' in "Blue Blood Sword", right? Didn't Xia Xueyi die without officially appearing?"

"That's right. In Gu Yong's writing, nothing is impossible."

"The situation between Linghu Chong and Xia Xueyi is quite different. I don't think we can use Xia Xueyi's example to refer to Linghu Chong. Linghu Chong is probably not dead yet."

"What I want to know most right now is what happened to Linghu Chong? But he must not die!"

"I think Linghu Chong will be a very important character. It's impossible for him to die like this. Don't worry, everyone."


As the book fans talked, they came to a common question: Is Linghu Chong dead?

According to Yilin's previous narration, Linghu Chong was already dead, which made Yilin very sad.

But according to Yilin's story, after she left back to Yanlou with Linghu Chong's body in her arms, something happened and Linghu Chong's body disappeared.

This allowed book fans to discover clues that perhaps Linghu Chong was not dead at all.

Logically speaking, Linghu Chong should not have died like this.

You know, Linghu Chong has already become the focus of everyone's attention before he officially appears. This kind of treatment should originally belong to the protagonist.

Now that Linghu Chong is treated like this, it shows that Gu Yong attaches great importance to the character of Linghu Chong, and it is unreasonable to let him die like this.

Unless this was Gu Yong's deliberate move, just to make everyone think that Linghu Chong should not be dead, but in fact, Linghu Chong was really dead.

According to Guyong's unconventional writing style, it is really possible.

Therefore, book fans cannot make an accurate judgment now. Is Linghu Chong dead?

Naturally, book fans do not want Linghu Chong to die, but if Linghu Chong really died like this, although book fans would feel extremely sorry, they could accept it.

After all, Linghu Chong is not the protagonist. Even if he dies like this, he can still become a very special character in Gu Yong's works.

Linghu Chong can become a very special character, which is acceptable to book fans.

But regardless of whether Linghu Chong is dead or not, his limelight has completely overshadowed the protagonist Lin Pingzhi. This is a fact.

Many book fans don't understand, why did Gu Yong write this?

Is it really okay to let a supporting character outshine the protagonist?

However, book fans didn't understand, but some people's eyes lit up. They already knew why Gu Yong wrote this?

For example, Yang Qiming and Li Bo are from the Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming chuckled and said: "Why did Gu Yong write like this? The reason is very simple, because..."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Before Yang Qiming finished speaking, Li Bo said, "Because Linghu Chong is the real protagonist."

Yang Qiming laughed and said: "Yes, that must be the case. In "Heaven Slaying the Dragon", Gu Yong once made everyone mistakenly think that the protagonist was Zhang Junbao or Zhang Cuishan. Now, the boy repeated his old tricks, and the effect was very good Ideal, almost all book fans will think that Lin Pingzhi is the protagonist."

Li Bo also smiled and said: "Not only those ordinary book fans, but even us, once thought that Lin Pingzhi was the protagonist. Based on the previous content, Lin Pingzhi should be 100% the protagonist, and all the stories about him are completely It is in line with the protagonist’s setting. His family was wiped out and he embarked on the road of revenge. This is absolutely the protagonist’s setting. Gu Yong successfully deceived everyone.”

Yang Qiming nodded and said: "At first, I was completely deceived by Gu Yong. It was not until Gu Yong told these stories about Linghu Chong with the help of several Huashan disciples and Yi Lin. Only then did people realize that Linghu Chong was It should be the real protagonist.”

Li Bo said: "Since Linghu Chong is the protagonist, then it is naturally impossible for him to die."

Yang Qiming added: "This is natural."

Later, Yang Qiming updated a Weibo post, "Everyone seems to be a little confused. In the series of "The Swordsman" so far, why does Linghu Chong, the senior brother of the Huashan sect, frequently steal the limelight from the protagonist Lin Pingzhi? The reason? It's actually very simple. I think Linghu Chong is the real protagonist of "Swordsman". Lin Pingzhi should also be an important character, but he is not the protagonist."

This Weibo post spread on the Internet. After countless book fans saw it, they couldn't help but shout:

"I'll wipe it!"

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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