Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1875 Petition

Remember in one second【】

Who can compose a song "Swordsman" for them?

Fans of the book will have the answer in their own minds.

If there is a person in this world who can compose "Swordsman", then that person must be Li Fan.

In addition, maybe in addition to Li Fan, some other outstanding musicians should be able to compose it, but book fans will definitely think that it is not the real "Swordsman".

In other words, in the consciousness of book fans, only "The Swordsman" composed by Li Fan is the real "The Swordsman".

So, the key question now is, is Li Fan willing to compose "Swordsman" for them?

Book fans don’t actually dare to have high hopes for this.

Because the outside world knows that Li Fan does not create music easily. If you want to hear Li Fan's new music works, you must have a chance.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for Li Fan to create a musical work before the opportunity comes, although it may only take a few minutes for Li Fan to create a musical work.

No one doubts this.

However, it is not completely impossible. The possible factor lies in Gu Yong.

As we all know, the relationship between Gu Yong and Li Fan is very unusual. If Gu Yong asked Li Fan to help compose a song "Swordsman", then Li Fan would not refuse.

The two have collaborated in this area before. The theme song "Iron-Blooded Heart" of Li's TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" was composed by Li Fan.

It was a collaboration between two top talents, and it has already become a good story among the outside world.

Now, it is not impossible for the two to join forces again and stage a good story again.

Thinking of this, the book fans' eyes widened and their hopes suddenly increased.

So, what book fans need to do now is to let Guyong know their strong desire to listen to "The Song of Swordsman".

When Guyong sees that their wishes are so strong, he is likely to help them realize their wishes.

Moreover, not only Gu Yong can see their strong desire, but Li Fan and the entire outside world can also see it.


This time they have enough opportunities, Li Fan will take the initiative to compose a song "Swordsman" for them.

Who knows?

As a result, petitions were made online and on Gu Yong's Weibo, expressing his strong desire to hear "Swordsman".

Suddenly, the main theme on the Internet.

Guyong saw it, Li Fan saw it, the rest of the musicians saw it, and many people outside also saw it.

The rest of the netizens who have not watched "Swordsman" can't help but feel very confused when they see so many suddenly appearing on the Internet and want to hear the strong voice of "Swordsman".

"Strange, what is going on? Why do so many people suddenly petition at the same time, saying they want to listen to "The Swordsman"? What is "The Swordsman"? Who composed the new song? This shouldn't be the case , I have never heard of "Swordsman".

"I don't know, these voices suddenly appeared together, and the desire seems to be very strong. It's really strange."

""The Swordsman"? I remember that the martial arts series that Gu Yong is currently serializing seems to be called "The Swordsman". I wonder if it has anything to do with it?"

"The martial arts that Gu Yong is serializing? I remembered it, and it seems that it is indeed called "The Swordsman". Moreover, this is Gu Yong's last martial arts. After the serialization of "The Swordsman" is completed, the martial arts will be officially concluded. "

"Yes, I remembered it too. If that's the case, then "The Swordsman" should be related to "The Swordsman"."

"I just went to inquire about it, and it is indeed related. It is said that in "The Swordsman", there is a song of the same name called "The Swordsman". This song is a collaboration between two of the top musicians in it. The composition is an unparalleled piece of music. Therefore, those fans of martial arts books are very eager to hear such a piece of music."

"So that's it. In this way, those book fans hope that a musician can compose a song "Swordsman". It sounds like it is very interesting."

""The Swordsman" is a fictitious song by Gu Yong, and it is called an unparalleled piece of music. If a real musician wants to compose such a piece of music, it would be as difficult as "difficult" To describe it, most musicians wouldn’t even dare to think about it.”

"The difficulty is absolutely as difficult as climbing to the sky, but for a person, it may not be that difficult."

"You are talking about Mr. Li Fan, of course we know this. But the key problem is that Mr. Li Fan does not easily compose songs. Those book fans want Mr. Li Fan to take action as soon as they petition. I'm afraid they think too much. A little better.”

"It's just a petition from book fans to get Mr. Li Fan to take action. It's really unlikely. But don't forget that "Swordsman" is the work of Mr. Gu Yong. If Mr. Gu Yong comes forward, the problem may not be solved. Big."

"I understand. It turns out that the main purpose of those book fans' petition is to let Mr. Guyong know their strong wishes, and then let Mr. Guyong come forward. This operation is okay."

"In addition to Mr. Li Fan, there are actually many very outstanding musicians in our country. It's just because Li Fan is too dazzling that they appear relatively ordinary. Their strength is actually very strong. I think those book fans are petitioning them, it is also fine."

"Those book fans did not specify that they were petitioning Mr. Li Fan. It can be said that they were petitioning all musicians. Other musicians

^0^ Remember in one second【】

, if you want to seize this opportunity and show your strength, it is naturally possible. Those book fans will definitely be very surprised. "

"Haha! I suddenly became extremely interested in this matter. "Swordsman"? I wonder if there are really musicians willing to compose such a song?"

"I also have a lot of interest. I want to pay full attention to this matter. In addition, I also suddenly want to hear the song called "Swordsman"."

"It would be great if Mr. Li Fan really composed a song called "The Swordsman"."

"If Mr. Guyong comes forward, the possibility is indeed very high. In short, from now on, we will keep paying attention to this matter, that's all."

"Of course, even if you don't have the opportunity to hear the new song composed by Mr. Li Fan, it would be very interesting and worth looking forward to see if any other musicians dare to come forward and compose a song "Swordsman"."

"Then, let us pay attention to the development of things at all times."


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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