Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1876 It’s as difficult as climbing to the sky

Remember in one second【】

As netizens have discussed, the online petition by martial arts fans has also aroused the interest of other musicians.

Almost all musicians know about the work "Swordsman", and some musicians are still reading it. They are also loyal fans of martial arts books.

Naturally, they knew the fictional "Swordsman of the Swordsman" written by Gu Yong in his work.

Those musicians who have not read "The Swordsman" have also gone out to find the relevant chapters in "The Swordsman" and have a very good understanding of the stories before and after the birth of "The Swordsman". .

So, now comes the key question. With so many fans petitioning at the same time on the Internet, should they try to compose a song?

If the songs they create this time are recognized by the outside world and martial arts fans, their influence will definitely be greatly improved.

You must know that Gu Yong's influence is already huge. In addition, "Swordsman" is Gu Yong's last work, and the influence will be even greater.

Many musicians are very moved, but now they are just moving.

Because every musician knows that it is extremely difficult to create works that are recognized by the outside world and martial arts book fans.

It is simply as difficult as climbing to the sky!

Many people have no confidence.

A group of musicians were actively discussing this matter in their communication circles.

"What a great opportunity! What a great opportunity! This is really a good opportunity! It's really exciting."

"The opportunity is definitely a good one, but it's a pity that it's a little too difficult. Alas! I must just watch the opportunity slip away."

"I carefully studied Mr. Gu Yong's description of "The Swordsman" and found that it may be more difficult than we thought. This song was composed by Liu Zhengfeng, a sect of the Jianghu sect, and Qu Yang, a member of the Demon Cult. , these two people, good and evil, should have been natural rivals, but now they have become close friends, and they have composed a piece of music that is unique in the world. So, this piece of music must be majestic and heroic, giving people a sense of harmony. Ignoring the rules of the world and laughing at everyone's arrogance! It's easy to make up such a song, but you can imagine how difficult it is to create it realistically."

"Your analysis only pointed out one difficulty in composing this piece. There are many other difficulties. For example, in addition to embodying Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang,

In addition to ignoring the rules of the world and being proud of the world, it also gives listeners a very strong sense of auditory impact, sense of immersion, etc. In short, it’s difficult, it’s difficult! It’s as difficult as climbing to the sky! "

"For most people, it is indeed as difficult as climbing to the sky, but for those musical geniuses, it may not be that difficult. I have self-knowledge and will not show my shame this time. I want to know now, who Planning to give it a try?”

"The temptation this time is so great, someone will definitely try it. I just wonder if Mr. Li Fan is interested? For Mr. Li Fan, it shouldn't be difficult."

"This opportunity is very tempting for us, but it has no temptation at all for Mr. Li Fan. I guess Mr. Li Fan is not very interested."

"I don't know. Mr. Li Fan relies on chance when creating songs. He may or may not create one this time."

"Mr. Li Fan is an immortal in the sky, a legendary existence. We can't guess his thoughts. Speaking of which, who do you think will try to compose a song this time?"

"Well, I think Mr. Yu Qun might go."


Times Literary Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming and Li Bo are also extremely interested in the collective petition of book fans on the Internet.

Their desire to hear "Swordsman" is also very strong.

Yang Qiming said: "Lao Li, do you think there will be musicians coming out to compose such a song this time?"

Li Bodao: "With the influence of Guyong and "Swordsman", there will definitely be a lot of musicians interested. It's just that it's extremely difficult to create such a song. Most musicians, I'm afraid they can only watch the music and sigh. The remaining few musicians will definitely try to create. I just don't know if the works they create will make them proud of the world? Unless Mr. Li Fan is interested in composing one. "

Yang Qiming said: "If Mr. Li Fan is interested in this, it would be perfect."

Li Bo said: "No matter what, this time's "Swordsman" is very worth looking forward to. I can't wait."

Yang Qiming smiled and said, "Let's wait and see."

Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen sighed again and said: "I didn't expect that a fictional song by Gu Yong would have such a great influence. It not only caused countless book fans to petition together, but also made almost all musicians ready to move. Gu Yong The final work is indeed not peaceful."

Wang Yang said: "When did Gu Yong's serial works calm down again? What I'm interested in now is, what kind of works will those musicians who are ready to make trouble create?"

Jian Yishen said: "Unless Mr. Li Fan takes action personally, I think we should not have too high hopes."

Wang Yang said: "But, will Mr. Li Fan be interested in taking action?"

Jian Yishen shook his head and said, "Then who knows?"

Sansheng Village.

Li Fan naturally saw the requests from book fans.

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Hope, as well as the voices of those musicians, and the outside world's discussions about this incident.

"Swordsman" is not only not available in this world, but also in previous lives.

This song was originally a fictitious song by Mr. Jin Yong.

However, in his previous life, the famous musician Mr. Hu Weili once composed a song "The Swordsman" for Lu Songxian's version of the TV series "The Swordsman".

This piece is composed by Mr. Hu Weili and is adapted from the classical Buddhist music "Pure Heart Universal Mantra". The rhythm is fast and distinct, and it still feels a bit like being proud of the world.

However, this piece of music is not heroic enough, nor is it proud enough.

Therefore, this song is not well-known.

Even those who know this piece of music, many people mistakenly think that the name of the piece composed by Mr. Hu Weili is called "Pure Heart Universal Good Mantra".

But this is not the case. The real name of the song "Pure Heart Universal Good Mantra" should be called "Pu'an Mantra". It was composed by Zen Master Pu'an during the Southern and Northern Dynasties. It describes the solemn and solemn music of listening to Zen in ancient temples.

Mr. Hu Weili drew on this piece of music to compose "Swordsman and Flute Ensemble".

In fact, in previous lives, when it came to "Swordsman", the first thing that everyone thought of was often another piece, or a song.

That is "A Laugh in the Sea" written and composed by Huang Zhan.

"A Laugh in the Sea" is far more famous than "The Swordsman". In the opinion of many people, "A Laugh in the Sea" is the real "Swordsman".

Li Fan thinks so too.

"A Laugh from the Sea" skillfully arranges the five tones of traditional music, "Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu", with ups and downs of melody, full of pride and overwhelming power.

There is a strong aura of being at a high place but calm in the heart, which is the true smile of being proud of the world!

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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