Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1918 3 questions

Remember in one second【】

On the Internet, book fans are still discussing fiercely.

There are too many things worth discussing in the eloquent paragraph of Guyong’s Weibo.

"Heaven and earth are unkind and treat all things as stupid dogs!" This sage's words are naturally one of the focuses of everyone's discussion.

Everyone is lamenting that the sky is so big and everything is just a stupid dog in its eyes. No matter how strong everything is, it will never escape its control.

Everyone understands this sage’s words in this way, and they all think this is the correct understanding.

It wasn't until Yang Qiming updated a Weibo post that everyone was shocked to discover that their understanding of this sage's words was actually wrong.

Yang Qiming's updated Weibo first explained in detail the correct way to understand that sentence, and then wrote at the end of the Weibo: "We can probably be sure of one thing now, that is, 'Heaven and earth are unkind, and all things are regarded as cud. Dog!' This sage's words will be the theme of this work. As for why Mr. Guyong would use such a sage's words as the theme? I can't answer this question now. When we finish reading the ancient After Mr. Yong’s work, we should know the answer. Now, all we need to do is wait patiently!”

After reading this Weibo post by Yang Qiming, book fans were collectively stunned.

"Oh no! So that's how this sentence is understood. Damn it, we just understood it the wrong way before."

"Now that I think about it, it should indeed be understood this way. The heaven and earth are great, how can it treat everything like a stupid dog?"

"Now that I understand the correct meaning of this sentence, I find that the wisdom contained in this sentence is greater than before."

"Of course, Mr. Yang Qiming thinks this sentence contains infinite wisdom. Who is Gu Yong? Could he be like Mr. Li Fan, a banished immortal from heaven who came down to earth?"

"Although I know this is impossible, I really feel that Gu Yongda is a banished immortal from heaven descending to earth."

"Whether it's about banishing immortals to the earth or not? I'm even more interested in this work by Gu Yongda."

"I really hope this work can be serialized as soon as possible. After watching this trailer by Gu Yong, I am getting more and more itchy."

"Who says it's not the case? We originally thought that after watching the trailer, we wouldn't be so itchy. But who would have thought that it would make us even more itchy."

"Alas! This is mainly because of Gu Yong's prediction.

It’s so exciting and thrilling, even the words of saints come out, how can we resist its temptation? "

"I don't know the name of this work by Gu Yongda?"

"It's okay that I don't know the name. What I want to know most now is where will this work be serialized?"

"Oh no! This is indeed a problem. This work is no longer a martial arts work, and it should not be serialized on "Laughing Rivers and Lakes". Could it be that Gu Yong would choose to serialize it on Weibo? Who serialized novels on Weibo? The pioneering work was initiated by Gu Yong. This was still ahead of Mr. Li Fan."

"I hope Gu Yong will choose to serialize it on Weibo. I really prefer reading novels on the Internet now. It's so convenient."

"Indeed, it is very convenient to read novels on the Internet. You can take out your mobile phone and read them anytime, anywhere. Gu Yongda's initiative of serializing novels on the Internet can be called a great initiative."

"Yes, we can read novels on our mobile phones conveniently and comfortably, all because of Gu Yongda's initiative."

"The key question now is, will Guyong choose to serialize it on Weibo this time?"

"I don't know... I can only hope so."


Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen said: "Editor-in-chief, there is another mystery to what you said. It is what Mr. Yang Qiming said on Weibo. Does that sentence really mean?"

Wang Yang smiled and said: "Indeed, I did suspect that everyone's understanding was wrong before. But I am not sure about my answer. Now that Mr. Yang Qiming has said this, it proves that my understanding is indeed correct. "

Jian Yishen nodded heavily. He was worthy of being an editor-in-chief, and his thinking and understanding skills were really better than him.

Of course, if we just talk about the creative ability of martial arts novels, Wang Yang is definitely not as good as Jian Yishen.

After a while, Jian Yishen said again: "Editor-in-Chief, where do you think he will choose to serialize this time?"

Wang Yang said: "I think it is more likely that he will choose to serialize on Weibo. After all, this serialization method was pioneered by him, and it cannot be serialized on "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", so naturally it will be serialized on Weibo. ”

Jian Yishen nodded and said: "I think so too. I have to admit that serializing novels on Weibo is indeed very convenient for book fans. It is far more convenient than going to newsstands or bookstores to buy physical magazines. "

Wang Yang said: "That's true. Even Li Fan has chosen this method to serialize novels, which shows that this serialization method is indeed very marketable. Fortunately, this serialization method is completely free. Only Li Fan and Gu Yong are completely free. Only authors who don’t care about royalties dare to adopt such a serialization method. In addition, not all works of Li Fan and Gu Yong choose to be serialized on Weibo. This shows that not all works are suitable for serialization on Weibo. Serializing the novel on Weibo will not have any impact on the sales of our magazine.”

Jian Yishen nodded and said: "That's true."

^0^ Remember in one second【】

Guyong finally released a preview of his new book. Naturally, it is impossible for major media to miss such a big event.

In fact, as soon as Guyong's Weibo was updated, major media had already reported it, and they were also paying attention to Guyong's Weibo all the time.

Now, countless people want to know three questions the most, that is, what is the name of Gu Yong's new book? When will serialization officially start? Where will you choose to serialize?

For the major media, if they can be the first to know the answers to these three questions and report them first, then their report this time will definitely become the absolute focus.

This makes every media excited. They all want to be the first to report the answers to these three questions.

So, how do you find out?

Gu Yong's identity is mysterious and almost difficult to contact, but the media can find Xiaojianghu Studio and Xiaojianghu Magazine, two places closely related to Gu Yong.

As a result, both the Xiaojianghu Studio and Xiaojianghu Magazine were crowded with media reporters who came to find answers.

Although they may not be able to get the answer in these two places, it is an opportunity and the only way for them after all, so they come.

As a result, reporters from major media became excited and excited because they really got an answer.

That is where Gu Yong will choose to serialize his new work this time?

The answer is not serialization on Weibo, as many people have speculated before, but that Gu Yong will launch a brand new website and then serialize new works on this website.

This answer was revealed by Xiaojianghu Magazine. Li Fan knew that the media would go to Xiaojianghu Magazine to find out the answer, so he told Liang Yuan and Gu Wei in advance that they did not have to hide it and could reveal the answer to the media.

After the media who went to Xiaojianghu Magazine publicly reported the answer, it naturally aroused heated discussion from the outside world.


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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