Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1929 Baguio

Remember in one second【】

All the book fans were talking a lot and seemed very excited.

The appearance of Lu Xueqi made them look forward to the appearance of another woman in green clothes on the cover!

From the current point of view, there is a possibility that Lu Xueqi is attracted to Zhang Xiaofan, and it is impossible for Zhang Xiaofan not to be tempted when facing Lu Xueqi, who is as beautiful as a fairy, right?

Then, Lu Xueqi and Zhang Xiaofan are very likely to get together.

In this case, what role will the woman in green clothes play? Will she also like Zhang Xiaofan? Will Zhang Xiaofan also like her?

If you can hold two beauties at the same time, it would be perfect.

All the book fans are thinking this in their hearts, and are full of expectations for the appearance of the woman in green clothes!

And they didn't wait long when their hearts suddenly skipped a beat. The woman in green clothes seemed to have appeared.

Zhang Xiaofan, Lu Xueqi, Zeng Shushu, and Qi Hao are the top four in the Seven Meridians Competition. In order to train the four of them, the leader Daoxuan decided to let them go down the mountain to practice.

Master Daoxuan asked the four of them to go to the Wanbat Ancient Cave in Kongsang Mountain to investigate the strange movements of the Demon Cult.

The four of them followed the instructions and went down the mountain to the prosperous Heyang City.

In the city, the four of them went to a large restaurant for dinner and were served a dish called "Stewed Sleeping Fish".

The body of the fish was very long, with a sub-round front part and a narrow back part. The body was dark brown and had two pairs of whiskers. It was thick and long. Zhang Xiaofan had never seen it before.

Zhang Xiaofan, who was very interested in cooking, couldn't help but ask the waiter, what kind of fish was that? And how is it cooked?

The waiter introduced that this fish is called "Sleep Fish" and it is their signature dish.

After Zhang Xiaofan tasted it, he was very intoxicated and gave a very professional review, which surprised Lu Xueqi, Zeng Shushu and Qi Hao. The waiter even praised Zhang Xiaofan as an expert.

Zhang Xiaofan was a little embarrassed, but he still asked the waiter, where does the sleepy fish come from?

Before the waiter could answer, he heard a woman's voice at the big table next door: "This sleepy fish is a specialty of Zhugou Mountain in the south. It's thousands of miles away from here. How can it be transported here? Aren't you a liar?" "?"

Zhang Xiaofan and others were surprised.

Looking to the side, I saw eight people sitting at the table next door, six men and two women.

Among them, the woman who spoke was not very old. She looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old. She was dressed in aqua clothes and her appearance was extremely beautiful. Even compared to Lu Xueqi, she was not inferior by a few points. She had thin eyebrows and fair skin, and a pair of bright big eyes. It's agile.

Aqua green clothes? Very beautiful?

Seeing such adjectives, book fans' hearts skipped a beat, and they thought of the woman in green clothes on the cover.

Could it be her?

It's not 100% certain yet, but it's definitely possible.

They didn't expect to see the woman in green clothes appear so soon. After the book fans were shocked, they became very excited.

But, what is this woman’s name? What is your identity again? We don’t know yet.

The answer is yet to come.

If this woman is really the woman in green clothes on the cover, she will obviously appear again.

As for the woman's reappearance, book fans did not have to wait long.

That night, Zhang Xiaofan was a little upset and couldn't sleep. He went to the garden alone, looked at a flower, and recalled the past, and he couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

At this moment, a slender hand stretched out from the darkness, reached out to the flower, and broke it off.

Zhang Xiaofan felt that the moonlight all over the sky had lost its luster in an instant, leaving only endless darkness.

Who broke that flower?

Zhang Xiaofan was very angry and looked at the owner of those jade hands, but it was the girl in aqua clothes who was in the restaurant during the day.

Zhang Xiaofan was stunned, and the book fans' eyes lit up. That woman appeared again so soon.

I wonder if this appearance will leave more information?

The girl put the flowers she had just picked on the tip of her nose and sniffed them, her face showed an intoxicated look, and there was even more of a thrilling beauty. The delicate flowers were instantly eclipsed by the girl's beautiful face.

The book fans were so excited when they read it, they really wished that the girl would really appear in front of them.

It's a pity that Zhang Xiaofan doesn't know how to appreciate such a beautiful girl right in front of him. He didn't even feel the slightest emotion. Instead, he felt angry. He frowned and asked the girl, "Why did you break the flower off?"

The book fans sighed inwardly, this boy doesn't understand the style, what a beautiful scenery was ruined by this boy.

pity! pity!

The girl's bright eyes moved as she looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said that she picked the flower because it was the flower's blessing. Zhang Xiaofan, a layman, didn't understand!

Zhang Xiaofan shook his head and said, the flower was broken off and even his life was gone, how could he be happy?

The girl then asked if Zhang Xiaofan had Hua, how could he know that Hua was unhappy?

Zhang Xiaofan felt even more angry when he saw the girl being unreasonable, and said, "You are not a flower, how do you know she is happy?" Maybe the flower is suffering now, and there is water on the petals, which is the tears left by the flower.

After hearing this, the girl was stunned for a moment, and then she smiled like a hundred flowers in full bloom. Zhang Xiaofan, who was angry, was also stunned for a moment.

The book fans nodded, this is the proper reaction.

The girl kept laughing and said that this was the first time she heard a grown man describe dew as the tears of flowers.

Zhang Xiaofan was a little embarrassed, but he still said stubbornly, "So what?"

^0^ Remember in one second【】

? "

The girl laughed even louder after hearing this.

Zhang Xiaofan was angry and embarrassed, so he turned around and left. He couldn't afford to offend the girl in front of him, so it was better for him to stay away.

When the girl saw Zhang Xiaofan leaving, she asked him what his name was.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't say anything at first, but after the girl's questioning, he finally said his name.

After saying that, he quickly left the garden, looking a bit like he was running away.

After Zhang Xiaofan left, the woman who was with the girl during the day came to the garden.

The girl called the woman "Aunt You", and Aunt You told the girl that the four people were all disciples of Qingyun Sect.

Apparently, Aunt You went to find out the identities of Zhang Xiaofan and the other four.

Aunt You looked at the girl in the garden and said, "Baguio, I haven't seen you enjoying flowers for a long time."


All the book fans felt a thrill in their hearts. They finally knew the girl's name.

Yao is a beautiful stone that looks like jade. Yao is the same as jade, but it has a more ethereal and beautiful artistic conception than jade.

Baguio, beautiful blue jade, with aquatic figures and bright smiles.

This is a gorgeous name!

The hearts of the book fans were throbbing. At this time, they were absolutely sure that the girl wearing aqua clothes and smiling coquettishly was the woman in green clothes on the cover.

It’s absolutely unmistakable, just because of the name “Baguio”.

Sometimes, it is easy to judge something.

However, this beautiful girl named Baguio, although she has a sweet smile on her face, seems to have some sadness in her heart?

Because, the girl picked up the flower in her hand and looked at it again. She still had a smile on her face, but she clenched her hand resolutely and crushed the beautiful flower into pieces.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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