Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1965 The title of the book has its own persuasive effect

Remember in one second【】

Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen frowned, thinking, "History? Why would he choose history?"

Gu Yong's second type of work is "history", which made Jian Yishen fall into deep thought.

Although Gu Yong no longer writes about martial arts, Jian Yishen still pays great attention to Gu Yong.

Not only Jian Yishen, but all martial arts authors also pay great attention to Gu Yong.

Gu Yong's second type is "history", which makes Jian Yishen confused.

It’s not a secret that most people are not interested in history, everyone knows it.

So why did Guyong choose a genre that most people are not interested in?

Unable to figure out this question, Jian Yishen always felt uncomfortable in his heart.

He said to Wang Yang: "Editor-in-chief, I still don't understand why Gu Yong chose the genre of 'history'?"

Wang Yang sighed softly and said: "To be honest, I don't understand. Maybe Gu Yong is confident that the historical novels he created will be liked by people who are not interested in history. After all, previous historical novels Books have never appeared in the form of novels. Gu Yong is going to break this pattern and become the first person in historical novels.”

"Becoming the first person in historical novels?" Jian Yishen's heart suddenly trembled. He was very sensitive to this statement.

And what Wang Yang said is not wrong. There are two situations for "the first person in historical novels". One is the one who has the highest achievements in historical novels, and the other is the creator of the first historical novel in history.

Will Guyong become the most accomplished person in historical novels? It may not be certain yet, but it is a fact that he will be the author of the first historical novel.

Therefore, Wang Yang’s statement is not wrong.

Jian Yishen smiled bitterly, why do you always feel that it is very easy for Gu Yong to become the first person in a certain literary field?

To be honest, Jian Yishen is very envious and even a little jealous. Fortunately, his mentality is very good now. After being envious and jealous, he will be relieved and will not form inner demons because of it.

But why did Guyong choose the genre of "history"? Jian Yishen still didn't understand something.

Just because Gu Yong is confident,

Can the historical works you create make people who are not interested in history interested in reading them?

Or does Gu Yong have some other purpose?

Jian Yishen didn't think too clearly and felt panicked. He didn't like this feeling very much.

"Other purposes? What other purposes do you think Gu Yong has? Is this... possible?" Wang Yang said looking at Jian Yishen.

Jian Yishen shook his head and said, "I don't know either, so I want to ask the editor for his opinion."

Wang Yang thought for a moment and said: "I can't see through this now. Maybe there is, maybe not. Xiao Tang, you don't have to worry about this problem anymore. What kind of plan does Gu Yong have? It's really hard for others to guess. We will know the answer later, and it is useless to think about it now.”

Jian Yishen nodded slowly and helplessly. It seemed that he could only do this for now.

Wait until later and let the answers come to you.

Jian Yishen sighed, still feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

All martial arts novel authors, as well as authors in other novel fields, like Jian Yishen, are also speculating on the reasons why Gu Yong chose to publish historical works.

They kept talking.

After discussing for a while, they found that they still couldn't guess Gu Yong's intention, which made them quite depressed and felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

But there is no way, they can only wait for the answer to surface automatically later.

The fact that the second type of novel to be launched by Guyong is "history" makes everyone find it somewhat incomprehensible, including ordinary book fans, authors in various novel fields, celebrities, major media, etc.

If Gu Yong was just an ordinary author, it would definitely arouse the ridicule of many people, saying that Gu Yong could not even recognize the basic market.

But Gu Yong is not an ordinary author, so no one dares to ridicule Gu Yong. Who dares to say that Gu Yong cannot recognize the market?

Everyone just felt very incomprehensible. Gu Yong's thoughts were beyond the comprehension of ordinary people like them.

So why does Guyong launch historical works? What kind of historical work is it?

After seeing Gu Yong's new works, the answer may be slowly revealed.

Therefore, the launch of Gu Yong's new work has once again attracted much attention.

Compared to when the first work "Zhu Xian" was released, it is no less impressive.

And the time finally slowly arrived at 10 o'clock the next morning.

The moment that countless people have been waiting for has finally arrived.

After logging into Qidian Chinese website, the first thing you see is a pop-up window that almost fills the entire screen. The content of the pop-up window is Gu Yong's new work, with a one-minute countdown to the reveal of the title of the work.

"60, 59, 58, 57..."

Every time the time decreases by one second, everyone's heartbeats beat violently. The longer the time decreases, the more intense their heartbeats become.

Including those book fans who have no expectations for Guyong's new book. Although they are not interested in historical works, they think they will not read it this time.

But they are also curious, what kind of historical work will Gu Yong release?

At this moment of public attention, they naturally also

^0^ Remember in one second【】

focus on.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

Entering the last 10 seconds of countdown, everyone's heartbeats reached their peak, with excitement, anticipation, and even some nervousness.

They don't know why they feel nervous? This is indeed quite puzzling.


The countdown ended. At this moment, everyone opened their eyes wide. They wanted to see the title of Guyong's new book immediately.

The countdown interface disappeared, and after a burst of brilliant light, the title of Gu Yong's new book appeared.

"Those Things About Tomorrow"!

The answer was finally revealed. It was indeed a historical work. Even if Gu Yong didn't say it was a historical work before, now everyone can probably guess it when they see the title.

"Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" is very straightforward. This is a work about the Ming Dynasty.

To be honest, everyone was somewhat surprised when they saw such a title.

Everyone originally thought that even if it was a historical work this time, Gu Yong would definitely choose a very special and attractive title.

After all, most people are not interested in history, so first use an attractive title to arouse everyone's interest and then move on.

But now, this title is not only unattractive, but also has a dissuasive effect, especially for those who are not interested in history.

The majority of people are not interested in history, so the title of this book may directly dissuade most of them.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Those who don’t intend to read it are just the ones who are not interested in history. But after the persuasion of those who are interested in history, they are already interested in Gu Yong’s new book. People who had some interest and were already ready to read it suddenly lost interest in reading when they saw such a title.

"Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" looks like a documentary book introducing the Ming Dynasty. It's no wonder those people lost interest in it in an instant.

Apart from people who are interested in history, who would like to read documentary books?

This is a title that has a self-dissuasive effect.

Many people raised their eyebrows and sighed that the ancient and mediocre behavior really gave people "surprises" at every turn.

They absolutely believed that if Guyong wanted to choose a very attractive title, it would be a very simple matter.

But Gu Yong chose such a book title, which has the effect of dissuading people to quit, which makes people feel helpless.

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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